2004 Archive
Magazines October #1
Amazing Stories
Leading Edge
New York Review of SF
San Diego Jewish Journal
Magazines September #2
The Third Alternative
This page lists new SFFH magazines seen by Locus Online.
Date in parentheses at paragraph end is date seen or received.
Issues Seen second half of October 2004
• Issue 1, 2004, 334pp
• Quarterly electronic magazine/anthology, edited by Marti McKenna & Bridget McKenna; published since 2004
• Website: http://www.aeonmagazine.com/index.html
• Debut issue of a new electronic magazine/anthology, to be published quarterly by Scorpius Digital Press, edited by Marti McKenna and Bridget McKenna. Available as a download from ElectricStory.com and other places online, it's also available on mini-CD ROM from selected book dealers. The CD ROM edition debuted at October's World Fantasy Convention.
• This issue has a short novel, "Logs", by Walter Jon Williams; novelettes by John Meaney and Lori Anne White; and short stories by Jay Lake, Holly Wade Matter, Steven R. Boyett, Gordon Gross, and Gene Wolfe.
• Wolfe's story, "Talk of Mandrakes", was first published in a very-limited edition chapbook by Sirius Fiction early this year (and is now sold out). It's a famous 'lost' story, accepted and purchased by an editor in the '80s but never published (despite the 1987 credit given by Aeon). Nick Gevers reviewed it in the February 2004 Locus, calling it "A Gothic gem, rescued from limbo."
• Departments are "Signals" by Kristine Kathryn Rusch and editorial "Aeternum" by the editors, and there's a nonfiction article by Pat MacEwen, "Sex Change: A Few Simple Rules."
• (Sat 30 Oct 2004)
• Issue 15, Vol. 3 No. 3, October/November 2004, A$7.95, 128pp, cover art by Brian Smith
• Bimonthly Australian magazine focusing on humorous and light-hearted SF and fantasy
• Website: http://www.andromedaspaceways.com/
• This issue of "Australia's PULPIEST Speculative Fiction Magazine", edited this time by Robbie Matthews, has fiction by Allan Price, Dave Luckett, Ian McHugh, Edo Mor, Brandon Alspaugh, Danny Adams, Mark Rigney, Paul E Martens, Richard Pitchforth, Barbara Robson, and Ian Creasy, and a poem by Antony Searle.
• Features include an interview with Fiona McIntosh, articles by Ben Cook (on science and history), Philologa Majora ("On Elven Grammar"), Gillian Polack (on writing and drugs), and Trevor Stafford (on GenreCon), and reviews.
• (Mon 1 Nov 2004)
• Issue 195, Vol. 17 No. 3, November 2004, $4.00, 24pp
• Monthly review and criticism magazine, published since 1988; edited by David G. Hartwell, Kathryn Cramer, et al.
• Website: http://www.nyrsf.com/
• This Special "Fantasy, Good & Ill" issue has an essay by Lee Weinstein, "In Search of 'The Eye of Argon'" and an essay by Tom La Farge about fantasy and modernism.
• Steve Cockayne writes about inspiration; Darrell Schweitzer writes about epic fantasy; David Drake writes about his early career; and Paul Di Filippo and Michael Bishop interview Philip Lawson [who is a pseudonym for...].
• Reviews, by Paul Kincaid, Greg Beatty, Josph Milicia, Joe Sanders, Jenny Blackford, Greg L. Johnson, Charles Oberndorf, Walter Minkel, and David V. Griffin, cover books by Howard Hendrix, Ramsey Campbell, William J. Widder, Kage Baker, John Myers Myers, Charles Dickinson, Charles Stross, S.E. Hinton, and Rob Grace.
• Also, letters and an editorial.
• (Mon 1 Nov 2004)
• 2004, £4.50, 59pp, cover art by Roderick Gladwish
• SF & horror fiction, poetry, and art; edited by Tony Lee
• Website: http://freespace.virgin.net/pigasus.press/premonitions.html
• Re-launch of a UK magazine that published four issues in the early '90s before being merged with The Zone.
• This issue has 13 stories by K. Bannerman, Hugh Cook, Andrew Darlington, Stepan Chapman, Antony Mann, and others, and poetry by Don Webb, Steve Sneyd, J.P.V. Stewart, and others. The full list of contributors is on the magazine's webpage, where you can order this issue via PayPal or subscribe via check or postal order.
• There's an editorial by Tony Lee, who acknowledges that all the poems in this issue were originally intended for a chapbook poetry anthology to be called Great Mutant Brains. There's also contributor notes, artwork and several cartoons.
• The issue is copyright 2004 but has no issue date or number.
• (Fri 15 Oct 2004)
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