Pre-publication orders for Robert Jordan's new Wheel of Time novel, New Spring (Tor), rank it on two Amazon lists this week. It goes on sale January 6.
Philip Pullman's three His Dark Materials volumes rank in the top 4 on BookScan's children's list this week. Belatedly added to this chart are two books ranking further down on BookScan's fiction list: the paperback of Michael Gerber's Barry Trotter and the Shameless Parody, and another parody by A.R.R.R. Roberts [aka Adam Roberts] called The Soddit, or, Cashing in Again (Gollancz).
Three lists haven't been updated this week due to holiday breaks.
(Bookmark this link, Locus Online Bestsellers, for automatic redirection to the latest week's chart.)
Title | Debut / #wks on any list |
NYT 01.04 |
SFC 12.28 |
WP 12.21 |
USAT 12.23 |
PW 12.22 (ch 12.01) |
Book Sense 12.29 |
Amz (12.29) |
UK: Book Scan wk ending 12.20 |
Australia: Dymocks (12.22) |
Canada: (12.29) |
Items on list -x- number of lists surveyed | |
30x5 |
30x3 |
10x4 |
150 |
15x5 |
15x6 |
100 |
25x3 |
10x4 |
100 |
Hardcovers |
Fisher, The Return of The King Visual Companion |
11.16.03 / 7 |
29 +3 |
123 + |
52 +12 |
xxx.. |
Funke, Inkheart |
10.12.03 / 12 |
5 -1 |
116 -8 |
3 +1 |
x |
xx |
Jordan, New Spring |
12.28.03 / 1 |
61 ++ |
21 ++ |
King, The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla |
05.25.03 / 27 |
5 = |
xxx.. |
19 -4 |
[ 5 ] |
10 -1 |
36 +11 |
46 -3 |
King, The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla (UK) |
11.16.03 / 7 |
46 -5 |
Koontz, Odd Thomas |
12.14.03 / 3 |
7 -1 |
26 +2 |
[ 10 ] |
46 +38 |
Niffenegger, The Time Traveler's Wife |
10.12.03 / 12 |
31 -1 |
xxx.. |
14 -2 |
42 -23 |
Paolini, Eragon |
09.07.03 / 17 |
2 = |
16 -5 |
1 = |
39 -13 |
xxx.. |
Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment (UK) |
10.05.03 / 13 |
18 -11 |
xxx.. |
Pullman, Lyra's Oxford (UK) |
11.16.03 / 7 |
8 -4 |
Rice, Blood Canticle |
10.12.03 / 12 |
19 = |
10 + |
92 = |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
Roberts, The Soddit, or, Cashing in Again (UK) |
12.21.03 / 2 |
36 +6 |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix |
02.09.03 / 46 |
1 = |
xxx.. |
8 -3 |
4 + |
50 -26 |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (UK) |
06.29.03 / 27 |
7 = |
[ 5 ] |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Adult Edition (CANADA) |
07.06.03 / 11 |
24 + |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban |
9 + |
xxx.. |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone |
7 +3 |
xxx.. |
Russell, The Art of The Return of the King |
12.28.03 / 1 |
38 ++ |
Salvatore, The Lone Drow |
08.31.03 / 12 |
35 -1 |
xxx |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
Stroud, The Amulet of Samarkand |
12.07.03 / 4 |
xxx |
9 +2 |
x |
Tolkien, The Hobbit (Leatherette Collector's Edition) |
12.21.03 / 2 |
22 -4 |
Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings (Leatherette Collector's Edition) |
12.21.03 / 2 |
20 -12 |
Title | Debut / #wks on any list |
NYT 01.04 |
SFC 12.28 |
WP 12.21 |
USAT 12.23 |
PW 12.22 (ch 12.01) |
Book Sense 12.29 |
Amz (12.29) |
UK: Book Scan wk ending 12.20 |
Australia: Dymocks (12.22) |
Canada: (12.29) |
Paperbacks [tpb=trade] |
Colfer, Artemis Fowl |
05.19.02 / 61 |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
13 = |
xxx.. |
Crichton, Prey |
11.23.03 / 6 |
7 -3 |
[ 10 ] |
29 -6 |
[ 4 ] |
4 -1 |
xxx |
Crichton, Timeline [tpb] |
11.16.03 / 7 |
25 -2 |
106 -30 |
[ 14 ] |
xxx |
Foster, The Complete Guide to Middle-Earth [tpb] |
01.19.03 / 2 |
86 + |
Funke, The Thief Lord |
09.28.03 / 14 |
8 +1 |
126 +7 |
5 -2 |
xxx.. |
Gerber, Barry Trotter and the Shameless Parody (UK) |
12.21.03 / 2 |
31 +3 |
Jordan, Crossroads of Twilight |
12.07.03 / 4 |
23 +2 |
80 -23 |
[ 9 ] |
10 -4 |
xx |
King, From a Buick 8 |
12.07.03 / 4 |
6 = |
28 -4 |
[ 6 ] |
Koontz, By the Light of the Moon |
11.16.03 / 7 |
12 -2 |
35 = |
[ 8 ] |
Maguire, Wicked [tpb] |
06.15.03 / 6 |
27 +3 |
xxx.. |
86 +28 |
xxx.. |
Nylund, Halo: First Strike |
12.14.03 / 3 |
34 -3 |
101 -27 |
[ 15 ] |
Pratchett, Night Watch (UK) |
10.05.03 / 13 |
34 -2 |
Pullman, The Amber Spyglass (UK) |
xxx.. |
4 +5 |
Pullman, Northern Lights (UK) |
xxx.. |
1 +4 |
Pullman, The Subtle Knife (UK) |
3 +5 |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (UK) |
46 + |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets [tpb] |
5 +2 |
xxx.. |
xxx |
xxx.. |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (UK) |
21 +4 |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire [tpb] |
08.11.02 / 73 |
1 = |
xxx.. |
91 -12 |
xx |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (UK) |
44 + |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (UK) |
25 + |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban [tpb] |
06.17.01 / 133 |
3 = |
xxx.. |
104 -20 |
14 +1 |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone [tpb] |
6 -1 |
xxx.. |
124 -8 |
12 = |
Smith, The Lord of the Rings: Weapons and Warfare [tpb] |
11.16.03 / 7 |
3 +3 |
60 +15 |
9 ++ |
Tolkien, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings Box Set |
02.23.03 / 17 |
84 +56 |
15 +2 |
xxx.. |
Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings [tpb] |
126 + |
20 + |
Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings Box Set |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
53 -38 |
Tolkien, The Return of the King |
17 +15 |
95 + |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
Tolkien, The Silmarillion |
76 + |
87 + |
Title | Debut / #wks on any list |
NYT 01.04 |
SFC 12.28 |
WP 12.21 |
USAT 12.23 |
PW 12.22 (ch 12.01) |
Book Sense 12.29 |
Amz (12.29) |
UK: Book Scan wk ending 12.20 |
Australia: Dymocks (12.22) |
Canada: (12.29) |
This cell color indicates rankings on children's bestsellers lists |
This cell color indicates rankings of books based on pre-publication sales |
[Italics and brackets, and/or this cell color, indicate stale data -- rankings from one or more weeks before -- and do not contribute to the cumulative weeks on any list totals] |