2000 Books
Last updated: 25 November 2000
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Short Fiction
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+ 1st US editions
References to Locus Magazine reviews (not online) indicate reviewer: cc = Carolyn Cushman; eb = Edward Bryant; fm = Faren Miller; gkw = Gary K. Wolfe; js = Jonathan Strahan; kh = Karen Haber; rl = Russell Letson
- Aiken, Joan Shadows & Moonshine (David R. Godine, Oct)
Scheduled; not yet seen
- Barrett, Neal Jr. Perpetuity Blues and Other Stories (Golden Gryphon Press, Feb)
Locus review Feb 2000 (js)
- Benford, Gregory Worlds Vast and Various (Eos, Oct)
Locus review September 2000 (gkw)
- Bester, Alfred redemolished (Pocket/ibooks, Dec)
- Bishop, Michael Blue Kansas Sky (Golden Gryphon Press, Oct)
Locus review October 2000 (js)
- Bisson, Terry In the Upper Room and Other Likely Stories (Tor, May)
Locus review Apr 2000 (fm)
Locus review May 2000 (gkw)
- Blaylock, James P. Thirteen Phantasms and Other Stories (Edgewood Press, Nov)
Locus review November 2000 (js)
- Bloch, Robert The Lost Bloch, Volume 2: Hell on Earth (Subterranean Press, May)
Scheduled; not seen
- Block, Francesca Lia The Rose and the Beast: Nine Fairy Tales (HarperCollins/Cotler, Oct)
- Boston, Bruce The Complete Accursed Wives (Dark Regions/Talisman, Sep)
- Boston, Bruce The Lesions of Genetic Sin (Miniature Sun Press, Jan)
- Brackett, Leigh Martian Quest: The Early Brackett (Haffner Press, Dec)
- Bradbury, Ray A Chapbook for Burnt-Out Priests, Ministers, and Rabbis (CD Publications, Nov)
Scheduled; not seen
- Bryant, Edward Baku: A Story and Teleplay (Subterranean Press, May)
Scheduled; not seen
- + Campbell, Ramsey Ghosts and Grisly Things (Tor, Oct)
- Casil, Amy Sterling Without Absolution (Wildside Press, Aug)
- Chambers, Robert W. The Yellow Sign and Other Stories: The Complete Weird Tales of Robert W. Chambers (Chaosium, Jul)
- Clement, Hal The Essential Hal Clement, Volume 2: Music of Many Spheres: The Selected Short Science Fiction and Articles of Hal Clement (NESFA Press, Feb)
Locus review August 2000 (gkw)
- Clement, Hal The Essential Hal Clement, Volume 3: Variations on a Theme by Sir Isaac Newton (NESFA Press, Aug)
- Crowley, John An Earthly Mother Sits and Sings (DreamHaven Books, Oct)
- Davidson, Avram, Jack Dann & Grania Davidson Davis, eds23. Everybody Has Somebody in Heaven (Devora Publishing, Oct)
Locus review December 2000 (js)
- De Lint, Charles Triskell Tales (Subterranean Press, Nov)
- Dowling, Terry Blackwater Days (Australia: Eidolon, Apr)
Locus review July 2000 (js)
Locus review June 2000 (fm)
- Duncan, Andy Beluthahatchie and Other Stories (Golden Gryphon Press, Oct)
Locus review July 2000 (js)
- Ellison, Harlan The Essential Ellison: A 50-Year Retrospective (Morpheus International, Dec)
- Etchison, Dennis The Death Artist (DreamHaven Books, Aug)
- Hamilton, Edmond The Vampire Master and Other Tales of Terror (Haffner Press, Aug)
- Harrison, M. John Travel Arrangements (UK: Gollancz, May)
Locus review December 2000 (fm)
- Hughes, Rhys The Smell of Telescopes (UK: Tartarus Press, Mar)
Locus review June 2000 (eb)
- Ing, Dean Firefight Y2K (Baen, Jan)
- Jones, Diana Wynne Mixed Magics: The Worlds of Chrestomanci (UK: HarperCollins Children's, Oct)
- Lansdale, Joe R. High Cotton: Selected Stories of Joe R. Lansdale (Golden Gryphon Press, Sep)
Locus review August 2000 (eb)
- Laymon, Richard Dreadful Tales (UK: Hodder Headline, Dec)
- Lethem, Jonathan, & Carter Scholz Kafka Americana (Subterranean Press, Feb)
- Mak, Derwin All Dancers Go To Heaven (Canada: Oortworks Corporation)
- Malzberg, Barry N. In the Stone House (Arkham House, Nov)
- Meikle, William (with Graeme Hurry) Millennium Macabre (Enigmatic Press, Feb)
Locus review June 2000 (eb)
- Mintz, Catherine First Light (TomorrowSF, Aug)
- Newman, Kim Seven Stars (UK: Simon & Schuster/Pocket, May)
Locus review December 2000 (js)
- Newman, Kim Unforgivable Stories (UK: Pocket Books, Aug)
- O'Leary, Patrick Other Voices, Other Doors (Fairwood Press, Nov)
- Powers, Tim Night Moves and Other Stories (Subterranean Press, Oct)
Scheduled; not yet seen
- Pronzini, Bill Night Freight (Leisure Books, May)
Locus review September 2000 (eb)
- Resnick, Mike A Safari of the Mind (Wildside Press, Feb)
- Rucker, Rudy Gnarl! (Four Walls Eight Windows, Apr)
- Russell, Eric Frank Major Ingredients (NESFA Press, Sep)
- Russo, Richard Paul Terminal Visions (Golden Gryphon Press, Sep)
Locus review November 2000 (js)
- Schmitz, James H. (edited by Eric Flint) Telzey Amberdon (Baen, Mar)
Locus review June 2000 (cc)
- Schmitz, James H. (edited by Eric Flint) T'nT: Telzey & Trigger (Baen, Jul)
Locus review September 2000 (cc)
- Schweitzer, Darrell Nightscapes: Tales of the Ominous and Magical (Wildside Press, Apr)
- Sheffield, Charles The Compleat McAndrew (Baen, Apr)
- Silverberg, Robert The Collected Stories of Robert Silverberg Volume 6: Lion Time in Timbuktu (UK: HarperCollins/Voyager, Mar)
Scheduled; not seen
- Silverberg, Robert Sailing to Byzantium (Pocket/ibooks, Sep)
- Somtow, S.P. Tagging the Moon (Night Shade Books, May)
- Straub, Peter Magic Terror: Seven Tales (Random House, Jul)
Locus review July 2000 (gkw)
- Sturgeon, Theodore A Saucer of Loneliness: The Complete Short Stories of Theodore Sturgeon, Vol. 7 (North Atlantic, Oct)
- Sturgeon, Theodore Selected Stories (Vintage Books, Oct)
Locus review December 2000 (rl)
- Swanwick, Michael Cigar-Box Faust and Other Miniatures (Tachyon Publications, Jun)
Scheduled; not seen
- Swanwick, Michael Moon Dogs (NESFA Press, Feb)
Locus review Apr 2000 (js)
- Swanwick, Michael Tales of Old Earth (North Atlantic/Tachyon Publications/Frog Ltd., May)
Locus review July 2000 (js)
Locus review November 2000 (mrk)
- Tenn, William Immodest Proposals: The Complete Short Science Fiction of William Tenn, Volume One (NESFA Press, Dec)
- Thomas, Jeffrey Punktown (Ministry of Whimsey Press, Jun)
- Tiptree, James Jr. Meet Me at Infinity (Tor, Apr)
- Tuttle, Lisa My Pathology (UK: Pumpkin Books, Apr)
Scheduled; not seen
- Vonarburg, Elisabeth The Slow Engines of Time and Other Stories (Canada: Tesseract, Sep)
Scheduled; not seen
- Vonnegut, Kurt God Bless You, Dr. Kevorkian (Seven Stories, Jan)
- Watts, Peter Ten Monkeys, Ten Minutes (Canada: Tesseract, Oct)
Scheduled; not yet seen
- Wellman, Manly Wade The Third Cry to Legba and Other Invocations: the Selected Stories of Manly Wade Wellman, Volume 1 (Night Shade Books, Jul)
Locus review October 2000 (eb)
- What, Leslie The Sweet and Sour Tongue (Wildside, Sep)
Scheduled; not seen
- Williamson, Jack The Collected Stories of Jack Williamson, Volume Three: Wizard's Isle (Haffner Press, Sep)
- Wilson, Robert Charles The Perseids and Other Stories (Tor, Aug)
Locus review November 2000 (mrk)
Locus review September 2000 (gkw)
- Wolfe, Gene Strange Travelers (Tor, Jan)
Locus review Jan 2000 (fm)
- Yolen, Jane Sister Emily's Lightship and Other Stories (Tor, Aug)
Locus review August 2000 (gkw)
- Zivkovic, Zoran Impossible Encounters (Yugoslavia: Polaris)
- Zivkovic, Zoran Time Gifts (Northwestern University Press, Oct)
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