This page lists selected new science fiction, fantasy, and horror books seen published this month, mostly via bookstores sightings (though all books received for review -- not including advance reading copies -- will be listed). For a comprehensive listing of new books published each month, see Locus Magazine. Its Books Received listings are accumulated as the online Locus Index.
Key: * = first edition, + = first US edition. Date with publisher info is official publication month; date in parentheses at paragraph end is date seen or received.
March 2000
+ Aldiss, Brian W., & Roger Penrose White Mars, or, The Mind Set Free: A 21st Century Utopia
(St. Martin's 0-312-25473-3, $23.95, 323pp, hc, April 2000)
First US edition (UK: Little Brown November 1999). SF novel, by ''Brian W. Aldiss in collaboration with Roger Penrose'', presumably in response to Kim Stanley Robinson's celebrated Red/Green/Blue Mars trilogy; with a photo of the Hindenburg on the cover. Not yet reviewed by Locus magazine. (Fri 17 Mar 2000)
* Allen, Roger MacBride The Depths of Time
(Bantam Spectra 0-553-37811-2, $13.95, 15+426pp, tpb, March 2000)
SF novel about a Chronology Patrol charged with preventing time paradoxes caused by the temporal wormholes that link a universe of terraformed worlds. With glossary, dramatis personae, etc. (Fri 3 Mar 2000)
* Barrett, Neal Jr. Perpetuity Blues and Other Stories
(Golden Gryphon Press 0-9655901-4-3, $21.95, 11+247pp, hc, February 2000, cover by Ron Walotsky)
Collection of 15 stories, mostly from the Barrett renaissance of the late 1980s and early '90s; includes ''Stairs'', ''Cush'', ''Ginny Sweethips' Flying Circus''. Foreword by Terry Bisson. Amazon has Kirkus review. Reviewed by Jonathan Strahan in the February 2000 Locus, who calls it ''the first 'must buy' of the new millennium''. (Wed 8 Mar 2000)
Bester, Alfred The Computer Connection
(Pocket/ibooks 0-671-03901-6, $14, 11+258pp, tpb, February 2000)
Reprint (Berkley Putnam June 1975). Bester's third SF novel, published 20 years after his two classic 1950's novels The Demolished Man and The Stars My Destination; it was well-received at the time though it hasn't achieved the classic status of the earlier books. This edition has a new introduction by Harlan Ellison. (Fri 17 Mar 2000)
* Bonanno, Margaret Wander Preternatural Too: Gyre
(Tor 0-312-86671-2, $23.95, 320pp, hc, April 2000, cover by Shelley Eshkar)
SF novel, sequel to Preternatural (1996), about an SF writer contacted by a group of telepathic aliens. The first volume was a New York Times notable book of the year (i.e., one of NYT reviewer Gerald Jonas's favorite SF books of the year). Amazon has Kirkus review. (Mon 27 Mar 2000)
+ Bova, Ben Venus
(Tor 0-312-87216-x, $24.95, 382pp, hc, April 2000, cover by John Harris)
First US edition (UK: Hodder & Stoughton February 2000). SF novel. (Fri 17 Mar 2000)
Burroughs, Edgar Rice At the Earth's Core
(Bison Books (University of Nebraska Press) 0-8032-6174-8, $12.95, 11+296pp, tpb, March 2000)
Reprint (A.C. McClurg & Co. 1922). First in Burroughs' ''Pellucidar'' series, about exploring subterranean worlds of dinosaurs and cave people. Introduction by Gregory A. Benford; afterword by Phillip R. Burger; glossary by Scott Tracy Griffin; original illustrations by J. Allen St. John. (Sat 11 Mar 2000)
* Cherryh, C.J. The Morgaine Saga
(DAW 0-88677-877-8, $7.99, 707pp, pb, March 2000, cover by Michael Whelan)
Following the omnibus of Cherryh's early SF trilogy, The Faded Sun (noted in January), here is an omnibus of Cherryh's early fantasy series, including her first published novel Gate of Ivrel (1976), followed by Well of Shiuan (1978) and Fires of Azeroth (1979). (Sat 11 Mar 2000)
* Conrad, James Making Love to the Minor Poets of Chicago
(St. Martin's 0-312-20472-8, $25.95, 436pp, hc, March 2000)
Associational novel about a project to build a nuclear waste facility that warns future generations away [an idea explored in Gregory Benford's recent nonfiction Deep Time], and a poet who insists that among the artworks decorating the facility should be an epic poem. Amazon has a Booklist review, which describes it as a satire of academia and the nuclear power industry. (Mon 6 Mar 2000)
+ Constantine, Storm Sea Dragon Heir
(Tor 0-312-87306-9, $24.95, 384pp, hc, March 2000, cover by Doug Beekman)
First US edition (UK: Gollancz April 1999). Fantasy novel, first of a new series, drawing on Celtic, Gothic, and Wagnerian traditions. Reviewed by Faren Miller in the October 1999 Locus. (Sat 4 Mar 2000)
* Danielewski, Mark Z. House of Leaves
(Pantheon 0-375-70376-4, $19.95, 23+709pp, tpb, March 2000)
Literary horror novel, a ''story about a story about a story about a film about a house with a black hole in it'', according to the New York Times. It comes in alternate editions with single or multi-colored text. Amazon has review by John Ponyicsanyi, and excerpts from numerous other reviews. There's a Jonathan Lethem blurb on the back cover. (Tue 21 Mar 2000)
* Danvers, Dennis The Fourth World
(Avon Eos 0-380-97761-3, $23, 336pp, hc, March 2000, cover by David Bowers)
SF novel about using the Internet to expose atrocities in the Third World. Amazon has Booklist review. Reviewed by Jonathan Strahan in the February 2000 Locus, and Gary K. Wolfe in the March issue. (Sat 11 Mar 2000)
* Datlow, Ellen, & Terri Windling, eds Black Heart, Ivory Bones
(Avon 0-380-78623-0, $13.5, 368pp, tpb, March 2000, cover by Thomas Canty)
The latest in the long-running series of original anthologies based on fairy tales, with stories by Tanith Lee, Neil Gaiman, Jane Yolen, Brian Stableford, Howard Waldrop, Joyce Carol Oates, Charles de Lint, etc. (Mon 13 Mar 2000)
* Dozois, Gardner, ed Explorers: SF Adventures to Far Horizons
(St. Martin's Griffin 0-312-25462-8, $17.95, 11+481pp, tpb, April 2000, cover by Chesley Bonestell)
Reprint anthology of 23 stories about exploration, arranged chronologically from Arthur C. Clarke's ''The Sentinel'' (1951) to Geoffrey A. Landis's ''Approaching Perimelasma'' (1998), with much good work in between by Greg Egan, Michael Swanwick, John Varley, James Tiptree Jr., Roger Zelazny, Larry Niven, etc. (Mon 27 Mar 2000)
* Gemmell, David Hero in the Shadows
(Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-43223-1, $23, 385pp, hc, March 2000, cover by Brom)
Fantasy novel about Waylander the Slayer. Amazon has book description. (Tue 21 Mar 2000)
* Heaney, Seamus, translator Beowulf
(Farrar Straus & Giroux 0-374-11119-7, $25, 30+219pp, hc, February 2000)
Celebrated new translation of the Old English epic poem, with the original printed on the left-handed pages, the translation on the right-handed pages. Amazon has a review by Kerry Fried, and excerpts from other reviews. (Fri 17 Mar 2000)
* Kay, Guy Gavriel Lord of Emperors
(HarperPrism 0-06-105121-7, $24, 531pp, hc, March 2000, cover by Keith Birdsong)
Fantasy novel, second of the 'Sarantine Mosaic' duology that began with Sailing to Sarantium (1999). Reviewed by Faren Miller in the March Locus. Amazon has comments from Kirkus and Terri Windling, and several 5-star reader reviews. (Tue 21 Mar 2000)
* Kerman, Judith, & Don Riggs, eds Uncommon Places: Poems of the Fantastic
(Mayapple Press 0-93241-217-3, $15, 138pp, tpb, 2000, cover by Judith Clute)
Anthology of poems by poets who've participated in readings at the annual International Conferences on the Fantastic in the Arts in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Poets include Joe Haldeman, Brian Aldiss, David Lunde, Rick Wilbur, Jane Yolen, Patrick O'Leary. Includes a section called 'Theory' with statements from the contributors about SF poetry, and biographical notes. Order from Mayapple Press. (Thu 23 Mar 2000)
* Lee, Sharon, & Steve Miller Partners in Necessity
(Meisha Merlin 1-892065-01-0, $20, 846pp, tpb, February 2000, cover by Michael Herring)
Omnibus of three novels novels set in the authors' Liaden Universe: Agent of Change (1988), Conflict of Honors (1988), and Carpe Diem (1989). These books precede last year's Plan B. With an introduction by Anne McCaffrey. (Sat 4 Mar 2000)
Leiber, Fritz The Big Time
(Tor 0-312-89079-6, $21.95, 128pp, hc, April 2000)
Reprint (Ace 1961). Hugo-winning short SF novel in the 'Change War' series about factions called Snakes and Spiders who recruit humans from throughout history to fight a time war. (Sun 26 Mar 2000)
* Lethem, Jonathan, & Carter Scholz Kafka Americana
(Subterranean Press 1-892284-43-x, $40, 100pp, hc, December 1999)
Collection of 5 stories, two by Lethem, two by Scholz, one in collaboration, all on the theme of Kafka. Limited to 600 numbered copies and 26 signed traycased copies (at $100). Publisher's webpage. (Fri 10 Mar 2000)
London, Jack Before Adam
(Bison Books (University of Nebraska Press) 0-8032-7993-0, $12, 15+266pp, tpb, March 2000)
Reprint (Macmillan 1906). One of the earliest caveman novels. Introduction by Dennis L. McKiernan; a 1962 epilogue by Loren Eiseley; illustrations by Charles Livingston Bull. (Sat 11 Mar 2000)
* Miéville, China Perdido Street Station
(UK: Macmillan 0-333-78172-4, £16.99, 710pp, hc, March 2000, cover by Edward Miller)
Massive urban-fantasy novel about an exotic metropolis threatened by alien terror, by the author of King Rat (1998). Author dedication and reviewer blurbs suggest influences of Mervyn Peake, M. John Harrison, Gene Wolfe, etc. Amazon UK has review by David Langford. Not yet scheduled for US publication. (Fri 31 Mar 2000)
* Nasir, Jamil Distance Haze
(Bantam Spectra 0-553-57995-9, $5.99, 278pp, pb, March 2000)
SF novel about a skeptical SF writer who participates in an experiment to find God. (Wed 8 Mar 2000)
+ Pinto, Ricardo The Chosen
(Tor 0-312-87208-9, $24.95, 510pp, hc, March 2000, cover by Mark Harrison)
First US edition (UK: Bantam January 1999). Fantasy novel, and a first novel, Book One of 'The Stone Dance of the Chameleon'; includes endpaper maps. Amazon has a favorable review from David Langford. Reviewed in Locus, August 1999, by Carolyn Cushman, who called it ''a very impressive first novel''. (Fri 3 Mar 2000)
Pratchett, Terry The Color of Magic
(Harper 0-06-102071-0, $3.99, 210pp, pb, February 2000, cover by Ben Perrini)
Reprint (Colin Smythe 1983). Low-price paperback reissue of the first in the very popular Discworld series; also just reprinted are Equal Rites and The Light Fantastic. (Fri 3 Mar 2000)
+ Pratchett, Terry The Fifth Elephant
(HarperPrism 0-06-105157-8, $24, 321pp, hc, April 2000)
First US edition (UK: Doubleday UK November 1999). Fantasy novel in the Discworld series. Reviewed by Faren Miller in the December 1999 Locus, and Carolyn Cushman in the January 2000 issue. Amazon has reviews from Booklist, Kirkus, and the Times of London. (Sun 26 Mar 2000)
* Reynolds, Alastair Revelation Space
(UK: Gollancz 0-575-06875-2, £17.99, 476pp, hc, March 2000, cover by Chris Moore)
Massive space opera novel, exploring the future history developed by Reynolds in several Interzone short stories; reviewed by both Gary K. Wolfe and Russell Letson in the March 2000 Locus. has a review by David Langford, who calls it ''a sparkling SF debut''. (Sat 18 Mar 2000)
Robinson, Frank M. The Power
(Tor 0-312-86654-2, $12.95, 222pp, tpb, March 2000)
Reprint (Lippincott 1956). SF thriller about mutant supermen. It was filmed by George Pal in 1968. This edition carries a ''revised version'' copyright 1999. (Fri 3 Mar 2000)
* Schmitz, James H. (edited/compiled by Eric Flint) Telzey Amberdon
(Baen 0-671-57851-0, $6.99, 436pp, pb, March 2000, cover by Bob Eggleton)
New collection of stories about the eponymous young female telepath, originally published in Analog in the '60s and early '70s. Co-compiled and with an appendix about the Federation of the Hub by Guy Gordon. (Fri 31 Mar 2000)
* Sheffield, Charles The Compleat McAndrew
(Baen 0-671-57857-x, $6.99, 396pp, pb, April 2000, cover by Dru Blair)
New collection of 9 stories about Sheffield's scientist/inventor, most first published in Analog. Includes a nonfiction appendix, ''Science & Science Fiction'', apparently original. (Fri 31 Mar 2000)
* Stewart, Sean Galveston
(Ace 0-441-00686-8, $23.95, 454pp, hc, March 2000, cover by Victor Stabin)
Fantasy novel, follow-up to earlier novels Resurrection Man and The Night Watch, set in the early 21st century as a wave of magic washes over Galveston Island. Amazon has Kirkus review. Reviewed by Faren Miller, Jonathan Strahan, and Gary K. Wolfe in the February Locus. (Sat 11 Mar 2000)
* Tiptree, James Jr. Meet Me at Infinity
(Tor 0-312-85874-4, $25.95, 396pp, hc, April 2000, cover by John Harris)
Collection of 8 previously-uncollected stories, and numerous nonfiction pieces including reviews, articles, introductions, etc., by Alice Sheldon, who wrote under the name Tiptree from the late '60s to her death in 1987. With an introduction by Jeffrey D. Smith, and a chronology of Tiptree's fiction. Not the ideal place to start if you're not familiar with the author, but a must if you are, and the author's other story collections are all out of print anyway. (Tiptree's second novel, Brightness Falls from the Air, is in-print from Orb. See the Dozois anthology listed above for Tiptree's excellent time travel story ''The Man Who Walked Home''.) (Mon 27 Mar 2000)
* Turtledove, Harry Darkness Descending
(Tor 0-312-86915-0, $27.95, 461pp, hc, April 2000, cover by Bob Eggleton)
Fantasy novel, sequel to Into the Darkness (1999), about a World War in world where magic works. (Sun 26 Mar 2000)
* Westerfeld, Scott Evolution's Darling
(Four Walls Eight Windows 1-56858-149-1, $15.95, 290pp, tpb, March 2000)
SF novel. Reviewed by Gary K. Wolfe in the May 2000 Locus. (Mon 27 Mar 2000)
* White, James Gene Roddenberry's Earth Final Conflict: The First Protector
(Tor 0-312-87409-x, $13.95, 315pp, tpb, February 2000)
SF novelization from the TV series, by the late Irish writer. Also in hardcover. (Sat 4 Mar 2000)
Williamson, Jack Darker Than You Think
(Orb 0-312-86992-4, $14.95, 15+268pp, tpb, December 1999)
Reprint (Fantasy Press 1948). Classic fantasy novel about werewolves. Introduction by Douglas E. Winter. Apparently appeared in December, but not seen until now. (Sat 11 Mar 2000)
* Winter, Douglas E. Run
(Knopf 0-375-40838-x, $23, 259pp, hc, March 2000)
Associational crime thriller, by the editor of horror anthologies Prime Evil and 1997 Millennium (aka Revelations) and author of nonfiction Stephen King: The Art of Darkness. (Mon 13 Mar 2000)
Wolfe, Gene Litany of the Long Sun
(Orb 0-312-87291-7, $16.95, 543pp, tpb, April 2000, cover by Ron Walotsky)
Reprint (Science Fiction Book Club May 1994). Omnibus of two SF novels, Nightside the Long Sun (1993) and Lake of the Long Sun (1994), the first two in the ''Book of the Long Sun'' series. (Sun 26 Mar 2000)
Last month: February