The Third Alternative
Issue 37, Spring 2004, £4/$7, 66pp, cover art by Dennis Sibeijn
Quarterly UK magazine of science fiction, fantasy, and horror, edited by Andy Cox
Guest editor Liz Williams editorializes on the late Joan Aiken. Stories in the issue are by Jay Caselberg, Joe Hill, Karen Fishler, Gavin Grant, Tim Pratt, and Tim Lees.
Ursula K. Le Guin is interviewed by Andrew Hedgecock. Other nonfiction includes Allan Ashley's column "The Dodo Has Landed", a cinema column by Christopher Fowler, a column on Japan by John Paul Catton, a new column by Jaspre Bark about comics and graphic novels, book reviews by Peter Tennant, and an interview with Robin McKinley by Sandy Auden.
This issue is reviewed by both Nick Gevers and Rich Horton in the June '04 issue of Locus Magazine.
(Sat 1 May 2004)
True Review
Vol. 15 No. 2 (whole #56), April 2004, $2.50, 6pp
Quarterly SF/F/H reviewzine, published and edited by Andrew M. Andrews
Publisher/editor Andrews editorializes about the murder of a girl he knew in high school, then reviews books by Jay Lake, Howard Waldrop, Lucius Shepard, Brian Stableford, and others.
(Fri 23 Apr 2004)
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