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2000 Books
Last updated: 25 November 2000
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+ 1st US editions
References to Locus Magazine reviews (not online) indicate reviewer: cc = Carolyn Cushman; eb = Edward Bryant; fm = Faren Miller; gkw = Gary K. Wolfe; js = Jonathan Strahan; kh = Karen Haber; rl = Russell Letson
- Gardner, James Alan Hunted (HarperCollins/Eos, Jul)
Locus review May 2000 (cc)
Locus review October 2000 (Jenni Hall)
- Garland, Mark A., & Charles G. McGraw Frost (Baen, Oct)
Locus review December 2000 (cc)
- Garrison, Peter The Magic Dead (Ace, Jan)
- Gemmell, David Hero in the Shadows (UK: Transworld/Bantam, Mar)
- Gemmell, David Hero in the Shadows (Ballantine Del Rey, Mar)
- Gentle, Mary Ash: A Secret History (UK: Gollancz, Jun)
Locus review Jan 2000 (fm)
- Gentle, Mary The Book of Ash #2: Carthage Ascendant (Avon Eos, Feb)
Locus review Jan 2000 (fm)
- Gentle, Mary The Book of Ash #3: The Wild Machines (Eos, Aug)
Locus review November 2000 (fm)
- Gentle, Mary The Book of Ash #4: Lost Burgundy (Eos, Dec)
Locus review November 2000 (fm)
- Gerrold, David Jumping Off the Planet (Tor, Mar)
- Gloss, Molly Wild Life (Simon & Schuster, Jun)
Locus review May 2000 (fm)
- Goldstein, Rebecca Properties of Light (Houghton Mifflin, Aug)
- Goodkind, Terry Faith of the Fallen (UK: Orion/Gollancz, Aug)
- Goodkind, Terry Faith of the Fallen (Tor, Aug)
- Goonan, Kathleen Ann Crescent City Rhapsody (Avon Eos, Feb)
Locus review Apr 2000 (rl)
Locus review Jan 2000 (gkw)
- Gottlieb, Sherry Worse Than Death (Forge, Jan)
Locus review Apr 2000 (eb)
- Gould, Steven Blind Waves (Tor, Feb)
Locus review Feb 2000 (gkw)
- Gray, Julia Isle of the Dead (UK: Orbit, Feb)
Locus review June 2000 (cc)
- Grayson, Kristine Utterly Charming (Zebra, Feb)
Locus review May 2000 (cc)
- + Green, Simon R. Beyond the Blue Moon (Penguin/Roc, Nov)
- Greenberg, Gary, & Jerome Tuccille War of the Werewolf (Xlibris, Jun)
- Grimsley, Jim Kirith Kirin (Meisha Merlin, May)
Locus review September 2000 (cc)
- Grimwood, Jon Courtenay redRobe (UK: Simon & Schuster/Earthlight, Mar)
Scheduled; not seen
- Grundy, Stephan Gilgamesh (HarperCollins/Morrow, Oct)
Locus review November 2000 (fm)
- Gwinn, Beth, & Stanley Wiater Dark Dreamers: Facing the Masters of Fear (CD Publications, Dec)
- Haldeman, Joe The Coming (Ace, Dec)
Locus review December 2000 (rl)
Locus review November 2000 (js)
- Hambly, Barbara The Knight of the Demon Queen (Ballantine Del Rey, Feb)
Locus review Jan 2000 (fm)
- Hambly, Barbara Sold Down the River (Bantam, Jul)
Locus review July 2000 (fm)
- Hamilton, Laurell K. A Kiss of Shadows (Ballantine, Oct)
Locus review July 2000 (cc)
- Hamilton, Laurell K. Obsidian Butterfly (Ace, Jan)
Locus review Dec 1999 (cc)
- + Hamilton, Peter F. The Naked God (Warner Aspect, Jan)
- Harlan, Thomas The Gate of Fire (Tor, May)
Locus review May 2000 (fm)
- Harman, Andrew The Suburban Salamander Incident (UK: Orbit, Feb)
Locus review Apr 2000 (cc)
- + Harrison, Harry Stars & Stripes in Peril (Ballantine Del Rey, Dec)
- Harrison, Harry Stars and Stripes In Peril (UK: Hodder & Stoughton, Apr)
Scheduled; not seen
- Harrison, M. John The Drop (UK: HarperCollins/Flamingo, Apr)
Scheduled; not seen
- Haydon, Elizabeth Prophecy (Tor, Jul)
Locus review August 2000 (cc)
- Heaney, Seamus (translator) Beowulf (Farrar Straus & Giroux, Feb)
- + Herbert, Brian, & Kevin J. Anderson Dune: House Harkonnen (Bantam Spectra, Oct)
- Herbert, Brian, & Kevin J. Anderson House Harkonnen (UK: Hodder & Stoughton, Sep)
Scheduled; not seen
- Herter, David Ceres Storm (Tor, Nov)
- Hilgartner, Beth A Business of Ferrets (Meisha Merlin, Apr)
Locus review Apr 2000 (cc)
- Hobb, Robin Ship of Destiny (UK: HarperCollins/Voyager, Mar)
Locus review October 2000 (cc)
- + Hobb, Robin Ship of Destiny (Bantam Spectra, Aug)
Locus review October 2000 (Dawn Castner)
Locus review October 2000 (cc)
- Hogan, James P. The Legend that was Earth (Baen, Oct)
- Holland, Cecelia The Angel and the Sword (Tor/Forge, Dec)
- Holt, Tom Valhalla (UK: Little Brown/Orbit, Jun)
Locus review October 2000 (cc)
- Hopkins, Brian A. The Licking Valley Coon Hunters Club (Yard Dog Press, Apr)
Locus review June 2000 (eb)
- Hopkinson, Nalo Midnight Robber (Warner Aspect, Mar)
Locus review Feb 2000 (gkw)
Locus review Feb 2000 (fm)
- Huff, Tanya Valor's Choice (DAW, Apr)
Locus review Apr 2000 (cc)
- Jacoby, Kate Black Eagle Rising (UK: Gollancz, Jul)
Locus review November 2000 (cc)
- + Jacques, Brian The Legend of Luke (Philomel, Jan)
- Jacques, Brian Lord Brocktree (UK: Hutchinson, Sep)
Scheduled; not seen
- Jacques, Brian Lord Brocktree: A Tale from Redwall (Penguin/Philomel, Sep)
- Jakober, Marie The Black Chalice (Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing, Sep)
Locus review August 2000 (cc)
- Jeter, K.W. Bladerunner 4: Eye & Talon (UK: Orion/Gollancz, Dec)
- Johnson, Kij The Fox Woman (Tor, Jan)
Locus review Jan 2000 (fm)
- + Johnston, Paul The Bone Yard (St. Martin's, Aug)
Locus review September 2000 (rl)
- Jones, Diana Wynne Mixed Magics (UK: Collins, Jun)
Locus review October 2000 (cc)
- Jones, Diana Wynne Year of the Griffin (UK: Orion/Gollancz, Oct)
Scheduled; not seen
- Jones, Diana Wynne Year of the Griffin (Harper/Greenwillow, Oct)
Scheduled; not seen
- Jordan, Robert Winter's Heart (UK: Little Brown/Orbit, Nov)
- Jordan, Robert Winter's Heart (Tor, Nov)
Locus review December 2000 (cc)
- + Joyce, Graham Dreamside (Tor, Jun)
- + Joyce, Graham Indigo (Pocket, Jan)
Locus review Nov 1999 (fm)
- Kashina, Anna The Princess of Dhagabad (Herodias, May)
Locus review May 2000 (fm)
- Kay, Guy Gavriel Lord of Emperors (UK: Simon & Schuster/Earthlight, Mar)
Locus review Mar 2000 (fm)
- Kay, Guy Gavriel Lord of Emperors (HarperPrism, Mar)
- Kellogg, Marjorie B. The Book of Fire (DAW, Jul)
Locus review June 2000 (cc)
- Kenyon, Kay Tropic of Creation (Bantam Spectra, Nov)
- Kernaghan, Eileen The Snow Queen (Thistledown Press, May)
Locus review July 2000 (cc)
- Kerr, Katharine The Fire Dragon (UK: HarperCollins/Voyager, Oct)
Scheduled; not yet seen
- Keyes, J. Gregory Empire of Unreason (Ballantine Del Rey, May)
Locus review May 2000 (cc)
- King, Gabriel The Knot Garden (UK: Random House/Century, Nov)
- Klasky, Mindy L. The Glasswright's Apprentice (Roc, Jul)
Locus review May 2000 (cc)
- Kooistra, Jeffery D. Dykstra's War (Baen, Dec)
- Koontz, Dean From the Corner of his Eye (UK: Hodder Headline Feature, Dec)
- + Koontz, Dean From the Corner of His Eye (Bantam, Dec)
- Kress, Nancy Probability Moon (Tor, Jul)
Locus review Apr 2000 (js)
Locus review July 2000 (rl)
- Kurtz, Katherine King Kelson's Bride (Ace, Jun)
Locus review July 2000 (cc)
- Lackey, Mercedes Brightly Burning (DAW, May)
Locus review Apr 2000 (cc)
- LaHaye, Tim, & Jerry B. Jenkins The Indwelling (Tyndale, May)
- LaHaye, Tim, & Jerry B. Jenkins The Mark (Tyndale, Nov)
- Landis, Geoffrey A. Mars Crossing (Tor, Dec)
Locus review December 2000 (js)
- Lansdale, Joe R. Blood Dance (Subterranean Press, May)
Locus review June 2000 (eb)
- Lansdale, Joe R. The Bottoms (Subterranean Press, Jul)
Locus review September 2000 (eb)
- Lash, Batton Sonovawitch! and Other Tales of Supernatural Law (Exhibit A Press, Sep)
Locus review October 2000 (cc)
- Laymon, Richard Once Upon a Halloween (Cemetery Dance, Oct)
Locus review December 2000 (eb)
- Laymon, Richard The Traveling Vampire Show (CD Publications, May)
Locus review June 2000 (eb)
- Le Guin, Ursula K. The Telling (Harcourt, Sep)
Locus review August 2000 (fm)
Locus review September 2000 (gkw)
- Lee, Alan The Mabinogion (UK: HarperCollins/Voyager, Oct)
Scheduled; not yet seen
- Lee, Gentry The Tranquility Wars (Bantam Spectra, Dec)
- Lee, Tanith White as Snow (Tor, Dec)
Locus review December 2000 (fm)
- Lee, Tanith Wolf Star Rise (UK: Hodder Children's Books, Jan)
Locus review October 2000 (cc)
- Lee, Tanith Wolf Tower (Dutton, May)
- Leith, Valery The Riddled Night (Bantam Spectra, Aug)
- + Lessing, Doris Ben, In the World (HarperCollins, Aug)
- Lewitt, Shariann Rebel Sutra (Tor, Sep)
Locus review December 2000 (jah)
- Lightman, Alan The Diagnosis (Pantheon, Sep)
- Lisle, Holly Courage of Falcons (Warner Aspect, Oct)
Locus review December 2000 (cc)
- Little, Bentley The Walking (Signet, Nov)
- Lowry, Lois Gathering Blue (Houghton Mifflin/Lorraine, Sep)
Scheduled; not seen
- Luceno, James Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos 1: Hero's Trial (Del Rey, Aug)
- Luceno, James Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse (Del Rey, Oct)
- MacLeod, Ken Cosmonaut Keep (UK: Orbit, Nov)
- + MacLeod, Ken The Sky Road (Tor, Aug)
Locus review October 2000 (rl)
Locus review September 2000 (gkw)
- + MacLeod, Ken The Stone Canal (Tor, Jan)
Locus review Mar 2000 (rl)
- Mallon, Thomas Two Moons (Pantheon, Feb)
- Marco, John The Grand Design (Bantam Spectra, Apr)
- Marffin, Kyle Gothique (Design Image Group, Jun)
Locus review September 2000 (eb)
- + Marillier, Juliet Daughter of the Forest (Tor, May)
Locus review Apr 2000 (fm)
Locus review Apr 2000 (cc)
- Marley, Louise The Glass Harmonica (Ace, Sep)
Locus review December 2000 (dc)
- Martin, George R.R. A Storm of Swords (UK: HarperCollins/Voyager, Aug)
- + Martin, George R.R. A Storm of Swords (Bantam Spectra, Nov)
- Mason, Lisa Pangaea, Book II: Imperium Afire (Bantam Spectra, May)
- Matthews, Susan R. Colony Fleet (Eos, Oct)
Locus review November 2000 (rl)
Locus review September 2000 (cc)
- + McAuley, Paul J. Shrine of Stars (HarperCollins/Eos, Sep)
- McCaffrey, Anne, & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough Acorna's World (Eos, Aug)
- McCaffrey, Anne Pegasus in Space (UK: Bantam, Apr)
Locus review Mar 2000 (cc)
- McCaffrey, Anne Pegasus in Space (Ballantine Del Rey, Apr)
Locus review Mar 2000 (cc)
- McCarthy, Wil The Collapsium (Ballantine Del Rey, Aug)
Locus review September 2000 (rl)
- McDevitt, Jack Infinity Beach (HarperPrism, Feb)
Locus review Mar 2000 (gkw)
Locus review Mar 2000 (js)
Locus review Mar 2000 (rl)
- + McKenna, Juliet E. The Swordsman's Oath (HarperCollins/Eos, Sep)
Locus review Mar 2000 (cc)
- McKiernan, Dennis L. Silver Wolf, Black Falcon (Roc, Jun)
- McKillip, Patricia A. The Tower at Stony Wood (Ace, May)
Locus review Apr 2000 (fm)
Locus review Mar 2000 (js)
- McKinley, Robin Spindle's End (Putnam, May)
- McMullen, Sean The Miocene Arrow (Tor, Aug)
Locus review September 2000 (rl)
- Miéville, China Perdido Street Station (UK: Macmillan, Mar)
Locus review July 2000 (fm)
Locus review July 2000 (js)
- Mitchell, Syne Murphy's Gambit (Penguin/Roc, Nov)
Locus review December 2000 (cc)
- Modesitt, L.E. Jr. Magi'i of Cyador (Tor, Apr)
- Modesitt, L.E. Jr. Scion of Cyador (Tor, Sep)
- Moon, Elizabeth Against the Odds (Baen, Dec)
Locus review November 2000 (cc)
- Moorcock, Michael King of the City (UK: Scribner, May)
Locus review August 2000 (fm)
- Moorcock, Michael, & Storm Constantine Silverheart (UK: Simon & Schuster/Earthlight, Nov)
Locus review December 2000 (fm)
- Moore, Chris Journeyman: The Art of Chris Moore (UK: Paper Tiger, Nov)
- Moore, James A. Under the Overtree (Meisha Merlin, Mar)
Locus review May 2000 (cc)
- Morrill, Rowena The Art of Rowena (UK: Paper Tiger, Nov)
- Moscoe, Mike The Price of Peace (Ace, Jan)
Locus review Mar 2000 (cc)
- Murphy, Pat Wild Angel (Tor, Aug)
Locus review July 2000 (fm)
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