1999 Books
Last updated: 19 March 2000
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Books listed include:
first editions published in the US
first US editions of books originally published elsewhere
first editions published in the UK, Canada, Australia, etc.
References to Locus Magazine reviews (not online) indicate reviewer: cc = Carolyn Cushman; eb = Edward Bryant; fm = Faren Miller; gkw = Gary K. Wolfe; js = Jonathan Strahan; kh = Karen Haber; rl = Russell Letson
- Achenbach, Joel Captured by Aliens (Simon & Schuster, Nov)
- Adams, Fred, & Greg Laughlin The Five Ages of the Universe: Inside the Physics of Eternity (Free Press, Jun)
- Auiler, Dan Hitchcock's Notebooks (Avon Spike)
- Barrow, John D. Between Inner Space and Outer Space: Essays on Science, Art, and Philosophy (Oxford)
- Benford, Gregory Deep Time: How Humanity Communicates Across Millennia (Avon Bard, Feb)
Locus review Jun 1999 (rl)
- Blackmore, Susan The Meme Machine (Oxford)
- Bolles, Edmund Blair The Ice Finders (Counterpoint, Dec)
- Borges, Jorge Luis (edited by Eliot Weinberger) Selected Non-Fictions (Viking, Sep)
- Brand, Stewart The Clock of the Long Now: Time and Responsibility (Basic Books)
- Bronson, Po The Nudist on the Late Shift and other true tales of Silicon Valley (Random House, Jul)
- Calvino, Italo (translated by Martin McLaughlin) Why Read the Classics? (Pantheon, Sep)
- Coles, Robert The Secular Mind (Princeton, Apr)
- Conrad, Peter Modern Times, Modern Places (Knopf, Mar)
- Croswell, Ken Magnificent Universe (Simon & Schuster, Oct)
- Crowley, Robert, ed. What If? The World's Foremost Military Historians Imagine What Might Have Been (Putnam, Sep)
- Damasio, Antonio The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotions in the Making of Consciousness (Harcourt Brace, Sep)
- Davidson, Keay Carl Sagan: A Life (Wiley, Sep)
- Davies, Paul The Fifth Miracle: The Search for the Origin and Meaning of Life (Simon & Schuster, Mar)
- Dery, Mark The Pyrotechnic Insanitarium: American Culture on the Brink (Grove Press, Feb)
- Devlin, Keith InfoSense: Turning Information into Knowledge (W.H. Freeman and Company, Jun)
- Dikkers, Scott, ed. The Onion Presents Our Dumb Century (Three Rivers Press)
- Dyson, Freeman The Sun, the Genome, and the Internet: Tools of Scientific Revolutions (NYPL/Oxford, Apr)
- Ferguson, Niall, ed. Virtual History: Alternatives and Counterfactuals (Basic Books, Aug)
- Feynman, Richard P. The Pleasure of Finding Things Out (Perseus Books, Jul)
- Freed, Josh, & Terry Mosher, eds. 2000 Reasons to Hate the Millennium (Simon & Schuster/Fireside, May)
- Fromkin, David The Way of the World: From the dawn of civilizations to the eve of the Twenty-First Century (Knopf, Jan)
- Gershenfeld, Neil When Things Start to Think (Henry Holt, Jan)
- Glassner, Barry The Culture of Fear: Why Americans Are Afraid of the Wrong Things (Basic Books, Apr)
- Gleick, James Faster: The Acceleration of Just About Everything (Pantheon, Sep)
- Goldsmith, Donald Voyage to the Milky Way: The Future of Space Exploration (TV Books, May)
- Gore, Chris 50 Greatest Movies Never Made (St. Martin's Griffin, Jul)
Locus review Jun 1999 (eb)
- Gould, Stephen Jay Rocks of Ages: Science and Religion in the Fullness of Life (Ballantine/Library of Contemporary Thought, Mar)
- Greene, Brian The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory (Norton, Jan)
- Heard, Alex Apocalypse Pretty Soon: Travels in End-Time America (Norton, Feb)
- Horgan, John The Undiscovered Mind (Free Press, Sep)
- Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer Mother Nature (Pantheon, Oct)
- Irving, John My Movie Business (Random House, Nov)
- Johnson, George Strange Beauty (Knopf, Oct)
- Jolly, Alison Lucy's Legacy (Harvard, Nov)
- Kaminer, Wendy Sleeping with Extra-Terrestrials (Pantheon, Oct)
- Kaplan, Robert The Nothing That Is: A Natural History of Zero (Oxford, Oct)
- Kluger, Jeffrey Journey Beyond Selene (Simon & Schuster, Jul)
- Kosko, Bart The Fuzzy Future: From Society and Science to Heaven in a Chip (Harmony Books, Sep)
- Kubrick, Stanley, Frederic Raphael & Arthur Schnitzler Eyes Wide Shut (Warner Books, Oct)
- Kurzweil, Ray The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence (Viking, Jan)
- Lancaster, Kurt Warlocks and Warpdrive (McFarland & Company, Dec)
- Levinson, Paul Digital McLuhan: A Guide to the Information Millennium (Routledge, May)
- Matlin, David The Invisible Universe (Bulfinch)
- McGinn, Colin The Mysterious Flame: Conscious Minds in a Material World (Basic Books, May)
- Petroski, Henry The Book on the Bookshelf (Knopf, Sep)
- Pinker, Steven Words and Rules: The Ingredients of Language (Basic Books)
- Poundstone, William Carl Sagan: A Life in the Cosmos (Henry Holt, Oct)
- Purdy, Jedediah For Common Things (Knopf, Sep)
- Quinn, Daniel Beyond Civilization: Humanity's Next Great Adventure (Harmony Books, Oct)
- Raphael, Frederic Eyes Wide Open: A Memoir of Stanley Kubrick (Ballantine, Jul)
- Rhodes, Richard, ed. Visions of Technology (Simon & Schuster, Mar)
- Ross, John F. The Polar Bear Strategy: Reflections on Risk in Modern Life (Perseus Books, Mar)
- Roszak, Theodore The Gendered Atom (Conari Press, Nov)
- Rucker, Rudy Seek! (Four Walls Eight Windows, Apr)
- Ruse, Michael Mystery of Mysteries: Is Evolution a Social Construction? (Harvard University Press, Apr)
- Rushkoff, Douglas Coercion: Why We Listen to What "They" Say (Riverhead Books, Aug)
- Schefter, James The Race:The Uncensored Story of How America Beat Russia to the Moon (Doubleday, Jul)
- Shapiro, Andrew L. The Control Revolution (PublicAffairs, Jun)
- Shattuck, Roger Candor & Perversion: Literature, Education, and the Arts (Norton, Sep)
- Sheffield, Charles Borderlands of Science (Baen, Nov)
- Shermer, Michael How We Believe (Freeman, Oct)
- Shwartz, Ronald B., ed. For the Love of Books (Grosset/Putnam, Mar)
- Singh, Simon The Code Book (Doubleday, Oct)
- Sobel, Dava Galileo's Daughter (Walker, Oct)
- Stephenson, Neal In the Beginning...Was the Command Line (Avon, Nov)
Locus review Jan 2000 (rl)
- Stoll, Clifford High Tech Heretic (Doubleday, Nov)
- Sudo, Philip Toshio Zen Computer: Mindfulness and the Machine (Simon & Schuster, Jul)
- Taylor, Michael Ray Dark Life (Scribner, Apr)
- Trefil, James Other Worlds (National Geographic, Sep)
- Voytilla, Stuart Myth and the Movies (Michael Wiese Productions, Oct)
- Walker, Alexander, Sybil Taylor & Ulrich Ruchti Stanley Kubrick, Director: A Visual Analysis (Norton, Sep)
- Weiner, Jonathan Time, Love, Memory: A Great Biologist and His Quest for the Origins of Behavior (Knopf, Apr)
- Wertheim, Margaret The Pearly Gates of Cyberspace: A History of Space from Dante to the Internet (Norton, Apr)
- White, Michael Weird Science (Avon, Jul)
- Wilson, A.N. God's Funeral (W.W. Norton & Company, Jun)
- Zubrin, Robert Entering Space: Creating a Spacefaring Civilization (Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, Aug)