Sunday 16 January 2005
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Monitor: Classic Reprints |
New editions of classic fiction seen in the last few weeks of 2004 include Nancy Kress' Beggars in Spain, The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Vol. IIA in hardcover, a 20th anniversary edition of Samuel R. Delany's Stars In My Pocket Like Grains of Sand, and other books by Peter Atkins, Henry Kuttner at al, Carol Emshwiller, Dennis Etchison, Elizabeth A. Lynn, E. Hoffman Price, Vernor Vinge, Philip Wylie, and Roger Zelazny
Friday 31 December 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new books seen the last half of December: Allen Steele's Coyote Rising, Douglas Clegg's Afterlife, Alternate Gerrolds, novels by Diana Hignutt and Elizabeth Scarborough, and nonfiction by Michael Shermer
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Monitor: Last Weekend's Bestsellers |
J.K. Rowling retakes all the Amazon lists; plus Michael Crichton, Nancy Farmer
Tuesday 21 December 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, due for publication July 16, 2005, is #1 at Amazon
Friday 17 December 2004
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Monitor: What's In Other Magazines |
Seen the first half of December: The Third Alternative's 10th anniversary issue, and new issues of Amazing Stories, Black Gate, Dreams and Nightmares, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, The New York Review of Science Fiction, Paradox, and Weird Tales
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new books seen the second week of December: Dean Koontz's Life Expectancy, Stephan Zielinski's offbeat first novel Bad Magic, Lou Anders' anthology of essays about SF and film, Forry Ackerman's collection of pulp magazine covers, other novels by Catherine Asaro, Mike Shepherd, Susan Shwartz, and Alan F. Troop, anthologies from Denise Little and Diana L. Paxson, and the Art of Halo
Tuesday 14 December 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Michael Crichton, Dean Koontz
Friday 10 December 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new books seen the first week of December, including Michael Crichton's State of Fear, Steven Gould's Reflex, Spider Robinson's Very Bad Deaths, other novels by Kage Baker, Stephen Baxter, K.J. Bishop, Albert E. Cowdrey, David Gemmell, John Moore, Susan Price, and Travis S. Taylor, plus anthologies from Dann & Dozois and Deborah Noyes
Tuesday 7 December 2004
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Monitor: New in Paperback |
Mass market editions of Jo Walton's World Fantasy Award winner Tooth and Claw and other novels by Kage Baker, Stephen Baxter, Robin Hobb, L.E. Modesitt, Jr., Chris Moriarty, Robert Reed, Wen Spencer, Victoria Strauss, and Harry Turtledove
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Sean Stewart
Friday 3 December 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new books seen the last week of November, including Mark Budz's Crache, Jon Courtenay Grimwood's Stamping Butterflies, Alastair Reynolds' Century Rain, other novels by Paul Di Filippo, Jennifer Fallon, Al Sarrantonio, and David Sosnowski, plus a book on digital SF art, and an anthology from Keith Olexa
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Monitor: What's In Other Magazines |
Seen the second half of November: Jack Williamson in the 75th-anniversary Analog, Roger Ebert in Sheila Williams' Asimov's, plus new issues of Amazing Stories, Chronicle, Interzone, Star*Line, and True Review
Tuesday 30 November 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Locus Online survey of genre titles on general lists...
Friday 26 November 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new books seen the third week of November, including Jack Vance's Lurulu, Marcos Donnelly's Letters from the Flesh, Charles Stross' The Family Trade, Spider Robinson's The Crazy Years, and Cathy & Arnie Fenner's Spectrum 11; plus a short novel and an anthology from Michael Chabon, a poetry collection from G.O. Clark, a collection from Jonathan Lethem, and novels from Jane Lindskold and L.A. Marzulli
Tuesday 23 November 2004
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Monitor: What's In Other Magazines |
Seen the first half of November: new issues of Book of Dark Wisdom, Flytrap, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Mythic Delirium, and Realms of Fantasy
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Michael Chabon, Susanna Clarke, Stephen King, Philip Roth
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Monitor: New in Paperback |
Books by Catherine Asaro, Robert Asprin & Jody Lynn Nye, Orson Scott Card, William C. Dietz, Ty Drago, David & Leigh Eddings, James A. Hetley, Kij Johnson, Jack McDevitt, and Robert Silverberg
Saturday 20 November 2004
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Monitor: Classic Reprints |
Fifty years of Australian SF, a 20th anniverary edition of Neuromancer, plus new editions of fiction by Greg Bear, Jonathan Carroll, Harlan Ellison, Keith Laumer, and Pamela Sargent, and an anthology of Christmas tales edited by David G. Hartwell
Friday 19 November 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new books seen the second week of November, including Gene Wolfe's The Wizard, other novels by Jacqueline Carey, Keith R. A. DeCandido, David Drake, David & Leigh Eddings, Tamara Siler Jones, Oisin McGann, Christopher Moore, Jean Rabe, Leigh Richards, Joel Rosenberg, and Lisa Smedman, plus an anthology from Eric Flint, and a collection by Robert Silverberg
Tuesday 16 November 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Philip Roth, Susanna Clarke, Stephen King
Wednesday 10 November 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new books seen the first week of November, including Jack McDevitt's Polaris, Tad Williams' Shadowmarch, other novels by Kelley Armstrong, Alison Baird, John Barnes, Robert Buettner, Dennis Foon, Shannon Hale, James A. Hetley, Michael Hoeye, and Matthew Hughes, plus collections and anthologies from Algis Budrys, Esther M. Friesner, John Pelan, Stanley C. Sargent, and George Zebrowski
Tuesday 9 November 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
David Weber, Christopher Moore, Dean Koontz
Thursday 4 November 2004
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Monitor: What's In Other Magazines |
Aeon, a new electronic magazine, debuts, and Premonitions, a UK magazine from the early '90s, relaunches.
Plus, new issues of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, and The New York Review of Science Fiction
Tuesday 2 November 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new books seen the last week of October, including Jack Williamson's memorial Seventy-Five: The Diamond Anniversary of a Science Fiction Pioneer, Peter Straub's In the Night Room, the first James Tiptree Award Anthology,
Lucius Shepard's Viator, and other fiction by Bruce Balfour, L.G. Burbank, Clamp, Madeline Howard, Michael Lawrence, R.A. Salvatore, Ruth A. Souther, Judith Tarr, G.P. Taylor, Karen Traviss, Harry Turtledove, and David Weber, plus nonfiction about Harry Potter
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
R.A. Salvatore, Philip Roth, Susanna Clarke
Tuesday 26 October 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Stephen R. Donaldson, Lackey & Mallory, R.A. Salvatore, David Weber
Sunday 24 October 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new books seen the third week of October, including Stephen R. Donaldson's The Runes of the Earth, Johanna Sinisalo's Troll: A Love Story, Jeff VanderMeer's Why Should I Cut Your Throat?, and other books by T.A. Barron, John Gregory Betancourt, Storm Constantine, Emily Drake, Alan Dean Foster, Caitlin R. Kiernan, Mercedes Lackey & James Mallory, Maxine McArthur, Mickey Zucker Reichert, Sean Russell, Dana Stabenow, Harry Turtledove, and Liz Williams
Tuesday 19 October 2004
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Monitor: Classic Reprints |
New editions of classics by Philip K. Dick, Stephen R. Donaldson, Robert Jordan, Russell Kirk, Ursula K. Le Guin, George R.R. Martin, Michael Moorcock, Frederik Pohl, and Robert Silverberg
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Monitor: New in Paperback |
Books by Neal Asher, Kage Baker, Herbie Brennan, Janis Ian & Mike Resnick, Tamora Pierce, John Ringo, Peter Straub, Jonathan Stroud, F. Paul Wilson
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Stephen King, Philip Roth, Susanna Clarke
Saturday 16 October 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new books seen the second week of October, including Iain M. Banks' The Algebraist, Lucius Shepard's A Handbook of American Prayer, Frederik Pohl's The Boy Who Would Live Forever, and other books by Piers Anthony, Stephen Baxter, Charles de Lint, Dave Duncan, Martin H. Greenberg & Russell Davis, Tanith Lee, Philip Reeve, John Ringo & Julie Cochrane, and Lucius Shepard
Wednesday 13 October 2004
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Monitor: What's In Other Magazines |
New issues seen the first half of October include December issues of Asimov's -- Gardner Dozois' last issue as editor -- Analog, and F&SF; and issues of Amazing Stories, Chronicle, Leading Edge, The New York Review of Science Fiction, San Diego Jewish Journal, and Star*Line
Tuesday 12 October 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Laurell K. Hamilton, Stephen King, Philip Roth
Saturday 9 October 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new books seen the first week of October, including Liz Williams' new collection The Banquet of the Lords of Night and Other Stories, plus books by Margaret Ball, Jim Butcher, Rachel Caine, Elaine Cunningham, William C. Dietz, Laurell K. Hamilton, Dean Koontz, Michael Martinez, Jalina Mhyana, L.E. Modesitt Jr., Elizabeth Moon, Mary Murrey, Parker & Parker, Martin Scott, Wen Spencer, and Stewart & Riddell
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new books seen the last week of September or before, including Philip Roth's The Plot Against America, Terry Pratchett's Going Postal, novellas by Stephen Baxter and Paul Park, and others by Herbie Brennan, Clamp, Pushman Clark, Ronald L. Donaghe, L.B. Graham, Iwase/Yatate/Tomino, P.B. Kerr, Mercedes Lackey, Tamora Pierce, and Stephen Woodworth
Tuesday 5 October 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Stephen King, Neal Stephenson, Philip Roth
Sunday 3 October 2004
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Monitor: What's In Other Magazines |
New issues seen the last half of September include TTA Press's takeover of Interzone with Issue 194, plus new issues of Chronicle and The Third Alternative
Thursday 30 September 2004
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Monitor: Classic Reprints |
New hardcover editions of classics by Clifford D. Simak, Edgar Pangborn, Robert A. Heinlein, and L. Ron Hubbard; plus, new editions of books by Isaac Asimov, Gregory Benford, James Gunn, Jack Vance, and Gene Wolfe; collections of classic short fiction by Gardner Dozois and John Varley; and a chapbook by Sidney Bechet
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Monitor: New in Paperback |
Neal Stephenson's Quicksilver; plus titles by Ben Bova, Terry Brooks, Orson Scott Card, Ellen Datlow, Brian Jacques, Elizabeth Moon, Terry Pratchett, Philip Reeve, Laura Resnick, and Sheri S. Tepper
Tuesday 28 September 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Susanna Clarke, Stephen King, Terry Pratchett, Philip Roth, David Mitchell
Sunday 26 September 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new books seen the third week of September, including Geoff Ryman's Air, Stephen King's The Dark Tower, Neal Stephenson's The System of the World, other novels by Clive Barker, Loren W. Cooper, Brian Jacques, Gwyneth Jones, Christopher Pike, Scott Westerfeld, and Patricia C. Wrede & Caroline Stevermer, Bev Vincent's guide to Stephen King, and an anthology
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new books seen the second week of September, including a new edition of Michael Moorcock's Wizardry & Wild Romance, novels by Dave Barry & Ridley Pearson, Carol Berg, Eric Flint & Dave Freer, S.E. Hinton, and Rosemary Kirstein; plus more nonfiction, a collection, and two anthologies
Tuesday 21 September 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Susanna Clarke, Stephen King, Neal Stephenson, DiTerlizzi & Black
Saturday 18 September 2004
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Monitor: What's In Other Magazines |
Issues of new SF 'zines Alchemy and Postscripts; plus the latest issues of Analog, Asimov's, the SFWA Bulletin, Chronicle, and NFG
Friday 17 September 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new books seen the first week of September, including Susanna Clarke's Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, plus novels by Terry Brooks, Trudi Canavan, Jay Caselberg, Sara Douglass, Nancy Farmer, M. John Harrison, Elizabeth Lynn, Jennifer Stevenson, Timothy Zahn, and Sarah Zettel; plus, collections by Eileen Gunn and Robert Silverberg; an anthology by Maxine McArthur & Donna Maree Hanson; and nonfiction by James P. Hogan and S.T. Joshi
Monday 13 September 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Susanna Clarke, Terry Brooks, Dave Barry & Ridley Pearson
Wednesday 8 September 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new books seen the last week of August, including the US edition of M. John Harrison's acclaimed novel Light, plus books by Cornelia Funke, Theodora Goss, Jay Lake, Deborah Layne & Jay Lake, Adam Roberts, Nick Sagan, Tom Smario, Jonathan Stroud, and N. Lee Wood
Tuesday 7 September 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Susanna Clarke
Thursday 2 September 2004
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Monitor: What's In Other Magazines |
F&SF's October/November 55th anniversary issue features Michael Bishop, Gene Wolfe, Lisa Goldstein, Robert Reed, M. Rickert, and others; plus, new issues of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, The New York Review of Science Fiction, and Realms of Fantasy
Tuesday 31 August 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson
Monday 30 August 2004
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Monitor: New in Paperback |
Harry Potter 5 reaches paperback; as do titles by Kristen Britain, Joe Haldeman, Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson, Walter H. Hunt, Ursula K. Le Guin, Jonathan Lethem, James Luceno, Nick Sagan, Norman Spinrad, and Scott Westerfeld
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Monitor: Classic Reprints |
New editions of books by Poul Anderson, Gregory Benford, Algernon Blackwood, Steven Brust, Karen Joy Fowler, Robert A. Heinlein, Michael Moorcock, Spider Robinson, Josepha Sherman & Gwen Hansen, and Christopher Stasheff
Wednesday 25 August 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new books seen last week by Elizabeth Haydon, Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson, Walter H. Hunt, Greg Keyes, Brandon Massey, David Mitchell, and John C. Wright
Tuesday 24 August 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
J.K. Rowling, Terry Brooks, Raymond E. Feist, David Mitchell
Thursday 19 August 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new books seen recently by Neal Barrett, Jr., Jim Butcher, F. Brett Cox & Andy Duncan, Victoria Elisabeth Garcia, Laura Anne Gilman, Ursula K. Le Guin, Juliet Marillier, S.M. Stirling, Harry Turtledove, Michelle M. Welch, and Leslie What
Tuesday 17 August 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Jasper Fforde, Harry Turtledove, Karen Marie Moning, J.D. Robb, Jim Butcher
Thursday 12 August 2004
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Monitor: What's In Other Magazines |
Amazing Stories is reborn (yet again); plus, a special issue of Publications of the Modern Language Association of America on science fiction; and new issues of Analog, Asimov's, Cemetery Dance, Chronicle, The New York Review of SF, and True Review
Tuesday 10 August 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new books seen last week by Kevin J. Anderson, Mark Anthony, Sarah Ash, Marion Zimmer Bradley & Deborah J. Ross, Julie E. Czerneda & Isaac Szpindel, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Minister Faust, Jasper Fforde, Andrew Fox, James Alan Gardner, Joe Haldeman, Nancy Kress, and James Morrow
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
China Miéville, Herbert & Anderson, D.J. MacHale
Monday 2 August 2004
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Monitor: What's In Other Magazines |
Nonfiction and poetry 'zines published in the last half of July: Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts, The New York Review of Science Fiction; Dreams and Nightmares, Star*Line
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Susanna Clarke gets a pre-publication boost from New York Times
Sunday 1 August 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new books seen this past week by Ken Akamatsu, Catherine Asaro, Kage Baker, Jeffrey E. Barlough, Robert Borski, M.M. Buckner, Jack Dann, Ellen Datlow & Kelly Link & Gavin Grant, Alexander C. Irvine, Theodore Judson, Mercedes Lackey & Eric Flint & Dave Freer, China Miéville, and Sean Stewart
Friday 30 July 2004
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2004 Directory |
The 2004 Directory now includes a page for 2004-dated Magazines, compiling references to Locus Magazine reviews and links to Locus Online descriptions and reviews on other sites
Tuesday 27 July 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Isaac Asimov; Jasper Fforde
Saturday 24 July 2004
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Monitor: Classic Reprints |
Books by Alfred Bester, Harry Harrison, Robert Holdstock, Katherine Kurtz, Ellen Kushner, Richard Matheson, Jack McDevitt, William Nicholson, Andre Norton, James H. Schmitz, and Philip Wylie
Wednesday 21 July 2004
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Monitor: New in Paperback |
Three of this year's Hugo Award nominees, by Brian Herbert, Charles Stross, and Robert Charles Wilson; plus other books written and edited by Lou Anders, Kevin J. Anderson, Sarah Ash, Greg Bear, Sara Douglass, Jude Fisher, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Paul Levinson, China Miéville, Michael Moorcock, Larry Niven, Spider Robinson, and John C. Wright
Tuesday 20 July 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury
Sunday 18 July 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new books seen this past week by Chris Bunch, Clamp, Paul Di Filippo, Martin H. Greenberg & John Helfers, Naomi Kritzer, William Pillow, Michael Reaves & Steve Perry, and Charles Stross
Thursday 15 July 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell, Stephen King, Karen Joy Fowler, Ray Bradbury
Wednesday 14 July 2004
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Monitor: What's In Other Magazines |
Second issue of Argosy includes a chapbook novella by Charles Stross & Cory Doctorow • Plus, Liverpool Stories, UK publication promoting writers from the area or writing about it. • DNA Publications' new mag, KISS • And new issues of Dreams and Nightmares, Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet, F&SF, The Third Alternative (and The Fix)
Sunday 11 July 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
The Locus Awards -- an anthology of selected stories that have won Locus's annual readers' poll over the past 30 years -- is published. • Plus, descriptions and links for other new books seen this past week by Ray Bradbury, Richard Butner, Loren W. Cooper, Sara Douglass, C.S. Friedman, L.E. Modesitt Jr., Mel Odom, Diana L. Paxon, John Ringo, S.L. Viehl, Margaret Weis, and Martha Wells; and anthologies from Bill Fawcett and Keith Olexa and of Rhysling nominees
Tuesday 6 July 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Stephen King, Karen Joy Fowler, Ray Bradbury, R. Scott Bakker
Monday 5 July 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new books seen this past week: Best of the year anthologies edited by Gardner Dozois, and by David G. Hartwell & Kathryn Cramer;
other anthologies from Martin H. Greenberg, Alexander Potter, and Mark Tier;
novels by Alan Dean Foster, Elizabeth Hand, and Frank M. Robinson; and a collection by Diana Wynne Jones
Tuesday 29 June 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Stephen King, Newt Gingrich & William R. Forstchen, Ray Bradbury
Saturday 26 June 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new books seen this past week by M.T. Anderson, Stephen L. Antczak, Claire Bott, Paul Brandon, Christopher Fowler, Mindy L. Klasky, Ian R. MacLeod, Daniel J. Reitz, Del Stone Jr., and Timothy Zahn • Plus, Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell's YA fantasy series "The Edge Chronicles" reaches the US, with a contest from the publisher
Thursday 24 June 2004
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Monitor: What's In Other Magazines |
David Pringle's final issue of Interzone is published; plus, the second issue of Tim Pratt & Heather Shaw's Flytrap, and new issues of Analog, Asimov's, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, and Paradox
Tuesday 22 June 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Stephen King is #1
Sunday 20 June 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new books seen this past week by R. Scott Bakker, Steven Erikson, Rich Gray, Debra A. Kemp, Elizabeth Kerner, Ken MacLeod, Ian McDonald, Robert Newcomb, and Donna Siepiela, plus anthologies from Martin H. Greenberg & Russell Davis, and T.K.F. Weisskopf
Wednesday 16 June 2004
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Monitor: What's In Other Magazines |
New issues of Fantastic Stories of the Imagination, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Realms of Fantasy, and Space and Time
Monday 14 June 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Steven Barnes, Karen Joy Fowler, Dean Koontz, Stephen King, Terry Goodkind
Saturday 12 June 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new books seen this past week by Thomas Berger, Lian Hearn, Stephen King, Larry Niven, Kit Reed, Harry Turtledove & Noreen Doyle, and Gene Wolfe; plus nonfiction about Philip K. Dick by Emmanuel Carrère, about Samuel R. Delany by Jeffrey A. Tucker, and about SF by Brian Stableford
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Monitor: Classic Reprints |
Books by Poul Anderson, Isaac Asimov, Ramsey Campbell, Samuel R. Delany, Harlan Ellison, James Gunn, Larry Niven & David Gerrold, Robert J. Sawyer, Jack Vance, and Roger Zelazny
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Monitor: New in Paperback |
Books by Jeanne DuPrau, Michael Flynn, Terry Goodkind, Graham Joyce, Louise Marley, Linda Nagata, Audrey Niffenegger, Terry Pratchett, Alastair Reynolds, and Jo Walton
Tuesday 8 June 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Stephen King, Dean Koontz
Sunday 6 June 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new novels seen this past week by Greg Bear, John Birmingham, C.J. Cherryh, Newt Gingrich & William R. Forstchen, Dennis L. McKiernan, Alastair Reynolds, John Ringo & Michael Z. Williamson, Kim Stanley Robinson, and Kenji Siratori; plus anthologies edited by David G. Hartwell & Kathryn Cramer and Al Sarrantonio
Tuesday 1 June 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
G.P. Taylor, J.K. Rowling
Monday 31 May 2004
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Monitor: What's In Other Magazines |
End of May issues of Chronicle, New York Review of Science Fiction, and Star*Line: Mark Rich on SF, Symbols, and Society; Bud Webster on two early Wollheim anthologies; Brian Stableford on Guy de Maupassant; poetry by Darrell Schweitzer and Sonya Taaffe
Saturday 29 May 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for new novels seen this week by Neal Asher, Adam Connell, Jeanne DuPrau, Dean Koontz, Kenneth Oppel, Terry Pratchett, Thomas Wheeler, and Tony Wolk, plus a book of short stories by Brian Jacques
Tuesday 25 May 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Dean Koontz, Audrey Niffenegger, Eoin Colfer, Emily Rodda
Saturday 22 May 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Del Rey does manga — descriptions and links for these and other new books by Trudi Canavan, Tracy & Laura Hickman, Mathew Lyons, Sarah Micklem, and Jeff VanderMeer
Tuesday 18 May 2004
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Monitor: What's In Other Magazines |
New issues of Analog, Asimov's, Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts, and Weird Tales: a serial by Mary A. Turzillo; fiction by Allen M. Steele, Judith Berman, Michael Bishop, Robert Reed, Ian Watson, Michael F. Flynn, Eliot Funtishel; interview with Terry Pratchett
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Karen Joy Fowler
Friday 14 May 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Descriptions and links for this week's new books by John Crowley, Julie E. Czerneda, Tony Daniel, Eric Flint & Andrew Dennis, Karen Joy Fowler, Jim Grimsley, E.E. Knight, Jane Lindskold, Ian Stewart & Jack Cohen, and David Weber
Tuesday 11 May 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Karen Joy Fowler, Eoin Colfer, Terry Pratchett, David Weber
Sunday 9 May 2004
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Monitor: What's In Other Magazines |
New issues of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, the SFWA Bulletin, Chronicle, Dreams and Nightmares, Leading Edge, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, The New York Review of Science Fiction, Realms of Fantasy, The Third Alternative, and True Review -- plus a special free sampler issue of Mythic Delirium
Wednesday 5 May 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
New books from North and South American writers: Isabel Allende, Kelley Armstrong, Ben Bova, Steven Brust, Thomas Harlan, Joe R. Lansdale, and Bruce Sterling
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
New books from UK writers: Neal Asher, N.M. Browne, Ian Graham, Ken MacLeod, George Mann, Michael Marshall, David Mitchell, Richard Morgan, Charles Stross, and Steph Swainston
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Monitor: New in Paperback |
Books by Margaret Atwood, Ashok K. Banker, Steven Brust, David B. Coe, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Nancy Farmer, Raymond E. Feist, Greg Keyes, Nancy Kress, Ian R. MacLeod, Mike Resnick, Robert J. Sawyer, S.M. Stirling, Harry Turtledove, John Varley, Tad Williams, and Timothy Zahn
Tuesday 4 May 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Terry Pratchett, Neal Stephenson, Karen Joy Fowler, Charlaine Harris
Monday 26 April 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Neal Stephenson
Tuesday 20 April 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Neal Stephenson, Margaret Atwood
Thursday 15 April 2004
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
April books: Neal Stephenson's The Confusion, plus novels by Patricia Bray, John Dalmas, Eric Garcia, Howard V. Hendrix, Sean McMullen, Rudy Rucker, Matt Ruff, and others; plus anthologies
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Books seen in late March include novels by Andrew Sean Greer, Anne Harris, Mercedes Lackey, Scott Westerfeld, Zoran Zivkovic, and others; plus critical nonfiction by Damien Broderick, a Tolkien chronology, and anthologies
Tuesday 13 April 2004
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Monitor: What's In Other Magazines |
June issues of Analog, Asimov's, and The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction: a SETI debate, a 21st anniversary, and a competition; fiction by Joe Haldeman, Michael A. Burstein, James Patrick Kelly, Stephen Baxter, Neal Asher, Ray Vukcevich, Nancy Kress, and others
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Raymond E. Feist, Eric Flint & Andrew Dennis, Tony DiTerlizzi & Holly Black, Margaret Atwood
Friday 9 April 2004
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Monitor: What's In Other Magazines |
New York Review of Science Fiction offers Brian Attebery's reappreciation of Eleanor Arnason, and Allen M. Steele's reconsideration of Philip Wylie and Edwin Balmer • Plus, new issues of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, Harpur Palate, NFG, and True Review
Tuesday 6 April 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
David Gemmell, Raymond E. Feist, Garth Nix
Monday 29 March 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
John Saul, Andrew Sean Greer
Saturday 27 March 2004
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Monitor: Classic Reprints |
Philip K. Dick's Lies, Inc. completely restored; plus classics by Gregory Benford, John Brunner, William Morris, Roger Zelazny, and others
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Monitor: New in Paperback |
Books by Steven Barnes, Stephen Baxter, Jacqueline Carey, William Gibson, Laurie J. Marks, Stanley Schmidt, and others
Tuesday 23 March 2004
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Monitor: This Week's Bestsellers |
Eleanor Druse
Friday 19 March 2004
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Monitor: What's In Other Magazines |
Analog concludes Joe Haldeman's latest novel, and publishes James Gunn's latest "Immortal" novelette; New York Review of SF examines Heinlein and Wyndham; Asimov's publishes a double-issue with stories by Feeley, Baker, Rosenblum, and others • Plus issues of Chronicle and Star*Line
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Monitor: Notable New Books |
Major new novels by Gregory Benford, Peter F. Hamilton, Guy Gavriel Kay, Paul McAuley, Richard K. Morgan, and others; plus art by Caniglia, the first best-of-2003 anthology, the latest Nebula Awards volume, and a collection by Lucius Shepard
Mon 15 Mar 2004
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This Week's Bestsellers |
Eoin Colfer
Tue 9 Mar 2004
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This Week's Bestsellers |
Jasper Fforde
Sat 6 Mar 2004
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Magazines: New Issues seen in February |
Asimov's creates a scandal in Michigan; plus, what's in new issues of Analog, Bulletin of the SFWA, Cemetery Dance, Chronicle, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Mythic Delirium, The New York Review of Science Fiction, Realms of Fantasy, Star*Line, and Weird Tales
Mon 1 Mar 2004
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This Week's Bestsellers |
Guy Gavriel Kay
Fri 27 Feb 2004
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Notable New Books |
Poetry by Bruce Boston, G.O. Clark, Steve Rasnic Tem, and Laurel Winter • Nonfiction by Ursula K. Le Guin; collected short fiction by C.J. Cherryh; an anthology of Irish fantasy; novels by Carol Berg, Sara Douglass, Scott Mackay, and others
Mon 23 Feb 2004
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Bestsellers |
William Gibson, Guy Gavriel Kay
Mon 16 Feb 2004
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Bestsellers |
Laurell K. Hamilton, Robin Hobb, Timothy Zahn
Wed 11 Feb 2004
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Notable New Books |
Kim Stanley Robinson begins a new trilogy
• Other new novels by Mary Gentle, Walter Jon Williams, Catherine Asaro, Laurell K. Hamilton, Patricia A. McKillip, and others
• And a nonfiction study of Gene Wolfe by Peter Wright
Mon 9 Feb 2004
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Bestsellers |
J.D. Robb strikes again
Mon 2 Feb 2004
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Bestsellers |
Fiona McIntosh ranks in Australia
Fri 30 Jan 2004
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New in Paperback |
Books by Charles Dickinson, Kelley Eskridge, Nancy Kress, Ken MacLeod, Allen Steele, and others
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Classic Reprints |
Peter Pan illustrated by Charles Vess, Gregory Benford's In the Ocean of Night, and works by Marion Zimmer Bradley, Octavia Butler, Robert Silverberg, Theodore Sturgeon, and Jane Yolen
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Bestsellers — Tue 27 Jan 2004 |
Laurell K. Hamilton poised to debut
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Magazines — Fri 23 Jan 2004 |
Analog serializes a new novel by Joe Haldeman; plus, what's in new issues of Asimov's, Challenging Destiny, Chronicle, Interzone, Jupiter, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, and The New York Review of Science Fiction
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Bestsellers — Tue 20 Jan 2004 |
Robert Jordan's New Spring debuts strongly
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New Books — Fri 16 Jan 2004 |
The Art of John Berkey, Robert Jordan's "Wheel of Time" prequel, the Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction;
• Plus, new books by Dale Bailey, Gregory Benford, Ben Bova, Arthur C. Clarke & Stephen Baxter, Ty Drago, Mitchell Graham, Mercedes Lackey, Julian May, Justina Robson, Fred Saberhagen, E. Rose Sabin, Judith Tarr, Sheree R. Thomas, and Sean Williams & Shane Dix
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Bestsellers — Mon 12 Jan 2004 |
Christopher Paolini surpasses J.K. Rowling
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Bestsellers — Mon 5 Jan 2004 |
Robert Jordan sells pre-publication; Tolkien editions gain
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Books — Wed 31 Dec 2003 |
Gene Wolfe's The Knight is released, to glowing reviews.
• Hippocampus Press releases a previously-unpublished novel by Lord Dunsany
• Also new: novels by David Gerrold, Gwyneth Jones, Caitlin R. Kiernan, Tom Kratman, Alastair Reynolds, Tricia Sullivan, and David Zindell; nonfiction by John Garth about Tolkien, and M.J. Simpson about Douglas Adams; and anthologies edited by Jack Dann & Gardner Dozois, and by Robert Silverberg
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Magazines — Tue 30 Dec 2003 |
What's in new issues of Andromeda Spaceways, Chronicle, Dreams of Decadence, F&SF, Leading Edge, The New York Review of Science Fiction, Nova SF, and Realms of Fantasy
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Bestsellers — Mon 29 Dec 2003 |
Pre-publication orders put Robert Jordan in Amazon's Top 100
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Bestsellers — Mon 22 Dec 2003 |
Dean Koontz's Odd Thomas debuts on 3 more lists
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Classic Reprints — Sat 20 Dec 2003 |
Two early Andre Norton titles are brought back in hardcover • Plus, new editions of classic books by Poul Anderson, Arthur C. Clarke, Richard Matheson, Jack Vance, Vernor Vinge, and others
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New in Paperback — Sat 20 Dec 2003 |
Reprints of books by Greg Egan, Robert Jordan, Stephen King, Paul McAuley, Jeff VanderMeer, and others
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2002 Books Directory — Thu 18 Dec 2003 |
Complete results of the 2003 Locus Poll are now compiled in this directory
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Index to Book Reviews in Locus Magazine — Thu 18 Dec 2003 |
Locus Online's index is now extended back to 1984, using data supplied by William Contento
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Bestsellers — Mon 15 Dec 2003 |
Dean Koontz, Eric Nylund debut
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Forthcoming Books — Thu 11 Dec 2003 |
Selected titles scheduled for Dec. '03 - Sep. '04 (from Locus's December issue)
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New Books — Thu 11 Dec 2003 |
Robert A. Heinlein's previously unpublished novel For Us, the Living, plus books by Stephen Baxter, Mark Budz, Arthur C. Clarke & C.S. Lewis, Paul Di Filippo, Nalo Hopkinson, Rick Klaw, Michael Marshall Smith, and others
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Bestsellers — Mon 8 Dec 2003 |
Anne & Todd McCaffrey, Jonathan Stroud debut
2003 Monitor Archive