This page lists selected new science fiction, fantasy, and horror books seen published this month, mostly via bookstores sightings (though all books received for review -- not including advance reading copies -- will be listed). For a comprehensive listing of new books published each month, see Locus Magazine. Its Books Received listings are accumulated as the online Locus Index.
Key: * = first edition, + = first US edition. Date with publisher info is official publication month; date in parentheses at paragraph end is date seen or received.
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New titles seen in July:
* Bell, Hilari Navohar
(Roc 0-451-45788-9, $6.99, 330pp, pb, June 2000, cover art by Kevin Murphy)
SF novel about humanity threatened by genetic disease. Reviewed by Carolyn Cushman in the June Locus. (Fri 14 Jul 2000)
* Clemens, James Wit'ch War
(Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-41709-7, $15, 547pp, tpb, July 2000, cover art by Alan Pollack)
Fantasy novel, third in ''The Banned and the Banished'' series following Wit'ch Fire (1998) and Wit'ch Storm (1999). Amazon has Kirkus review and a statement by the author. (Fri 14 Jul 2000)
* Costikyan, Greg First Contract
(Tor 0-312-87396-4, $23.95, 284pp, hc, July 2000, cover by Shelley Eshkar)
Humorous SF novel about alien contact and big business. Amazon has Booklist and Kirkus reviews, and a statement by the author. Reviewed by Gary K. Wolfe in the July 2000 Locus. (Sun 9 Jul 2000)
* Datlow, Ellen, ed Vanishing Acts
(Tor 0-312-86962-2, $24.95, 380pp, hc, June 2000, cover by Cliff Nielsen)
Anthology of 15 stories and 1 poem, all but four of the stories original to this volume, on the theme of endangered species. Authors include Ted Chiang, Joe Haldeman, Suzy McKee Charnas, Avram Davidson, Brian Stableford, Paul J. McAuley, etc. Amazon has a review by Luc Duplessis, and a statement by the editor. Reviewed by Faren Miller in the June 2000 Locus, and by Gary K. Wolfe in the July issue. (Sun 9 Jul 2000)
* Dozois, Gardner, ed The Year's Best Science Fiction: Seventeenth Annual Collection
(St. Martin's 0-312-26275-2, $29.95, 53+625pp, hc, July 2000, cover art by Michael Carroll)
Reprint anthology (also in trade paperback) of 27 stories from 1999, including David Marusek's "The Wedding Album", Geoff Ryman's "Everywhere", Stephen Baxter's "People Are From Earth", Greg Egan's "Border Guards", others by Frederik Pohl, Robert Silverberg, Michael Swanwick, etc. Dozois's 50-page introduction summarizes the current state of SF publishers, magazines, anthologies, websites, movies, and quite a few books--though as usual novels are given rather short shrift, with notable titles merely listed, in contrast to the detailed discussion of other types of SF books (anthologies, art books, etc.), and in contrast to extensive summaries and evaluations of the year's SF movies and TV shows. Highly recommended anyway, especially if you don't keep up on current magazines and anthologies. Amazon has a Kirkus review, and reader comments. Reviewed by Gary K. Wolfe in the June Locus. (Mon 24 Jul 2000)
* Drake, David Lt. Leary, Commanding
(Baen 0-671-57875-8, $24, 432pp, hc, July 2000, cover by Stephen Hickman)
Military SF novel, follow-up to With the Lightnings (1998). Amazon has Kirkus review. (Sun 9 Jul 2000)
+ Faber, Michel Under the Skin
(Harcourt, Inc. 0-15-100626-1, $23, 311pp, hc, July 2000, cover design by Claudine Guerguerian)
First US edition (UK: Canongate Books January 2000). Literary horror novel about a woman who cruises the Scottish Highlands sizing up male hitchhikers. Amazon has a review by Burhan Tufail, and excerpts from numerous other reviews. The UK edition was a paperback; this is the first hardcover. (Tue 18 Jul 2000)
* Gardner, James Alan Hunted
(HarperCollins/Eos 0-380-80209-0, $6.99, 422pp, pb, July 2000)
SF novel, third in a series about the Explorer Corps, this time focusing on an illegal clone. Reviewed by Carolyn Cushman in the May Locus. (Thu 13 Jul 2000)
Gibson, William Neuromancer
(Ace 0-441-00746-5, $13.95, 276pp, tpb, July 2000)
Reprint (Ace Special July 1984). SF novel, the original cyberpunk novel, winner of the Hugo, Nebula, and Philip K. Dick awards. With a new afterword by Jack Womack. Amazon has excerpts from past reviews. (Sun 9 Jul 2000)
* Haydon, Elizabeth Prophecy
(Tor 0-312-86751-4, $27.95, 480pp, hc, July 2000, cover art by Royo, cover design by Carol Russo Design)
Fantasy novel, follow-up to the well-received Rhapsody (1999). Amazon has review by Nona Vero, plus Kirkus and Booklist reviews. Reviewed by Carolyn Cushman in the upcoming August Locus. (Fri 14 Jul 2000)
* Kress, Nancy Probability Moon
(Tor 0-312-87406-5, $23.95, 334pp, hc, July 2000, cover by Bob Eggleton)
Alien contact SF novel, expanded from the author's 1996 Nebula and Sturgeon award winning novelette ''The Flowers of Aulit Prison''. Amazon has Kirkus review. Reviewed by Jonathan Strahan in the April Locus, and by Russell Letson in the July issue. (Sun 9 Jul 2000)
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Left Hand of Darkness
(Ace 0-441-00731-7, $12.95, 16+304pp, tpb, July 2000)
Reprint (Ace March 1969). Classic SF novel about a human emissary to a world whose inhabitants have no gender, until it is time to mate, when a person can become either male or female. Winner of the Hugo and Nebula awards. This edition includes Le Guin's 1976 introduction. Amazon has a review by L. Blunt Jackson. (Sun 9 Jul 2000)
* Mak, Derwin All Dancers Go To Heaven
(Canada: Oortworks Corporation 0-9687476-0-4, $4, 39pp, chap, 2000, cover art by Janet Heatherington)
Novella published as a souvenir of the 2000 Canadian National SF Convention, limited to 250 copies, about a way to connect living people to the brain waves of the dead. Available from Oortworks Corporation or the author for C$4.00 plus $1.75 postage and handling. (Fri 14 Jul 2000)
* McCaffrey, Anne, & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough Acorna's World
(Eos 0-06-105095-4, $24, 306pp, hc, August 2000, cover art by John Ennis, cover design by Saksa Art & Design)
SF novel, fourth in the series that began with Acorna: The Unicorn Girl (1997). This volume has an appendix of notes by Margaret Ball. Amazon has Kirkus review by Sally Estes. (Fri 28 Jul 2000)
+ Reichert, Mickey Zucker Flightless Falcon
(DAW 0-88677-900-6, $23.95, 323pp, hc, July 2000, cover art by Judy York, cover design by G-Force Design)
First US edition (UK: Orion/Gollancz June 2000). Fantasy novel about a claustrophobic miner in search of his family. Amazon has Booklist review by Roland Green. Reviewed by Carolyn Cushman in the July Locus. (Fri 14 Jul 2000)
* Robinson, Spider Callahan's Key
(Bantam Spectra 0-553-11163-9, $23.95, 336pp, hc, July 2000, cover by Don Maitz)
Humorous SF novel, latest in the long-running Callahan series. Amazon has Booklist and Kirkus reviews. (Sun 9 Jul 2000)
* Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
(Scholastic/Levine 0-439-13959-7, $25.95, 734pp, hc, July 2000, cover by Mary GrandPré)
Fantasy novel, fourth in the Harry Potter series. Amazon has review by Kerry Fried. (Sat 8 Jul 2000)
* Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
(UK: Bloomsbury 0-7475-4624-x, £14.99, 636pp, hc, July 2000, cover art by Giles Greenfield, cover design by Richard Horne)
British edition of the fourth Harry Potter novel. It lacks the interior illustrations of the US edition, but has Rowling's original language, which Scholastic continues to Americanize for US audiences. Officially this edition was available for sale a few hours earlier than the US edition, on July 8, but for practical purposes Locus considers the two editions simultaneous firsts. Amazon UK has a fairly long review by Susan Harrison, and lots of reader reviews. (Wed 12 Jul 2000)
* Salvatore, R.A. Mortalis
(Del Rey 0-345-43039-5, 484pp, hc, July 2000, cover art by Keith Parkinson, cover design by Min Choi)
Fantasy novel, first in a new DemonWars series. Amazon has Booklist review by Roland Green. (Fri 14 Jul 2000)
* Schmitz, James H., edited by Eric Flint T'nT: Telzey & Trigger
(Baen 0-671-57879-0, $6.99, 403pp, pb, July 2000, cover by Bob Eggleton)
The Complete Federation of the Hub, Volume 2, co-edited by Guy Gordon, with an afterword by Flint and an essay, ''That Certain Something'', by Gordon. Collection of 7 SF stories, all originally from Analog; follow-up to Telzey Amberdon, listed in March. (Mon 10 Jul 2000)
* Shatner, William, with Judith Reeves-Stevens and Garfield Reeves-Stevens Preserver
(Pocket 0-671-02125-7, $23.95, 374pp, hc, July 2000)
Star Trek novel. Only Shatner's name appears on the cover; Shatner's dedication to co-authors Reeves-Stevens praises their writing ability. (Mon 10 Jul 2000)
* Straub, Peter Magic Terror: Seven Tales
(Random House 0-375-50393-5, $24.95, 335pp, hc, July 2000)
Collection of seven stories, including the World Fantasy Award-winning ''The Ghost Village'' and the Bram Stoker Award-winning ''Mr. Clubb and Mr. Cuff''. Amazon has a review by Naomi Gesinger. Reviewed by Gary K. Wolfe in the July Locus. (Sun 9 Jul 2000)
* Thomas, Sheree R., ed Dark Matter: A Century of Speculative Fiction from the African Diaspora
(Warner Aspect 0-446-52583-9, $24.95, 14+427pp, hc, July 2000, cover by Franco Accornero)
Anthology of stories and essays by African American writers, including reprinted stories by Octavia E. Butler, Samuel R. Delany, and W.E.B. Du Bois; original stories by Tananarive Due, Jewelle Gomez, Steven Barnes, Nisi Shawl, and Nalo Hopkinson; essays by Walter Mosley, Charles R. Saunders. Amazon has Kirkus review and excerpts from others. Reviewed by Faren Miller in the June Locus, Gary K. Wolfe in the July. (Mon 10 Jul 2000)
+ van Vogt, A.E. The Empire of Isher
(Orb 0-312-87500-2, $14.95, 352pp, tpb, July 2000, cover by Vincent Di Fate)
First US edition (UK: NEL April 1988). Omnibus of two early, popular van Vogt novels, The Weapon Makers (1947, revised 1952) and The Weapon Shops of Isher (1951, based on earlier magazine stories), about a libertarian force fighting an oppressive world government. The earlier UK edition was published as The Weapon Shops of Isher & The Weapon Makers. (Sun 9 Jul 2000)
* Wells, Martha Wheel of the Infinite
(HarperCollins/Eos 0-380-97335-9, $24, 355pp, hc, July 2000, cover art by Donato Giancola, cover design by Amy Halperin)
Fantasy quest novel. Amazon has Booklist review by the busy Roland Green, and Kirkus review. (Fri 14 Jul 2000)
* Williams, Sean, & Shane Dix Evergence: The Dying Light
(Ace 0-441-00742-2, $6.99, 420pp, pb, July 2000, cover art by Bob Warner)
SF novel, the second part of Evergence: The Prodigal Sun (1999). Amazon has a statement by the authors. Reviewed by Russell Letson in the upcoming August 2000 Locus. (Fri 14 Jul 2000)
* Wolfe, Gene In Green's Jungles
(Tor 0-312-87315-8, $24.95, 384pp, hc, August 2000, cover art by Jim Burns)
Second novel in the author's current ''Book of the Short Sun'' series, following last year's On Blue's Waters. Reviewed by Faren Miller in the upcoming August Locus. (Fri 21 Jul 2000)
* Zivkovic, Zoran Impossible Encounters
(Yugoslavia: Polaris no isbn, 131pp, tpb, 2000, cover art by Rene Magritte, cover design by Nenad Bacanovic)
Collection of 6 stories, 3 of which have been published in Interzone, translated from the Serbian by Alice Copple-Tosic. Publisher's address is Publishing Atelier Polaris, Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10E/162, 11070 Belgrade, Yugoslavia; e-mail: polaris@eunet.yu. A reprint of Zivkovic's first book in English, Time-Gifts (1999), is due shortly from Northwestern University Press. (Wed 12 Jul 2000)
Last month: June