New SF, fantasy, and horror books seen 6 - 31 December
[descriptions will be filled in shortly]
* Asaro, Catherine The Quantum Rose (Tor 0-312-89062-1, $24.95, 398pp, hc, December 2000, jacket art Julie Bell, jacket design Carol Russo Design) (Tue 19 Dec 2000)
* Barrett, Neal, Jr. The Prophecy Machine (Bantam Spectra 0-553-58195-3, $6.5, 342pp, pb, December 2000, jacket art Daniel Merriam) (Fri 8 Dec 2000)
+ Bova, Ben Jupiter (Tor 0-312-87217-8, $24.95, 368pp, hc, January 2001, jacket art John Harris) First US edition (UK: Hodder & Stoughton November 2000). (Tue 26 Dec 2000)
* Carver, Jeffrey A. Eternity's End (Tor 0-312-85642-3, $26.95, 555pp, hc, December 2000, jacket art Stephen Youll) (Thu 7 Dec 2000)
* Gentle, Mary The Book of Ash #4: Lost Burgundy (Eos 0-380-81114-6, $6.99, 7+481pp, pb, December 2000, jacket art Donato Giancola) (Wed 13 Dec 2000)
* Katchor, Ben Julius Knipl, Real Estate Photographer: The Beauty Supply District (Pantheon 0-375-40105-9, $22, 108pp, hc, June 2000, jacket art Ben Katchor, jacket design Chip Kidd) (Wed 13 Dec 2000)
+ Koontz, Dean From the Corner of His Eye (Bantam 0-553-80134-1, $26.95, 622pp, hc, December 2000, jacket art Tom Hallman) First US edition (UK: Hodder Headline Feature November 2000). (Tue 26 Dec 2000)
* What, Leslie The Sweet and Sour Tongue (Wildside 1-58715-158-8, $13.95, 146pp, tpb, September 2000) (Thu 21 Dec 2000)
* Tem, Steve Rasnic, & Melanie Tem The Man on the Ceiling (American Fantasy no isbn, $10, 24pp, chap, May 2000, jacket art J.K. Potter) (Sat 9 Dec 2000)
Previously in December:
* Asaro, Catherine The Phoenix Code (Bantam Spectra 0-553-58154-6, $5.99, 333pp, pb, December 2000, cover art Alan Ayers) SF novel about a project to create self-aware androids. (Tue 5 Dec 2000)
* Cherryh, C.J. Devil to the Belt (Warner Aspect 0-446-67653-5, $13.95, 9+593pp, tpb, December 2000) Omnibus volume of two SF novels set in Cherryh's "Merchanter" universe, Heavy Time (1991) and Hellburner (1992). (Tue 5 Dec 2000)
+ Eddings, David, & Leigh Eddings The Redemption of Althalus (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-44077-3, $27.95, 726pp, hc, January 2001, jacket art John Jude Palencar, jacket design David Stevenson) First US edition (UK: HarperCollins/Voyager July 2000). Fantasy novel, the Eddings' first stand-alone volume. The UK edition was published in July, and remained on UK bestseller lists for 11 weeks. The Amazon UK page has a review by Roz Kaveny, and very mixed reader reviews. Note the US edition is officially published in January 2001, though it was in stores on December 5, 2000. (Tue 5 Dec 2000)
* Haldeman, Joe The Coming (Ace 0-441-00769-4, $21.95, 217pp, hc, December 2000, jacket art Danilo Ducak, jacket design Judith Murello) SF novel about the reaction to a message from space heralding the arrival of extraterrestrials. Amazon has a description and cover blurbs. Reviewed by Jonathan Strahan in the November 2000 issue of Locus; by Russell Letson in the December issue; and by Gary K. Wolfe in the January 2001 issue -- a recommended book. (Tue 5 Dec 2000)
* Lee, Gentry The Tranquility Wars (Bantam Spectra 0-553-09008-9, $23.95, 481pp, hc, December 2000, jacket art Gregory Bridges, jacket design Jamie S. Warren Youll) SF novel about conflict between galactic federations. Amazon has a book description. (Fri 1 Dec 2000)
* Moon, Elizabeth Against the Odds (Baen 0-671-31961-2, $24, 396pp, hc, December 2000, jacket art Gary Ruddell, jacket design Carol Russo Design) Military SF novel, follow-up to Change of Command (1999), and seventh overall in the "Heris Serrano" series, according to Carolyn Cushman's review in the November 2000 Locus. (Fri 1 Dec 2000)
* Schroeder, Karl Ventus (Tor 0-312-87197-x, $27.95, 477pp, hc, December 2000, jacket art Alan Pollack, jacket design Carol Russo Design) Epic SF novel by Aurora Award-winning Canadian author. Reviewed by Russell Letson in the January 2001 Locus, who calls it "ambitious and very readable". Amazon has a description by the author. (Tue 5 Dec 2000)
This page lists selected new science fiction, fantasy, and horror books seen published this month, mostly via bookstores sightings (though all books received for review -- not including advance reading copies -- will be listed). For a comprehensive listing of new books published each month, see Locus Magazine. Its Books Received listings are accumulated as the online Locus Index.
Key: * = first edition, + = first US edition. Date with publisher info is official publication month; date in parentheses at paragraph end is date seen or received.
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