Issue 27.5, Sept./Oct. 2004, $3.50, 24pp, cover art by Alfred Klosterman, cover design by Mike Allen
Journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA); edited by Marge Simon
Poetry is this issue is by Mikal Trimm, Karen A. Romanko, Yoon Ha Lee, Kristine Ong Muslim, Lary Smith, Jane Yolen, Lida Broadhurst, G.O. Clark, Sandra J. Lindow, and a long one by Charlee Jacob.
Other items include an announcement of this year's Rhysling Awards winners, a short editorial by Marge Simon, letters, the second installment of a column by Frazier "Running the Maze", small press reviews, an essay by Deborah P. Kolodji on "Exploring Symbiotic Poetry", and the new procedures for Grand Master Award nominations.
(Wed 6 Oct 2004)