SFFH on General Lists
19 April 2004

Genre SF and Fantasy titles have become few and far between on general bestseller lists the past few months, even among YA titles. No genre title ranks higher than 20th on any list this week, the close exceptions being Neal Stephenson's The Confusion, ranking #6 on Amazon Canada's list today (though arguably not a genre book, and managing only #30 on Amazon US's list), and the trade paperback of Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake, on a total of 5 lists in 3 countries (though arguably a mainstream title of genre interest rather than a genre book).
Even Harry Potter books have slipped off most lists. In contrast, Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy continue to rank on BookScan's children's lists in paperback, this week ranking 9th, 11th, and 12th.
(Bookmark this link, Locus Online Bestsellers, for automatic redirection to the latest week's chart.)
Title | Debut / #wks on any list |
NYT 04.25 |
SFC 04.18 |
WP 04.18 |
USAT 04.11 |
PW 04.19 (ch 04.01) |
Book Sense 04.19 |
Amz (04.20) |
UK: Book Scan wk ending 04.10 |
Australia: Dymocks (04.20) |
Canada: Amz.ca (04.20) |
Items on list -x- number of lists surveyed | |
30x5 |
30x3 |
10x4 |
150 |
15x5 |
15x6 |
100 |
50x3 |
10x4 |
100 |
Hardcovers |
DiTerlizzi/Black, The Spiderwick Chronicles, Book 4: The Ironwood Tree |
04.11.04 / 2 |
4 ++ |
47 +43 |
2 +2 |
DiTerlizzi/Black, The Spiderwick Chronicles, Book 4: The Ironwood Tree (UK) |
04.11.04 / 2 |
13 +2 |
Feist, King of Foxes |
04.04.04 / 3 |
25 -5 |
x |
xx |
Flint/Dennis, 1634: The Galileo Affair |
04.11.04 / 2 |
27 +2 |
Funke, Inkheart |
10.12.03 / 28 |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
x |
14 +1 |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
Gemmell, Swords of Night and Day (UK) |
04.04.04 / 3 |
50 = |
x |
Greer, The Confessions of Max Tivoli |
03.28.04 / 4 |
4 -1 |
Jordan, New Spring |
12.28.03 / 17 |
26 +5 |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
Kay, The Last Light of the Sun (CANADA) |
02.22.04 / 7 |
64 -26 |
Nix, Abhorsen (UK) |
04.04.04 / 3 |
5 = |
Nix, Lirael (UK) |
09.07.03 / 7 |
15 +2 |
Paolini, Eragon |
09.07.03 / 33 |
2 = |
32 +7 |
x |
3 +3 |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
Paolini, Eragon (UK) |
01.11.04 / 15 |
x |
3 -1 |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix |
02.09.03 / 62 |
5 +2 |
xxx.. |
140 + |
x |
xxx |
x |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (UK) |
06.29.03 / 43 |
45 = |
xxx.. |
Stephenson, The Confusion |
03.07.04 / 6 |
30 -8 |
6 +7 |
Stephenson, System of the World |
04.18.04 / 1 |
43 ++ |
Title | Debut / #wks on any list |
NYT 04.25 |
SFC 04.18 |
WP 04.18 |
USAT 04.11 |
PW 04.19 (ch 04.01) |
Book Sense 04.19 |
Amz (04.20) |
UK: Book Scan wk ending 04.10 |
Australia: Dymocks (04.20) |
Canada: Amz.ca (04.20) |
Paperbacks [tpb=trade] |
Atwood, Oryx and Crake (UK) |
04.04.04 / 3 |
26 -2 |
Atwood, Oryx and Crake [tpb] |
04.11.04 / 2 |
6 ++ |
120 +7 |
7 +5 |
Atwood, Oryx and Crake (AUSTRALIA) [tpb] |
03.14.04 / 6 |
9 -3 |
Chabon, Summerland [tpb] |
02.29.04 / 8 |
10 -1 |
Colfer, Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code (UK) |
04.04.04 / 3 |
8 +1 |
Colfer, Artemis Fowl: The Seventh Dwarf (UK) |
03.07.04 / 7 |
28 -15 |
Feist, Talon of the Silver Hawk |
04.11.04 / 2 |
121 +3 |
Funke, The Thief Lord |
09.28.03 / 30 |
xxx |
xxx.. |
x |
7 = |
xxx.. |
Gemmell, White Wolf (UK) |
04.11.04 / 2 |
47 -6 |
King, Four Past Midnight |
03.14.04 / 6 |
20 +2 |
64 -15 |
xx |
xxx |
Maguire, Wicked [tpb] |
06.15.03 / 22 |
xxx.. |
xxx.. |
58 +5 |
xx |
Nix, Sabriel (UK) |
06.08.03 / 5 |
34 +10 |
Pullman, The Amber Spyglass (UK) |
xxx.. |
12 -1 |
Pullman, Northern Lights (UK) |
xxx.. |
9 -3 |
Pullman, The Subtle Knife (UK) |
11 -1 |
Rodda, Deltora Quest Series 3, Book 1: Dragon's Nest (AUSTRALIA) |
02.01.04 / 12 |
6 = |
Rodda, Deltora Quest Series 3, Book 2: Shadowgate (AUSTRALIA) |
02.15.04 / 10 |
4 +1 |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (UK) |
31 -9 |
xxx.. |
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (UK) |
30 -9 |
xxx |
Weber/Ringo, March to the Stars |
04.11.04 / 2 |
123 -25 |
Title | Debut / #wks on any list |
NYT 04.25 |
SFC 04.18 |
WP 04.18 |
USAT 04.11 |
PW 04.19 (ch 04.01) |
Book Sense 04.19 |
Amz (04.20) |
UK: Book Scan wk ending 04.10 |
Australia: Dymocks (04.20) |
Canada: Amz.ca (04.20) |
This cell color indicates rankings on children's bestsellers lists |
This cell color indicates rankings of books based on pre-publication sales |
[Italics and brackets, and/or this cell color, indicate stale data -- rankings from one or more weeks before -- and do not contribute to the cumulative weeks on any list totals] |
The table shows the current rank of each book and the change since last week, where:
= same as last week
+ or - with number: difference since last week
+ back on list
++ new on list
x no longer on list (number of x's: weeks off list)
All lists rank hardcovers and paperbacks separately, except for the USA Today list, which is a single list combining fiction and nonfiction in all formats, and BookScan, which combines hardcovers and paperbacks within lists for fiction, nonfiction, and children's. Dates shown are posted dates, except those in parentheses, which are dates compiled. New York Times posts its list one week in advance of print publication.
Note that some sources do not compile paperback bestsellers, and some exclude YA books (like the Harry Potter series) from their hardcover and paperback fiction lists.