Spotlight on Artist: Geneva Bowers

Geneva Bowers is a self-taught illustrator based in Western North Carolina. She loves manipulating color and adding whimsy with a touch of realism and calm to her art. Her website is <>.


Tell us a bit about your Cloud Goddesses and Planettes series, and any other personal projects like HoverGirls that you’d like to discuss!

The Cloud Goddesses were a random series started several years ago! It was just a ...Read More

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Spotlight on N.E. Davenport

Nia “N.E.” Davenport is the science fiction/fantasy author of The Blood Gift duology. She’s also a member of the Hugo Award-nominated FIYAHCON team, in which she helped organize the SFF convention’s programming. She attended the University of Southern California and studied Biological Sciences and Theatre. She has an MA in Secondary Education. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys vacationing with her family, skiing, and being a huge foodie. You can ...Read More

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Xiran Jay Zhao: Speak Loudly

XIRAN JAY ZHAO is in their twenties, and was born in a small town in China, immigrating to British Columbia in Canada in their early teens.

Zhao attended Simon Fraser University, graduating in 2020 with a degree in biochemical disease research. They finished school at the height of the first COVID wave, and since they were unable to find a job due to the pandemic, they focused on writing and ...Read More

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Charles Stross: Demolition Masquerade

CHARLES DAVID GEORGE STROSS was born October 18, 1964 in Leeds, England. Stross began writing SF at age 12, and his earliest publica­tions were articles for roleplaying game magazines in the ’70s and ’80s. He earned a bachelor’s in pharmacy in 1986, qualified as a pharmacist in 1987, then enrolled at Bradford University (1989-90) for a post-graduate conversion degree in computer science. He worked as a technical writer and programmer ...Read More

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Commentary by Cory Doctorow: The Swerve

If the bullies at the school gate steal your kid’s lunch money every day, it doesn’t matter how much lunch money you give your kid, he’s not gonna get lunch. But how much lunch money you give your kid does matter – to the bullies. Hell, they might even start a campaign: “The chil­dren of Jack Valenti Elementary School are going hungry! Congress must step in to give those kids ...Read More

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Spotlight on The Korshak Collection

The Korshak Collection: Illustrations of Imaginative Literature spans 135 years of illustration history and includes artwork by pioneering European and American artists in the field of imaginative illustration. Thoughtfully compiled to include iconic artwork by renowned fantasy illustrators alongside lesser-known but equally influential contem­porary illustrators, the collection serves as an educational resource highlighting the evolu­tion of fantasy illustration from the Golden Age through the late-20th century. Selections of paintings, drawings, ...Read More

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Peng Shepherd: Map of Mysteries

PENG SHEPHERD was born April 12, 1986 and grew up in Phoenix AZ. She graduated college early and spent some time traveling, then earned her MFA at New York University. She has lived in Beijing, Kuala Lumpur, London, Los Angeles, Washington DC, and New York.

First novel The Book of M (2018) won the Neukom Institute Literary Arts Award for Speculative Fiction in the Debut category. Second novel The Cartog­raphers ...Read More

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Sarah Gailey: An Honest Narrative

SARAH GAILEY was born February 2, 1990 and grew up in Fremont CA. They studied theater at the American Academy for the Dramatic Arts in Los Angeles and managed a theater company in the East Bay for a few years.

Gailey began publishing work of genre interest with ‘‘Stars’’ in 2015, and made a big splash with alternate-history novella River of Teeth (2017), a Hugo and Nebula Award finalist, and ...Read More

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Complete 2022 Hugo Voting

Chicon 8, the 80th World Science Fiction Convention, received 2,235 valid ballots (2,230 electronic, five paper), down from 2,362 at DisCon III, Worldcon 79. There were 1,368 valid nominating ballots (1,366 electronic, two paper), up from 1,249.

The procedure for counting nominations remains the ‘‘E Pluribus Hugo’’, or EPH, sys­tem. The rather complicated point system gives a single point to each voter’s ballot, dividing that point among the nominees. The ...Read More

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Chicon 8 Report and 2022 WSFS Business Meeting

Chicon 8, the 80th World Science Fiction Convention, took place September 1-15, 2022 at the Hyatt Regency Chicago in Chicago IL. Guests of honor were Steven Barnes, Tananarive Due, and Erle Korshak (posthumous), with special guests Eve L. Ewing, Gene Ha, and Eric Wilkerson, plus fan guests of honor Edie Stern & Joe Siclari. There were 3,574 in-person warm bodies and 1,150 virtual members (whose memberships overlap with in-person attendees), ...Read More

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Spotlight on Author: Craig Laurance Gidney

Craig Laurance Gidney is the author of Sea, Swallow Me & Other Sto­ries; Skin Deep Magic: Stories; Be­reft (a YA novella), and A Spectral Hue (a novel). He has been a Lambda Literary Finalist three times, was a Carl Brandon Parallax Award Finalist, and won the inaugural Joseph S Pul­ver Sr Award for Weird Fiction. The Nectar of Nightmares is his most recent collection. He lives in Washington ...Read More

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Spotlight on: Hiron Ennes

HIRON ENNES is a writer, musician, and student of medicine based in the Pacific Northwest. Their areas of interest include infectious disease, pathology, and anticapitalist healthcare reform. When they’re not hunched over a microscope or word document they can be found playing in the snow or playing the harp (though usually not at the same time). They’re queer in every sense of the word, and they really want to pet ...Read More

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Grady Hendrix: Charm and Consequences

GRADY HENDRIX was born 1972 in South Carolina. He worked in the library of the American Society for Psychical Research before becoming a professional writer, first as a journalist and critic and later as a screenwriter and novelist. He attended the Clarion Workshop in 2009.

Hendrix’s first work of genre interest was story “The Hairy Ghost” in Pseudo­pod (2008), and he’s published several stories in publications including Strange Horizons, Lightspeed, ...Read More

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Zoraida Córdova: Magic and Meaning

ZORAIDA CÓRDOVA was born June 26, 1987 in Ecuador, and moved to the US at age six, where she grew up in Hollis, Queens, New York. She is a prolific author of fiction for children, young adults, and adults.

Córdova attended National Book Foundation writ­ing camps in high school and began writing novels in college. After graduation she was an intern at a literary agency.

Her debut novel The Vicious ...Read More

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Cory Doctorow: Moneylike

“Five thousand quatloos that the newcomers will have to be destroyed.”

Quatloos. Credits. Euros. Dollars. Dogecoin.

Wait, Dogecoin?

At some point in your life, you’ve probably asked yourself, “What is money?” There’s something existential about pulling a bank-note out of your wallet and asking yourself, “Why does so much of my wak­ing life revolve around getting more of these slips of green paper?” (Outside of the USA, you may ask ...Read More

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Photo Story: Charm City Spec

The Summer 2022 edition of Charm City Spec, “Baltimore’s premiere reader series in speculative fiction,” was held July 27, 2022 on the patio at The Ivy Bookshop, with readers Tara Campbell, Meg Elison, Ruthanna Emrys, and E. Tara Scurry. The next event will be held September 21, 2022; see their twitter for updates.

This report and more like it in the September 2022 issue of Locus.

While you are here, ...Read More

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Photo Story: Sycamore Hill 2022

After a two years hiatus, the Sycamore Hill Writers Conference re­turned this year, held June 18-24, 2022, at the Wildacres Retreat in the North Carolina mountains.

This report and more like it in the August 2022 issue of Locus.

While you are here, please take a moment to support Locus with a one-time or recurring donation. We rely on reader donations to keep the magazine and site going, and would ...Read More

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Spotlight on: Kerstin Hall

KERSTIN HALL‘s short fiction has appeared in Strange Horizons and Fireside Magazine, and she is the author of the novellas The Border Keeper and Second Spear. She lives in Cape Town, South Africa.

Q: Tell us about your new book, Second Spear—the world where it takes place, and the characters who live there.

Second Spear is a direct sequel to my fantasy novella, The Border Keeper, and picks ...Read More

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Spotlight on: R.R. Virdi

R.R. VIRDI is a two-time Dragon Award finalist and a Nebula Award finalist. He is the author of two urban fantasy series, The Grave Report, and The Books of Winter. He was born and raised in Northern Virginia and is a first generation Indian-American with all the baggage that comes with. He’s offended a long list of incalculable ancestors by choosing to drop out of college and not pursue one ...Read More

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Baycon 2022

BayCon 2022 was held July 1-4 in person at the San Mateo Marriott San Francisco Airport. Steven Barnes, Galen Dara, and Jean Batt were guests of honor; Tananarive Due was a featured guest and Bonnie Gordon was toast­master. Over 700 memberships were sold, including 17 VIP memberships, with ~400-500 warm bodies. Programming offered 160 genre panels, 213 items total including gaming, maker’s workshops, and more. Panels covered topics such as ...Read More

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Spotlight on: Sunyi Dean

Tell us about your debut novel, The Book Eaters — the world where it takes place, and the characters who live in that world.

The Book Eaters is set in an alternate 2000s Britain, where book-consuming creatures live in gothic manors at the fringes of modern human society. The main character is a single mother on the run from her book eater family, with her mind-eating child in tow, and ...Read More

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Spotlight on: Victoria Aveyard

VICTORIA AVEYARD is an author and screenwriter, born and raised in a small town in Western Massachusetts. She has a BFA in Writing for Film & Television from the University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts. She is the author of the #1 New York Times bestselling and USA Today bestselling series, Red Queen, and #1 New York Times bestsellers Realm Breaker and Blade Breaker.

For readers who haven’t ...Read More

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L. Penelope: Community Magic

Leslye Penelope James Reaves, who writes as L. Penelope and Leslye Penelope, was born April 18, 1978 in the Bronx in New York. Her family moved around when she was young, living in Washington DC and New Jersey before settling in Maryland when she was nine. She attended Howard University in Washington DC, where she studied film and computer science, and went to graduate school at Cal State Hayward ...Read More

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2022 Locus Awards Online Report

The Locus Awards took place online on June 22-25, 2022, in its third year as a virtual-only event. Connie Willis emceed the awards ceremony, with editor-in-chief of Locus Liza Trombi co-hosting. There were over 150 registrations, and full members received a Locus Awards t-shirt or gift book, and the awards pro­gram. There was also a sliding scale, attendance-only membership rate.

A mini-convention, the online events had eight reading sessions, scheduled ...Read More

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Suzanne Palmer: Rational Optimism

Suzanne Palmer was born in 1968, just outside Boston MA. She studied at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, earning a Bach­elor of Fine Arts in studio art focused on sculpture. She began writing fiction seriously in 2001, and attended the Viable Paradise workshop in 2005.

She began publishing SF with “The Ins and Outs of Intergalactic Diplomacy” (2005). “The Secret Life of Bots” (2017) is a Hugo Award winner, ...Read More

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Spotlight on: Foz Meadows

Tell us about your newest novel, A Strange and Stubborn Endurance: the world where it takes place, and the characters who inhabit that world.

The protagonists of A Strange and Stubborn Endurance, Velasin and Caethari, are noblemen from neighbouring but very different countries. In Ralia, Vel has had to conceal his queerness, whereas in Tithena, Cae has grown up in a culture of acceptance. When Vel is offered a diplomatic ...Read More

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Nadia Afifi: Fractured Futures

Nadia Afifi was born May 13, 1984 in the US, but grew up in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain before returning to the States for college, where she studied journal­ism and business. She now works as a program manage­ment officer for the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.

After publishing a couple of stories in ‘zines, she began producing work of genre interest with “Exhibit K” (2019) in Abyss & Apex, and has ...Read More

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Daniel Abraham: The Aspects of Epic

Daniel James Abraham was born November 14, 1969 in Albuquerque NM and attended University of New Mexico, where he earned a degree in biology. After graduating in 1996, he spent a few months in New York working at a bookstore, then returned to New Mexico and spent ten years in tech support. He now writes full time.

He is probably best known as half of “James S.A. Corey,” the pseudonym ...Read More

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Nia Davenport Guest Post–“Finding Belonging and Home When You’re a Minority In a Country That Doesn’t Love You”

Arguably, all science fiction/fantasy works serve as a mirror to reality in some fashion. The Blood Trials is no different. When I wrote the novel, I sat down with the explicit intention of creating a world that perpetuated the worst aspects of Anti-Blackness, so that I could have a conversation on-page about the most pervasive and insidious bigotries that run deep in American society. It’s a conversation that I invite ...Read More

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Veronica G. Henry Guest Post–“Getting In Where I Fit In”

Thoughts on writing genre-bending novels and the potential to be shunned by both communities

Expectations. Readers, publishers, the entire literary canon–everyone’s got expectations. What in their minds are tried and true conclusions drawn from decades of statistics and industry experience. Data that categorizes works of fiction according to things like age group, target audiences, and genre.

There are as many definitions of genre floating around as there are opinions about ...Read More

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V. Castro: No Limitations

Violet Castro was born July 14, 1979 and grew up in San Antonio TX. She moved to Philadelphia PA to attend Drexel University, where she earned a BS in political science and history. Fifteen years ago, she moved to the UK, and resides there with her family, though she returns to the US often to visit family.

Castro self-published debut vampire novel Maria the Wanted and the Legacy of the ...Read More

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