Dean Koontz's The Taking debuts on 4 lists this week, in the top 10 at New York Times, Washington Post, and Publishers Weekly.
The long-awaited sixth volume in Stephen King's The Dark Tower series, Song of Susannah (Donald M. Grant/Scribner), sits at #1 on Amazon's Top 100 Sellers today, the day it's due in stores. The previous, fifth volume also ranks on Amazon's list, as does volume seven, to be published in September.
Karen Joy Fowler's non-SF The Jane Austen Book Club (though it does involve a World Fantasy Con and a couple books by Ursula K. Le Guin) is still doing very well, ranking on every US list compiled this week.
Also debuting is Newt Gingrich & William R. Forstchen's Grant Comes East (St. Martin's/Thomas Dunne), the second book in their alternate history Civil War series, ranking #28 on Amazon's list, which has the 2003 first volume Gettysburg returning to the list at #88.
The trade paperback of Audrey Niffenegger's crossover time travel novel The Time Traveler's Wife (Harvest) debuts on 4 lists this week; it's been on Amazon's list for 2 weeks already.
(Bookmark this link, Locus Online Bestsellers, for automatic redirection to the latest week's chart.)
Title | Debut / #wks on any list |
NYT 06.13 |
SFC 06.06 |
WP 06.06 |
USAT 05.30 |
PW 06.07 (ch 05.01) |
Book Sense 06.04 |
Amz (06.08) |
UK: Book Scan wk ending 05.29 |
Australia: Dymocks (06.08) |
Canada: (06.08) |
Items on list -x- number of lists surveyed | |
30x5 |
30x3 |
10x4 |
150 |
15x5 |
15x6 |
100 |
50x3 |
10x4 |
100 |
Hardcovers |
Colfer, The Supernaturalist |
05.10.04 / 5 |
9 -2 |
10 -5 |
DiTerlizzi/Black, The Spiderwick Chronicles, Book 4: The Ironwood Tree |
04.12.04 / 8 |
xx |
xxx.. |
15 + |
Fowler, The Jane Austen Book Club |
05.03.04 / 6 |
13 -3 |
3 + |
9 -1 |
74 -6 |
10 + |
4 +2 |
24 +8 |
xxx.. |
Gingrich/Forstchen, Gettysburg: A Novel of the Civil War |
06.22.03 / 9 |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
88 ++ |
Gingrich/Forstchen, Grant Comes East |
06.07.04 / 1 |
28 ++ |
Greer, The Confessions of Max Tivoli |
03.29.04 / 10 |
xxx.. |
7 +2 |
xxx.. |
Harris, Dead to the World |
05.03.04 / 6 |
x |
xxx |
xxx |
69 + |
Hearn, Brilliance of the Moon (AUSTRALIA) |
06.07.04 / 1 |
3 ++ |
King, The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla |
05.25.03 / 43 |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
83 + |
xxx.. |
King, The Dark Tower VI: Song of Susannah |
03.22.04 / 10 |
1 +12 |
3 +11 |
King, The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower |
06.07.04 / 1 |
98 ++ |
Koontz, The Taking |
05.24.04 / 3 |
4 ++ |
6 ++ |
20 ++ |
4 ++ |
x |
Martin, A Feast for Crows |
02.23.03 / 10 |
54 +30 |
66 + |
Nix, Abhorsen (UK) |
04.05.04 / 8 |
43 -12 |
Nix, Lirael (UK) |
09.07.03 / 12 |
42 -7 |
Paolini, Eragon |
09.07.03 / 40 |
2 = |
75 +1 |
xxx |
2 +6 |
x |
xxx.. |
Pratchett, A Hat Full of Sky |
06.07.04 / 1 |
47 ++ |
Pratchett, A Hat Full of Sky (UK) |
05.03.04 / 4 |
4 -1 |
5 ++ |
x |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix |
02.09.03 / 69 |
5 -1 |
xxx.. |
113 -13 |
xxx |
xxx.. |
82 + |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (UK) |
06.29.03 / 48 |
35 +10 |
xxx.. |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (CANADA) |
07.06.03 / 33 |
6 +32 |
Taylor, Shadowmancer |
04.26.04 / 7 |
1 = |
66 -25 |
1 = |
xx |
Title | Debut / #wks on any list |
NYT 06.13 |
SFC 06.06 |
WP 06.06 |
USAT 05.30 |
PW 06.07 (ch 05.01) |
Book Sense 06.04 |
Amz (06.08) |
UK: Book Scan wk ending 05.29 |
Australia: Dymocks (06.08) |
Canada: (06.08) |
Paperbacks [tpb=trade] |
Atwood, Oryx and Crake (CANADA) |
05.03.04 / 5 |
22 +5 |
Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 |
07.20.03 / 14 |
129 = |
Colfer, Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code |
05.24.04 / 3 |
10 -1 |
Colfer, Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code (UK) |
04.05.04 / 8 |
32 -5 |
Maguire, Wicked [tpb] |
06.15.03 / 29 |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
56 -7 |
64 + |
Niffenegger, The Time Traveler's Wife [tpb] |
05.24.04 / 3 |
30 ++ |
48 ++ |
7 ++ |
9 ++ |
35 +21 |
Nix, The Keys to the Kingdom, Book 2: Grim Tuesday (UK) |
06.07.04 / 1 |
29 ++ |
Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four |
07.20.03 / 13 |
112 = |
8 ++ |
Pratchett, The Wee Free Men (UK) |
05.03.04 / 5 |
1 = |
10 -4 |
Pullman, The Amber Spyglass (UK) |
xxx.. |
25 -3 |
Pullman, Northern Lights (UK) |
xxx.. |
21 -4 |
Pullman, The Subtle Knife (UK) |
24 = |
Rodda, Deltora Quest Series 3, Book 3: Isle of the Dead (AUSTRALIA) |
05.24.04 / 3 |
1 = |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (UK) |
9 +10 |
xxx.. |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (CANADA) |
07.06.03 / 6 |
67 + |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire [tpb] |
08.11.02 / 95 |
6 = |
xxx.. |
87 -1 |
13 +1 |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (UK) |
41 + |
xxx.. |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (UK) |
6 +3 |
6 + |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban [tpb] |
06.17.01 / 150 |
1 = |
xxx.. |
43 -3 |
5 +4 |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone [tpb] |
x |
xxx.. |
148 -1 |
xxx.. |
Rowling, Harry Potter Box Set [tpb] |
10.20.02 / 17 |
xxx.. |
49 + |
Strieber, The Day After Tomorrow |
05.10.04 / 4 |
119 -12 |
Title | Debut / #wks on any list |
NYT 06.13 |
SFC 06.06 |
WP 06.06 |
USAT 05.30 |
PW 06.07 (ch 05.01) |
Book Sense 06.04 |
Amz (06.08) |
UK: Book Scan wk ending 05.29 |
Australia: Dymocks (06.08) |
Canada: (06.08) |
This cell color indicates rankings on children's bestsellers lists |
This cell color indicates rankings of books based on pre-publication sales |
[Italics and brackets, and/or this cell color, indicate stale data -- rankings from one or more weeks before -- and do not contribute to the cumulative weeks on any list totals] |