1999 Books
Last updated: 19 March 2000
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Novels |
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Books listed include:
first editions published in the US
first US editions of books originally published elsewhere
first editions published in the UK, Canada, Australia, etc.
References to Locus Magazine reviews (not online) indicate reviewer: cc = Carolyn Cushman; eb = Edward Bryant; fm = Faren Miller; gkw = Gary K. Wolfe; js = Jonathan Strahan; kh = Karen Haber; rl = Russell Letson
- Anderson, Poul Operation Chaos (Orb, Nov)
- Bradbury, Ray Dandelion Wine (Avon, Feb)
- Bradbury, Ray The October Country (Avon, Sep)
- Bradbury, Ray Something Wicked This Way Comes (Avon, Jun)
- Brennert, Alan Kindred Spirits (Forge, Nov)
- Cadigan, Pat Patterns (Tor, Mar)
- Clarke, Arthur C. 2001: A Space Odyssey (NAL, Oct)
- Disch, Thomas M. 334 (Vintage Books, May)
- Disch, Thomas M. Camp Concentration (Vintage Books, May)
- Dunsany, Lord The Charwoman's Shadow (Del Rey Impact, Aug)
- Dunsany, Lord The King of Elfland's Daughter (Del Rey Impact, Jul)
- Flammarion, Camille Omega: The Last Days of the World (Bison Books, Mar)
- Frank, Pat Alas, Babylon (Perennial Classics, Apr)
- Garton, Ray Seductions (Subterranean Press, Feb)
Locus review May 1999 (eb)
- Goonan, Kathleen Ann Mississippi Blues (Tor, Jun)
- Harness, Charles L. Rings (NESFA, Dec)
- Herbert, Frank Dune (Ace, Oct)
- Hughart, Barry The Chronicles of Master Li and Number Ten Ox (The Stars Our Destination, Jan)
- Jackson, Shirley The Haunting (Penguin, Jul)
- Lesser, Rika Hansel and Gretel (Dutton Children's Books)
Locus review May 1999 (kh)
- Lynn, Elizabeth A. Watchtower (Ace, Sep)
- Powers, Tim The Drawing of the Dark (Del Rey Impact, Nov)
- Reaves, Michael Voodoo Child (Tor, Apr)
Locus review Jun 1999 (eb)
- Sarban The Sound of His Horn and The King of the Lake (Tartarus Press, Oct)
Locus review Feb 2000 (eb)
- Sturgeon, Theodore The Dreaming Jewels (Vintage, Oct)
- Sturgeon, Theodore More Than Human (Vintage, Jan)
- Sturgeon, Theodore To Marry Medusa (Vintage, Jan)
- Sturgeon, Theodore Venus Plus X (Vintage, Oct)
- Tevis, Walter The Man Who Fell to Earth (Del Rey Impact, Sep)
- Tevis, Walter Mockingbird (Del Rey Impact, Oct)
- Tolkien, J.R.R. The Lord of the Rings (Houghton Mifflin, Oct)
- van Vogt, A.E. The War Against the Rull (Orb, Aug)
- Varley, John Millennium (Ace, Oct)
- Williamson, Jack Darker Than You Think (Orb, Dec)
- Wolfe, Gene Free Live Free (Orb, Feb)
- Wooley, John, & Ron Wolfe Old Fears (Hawk Publishing Group, Sep)
Locus review Nov 1999 (eb)
- Zamyatin, Yevgeny (translated by Mirra Ginsburg) We (Avon Eos, Aug)