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Mailing date: 31 October 2000
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The November issue has interviews with Ben Bova and Linda Nagata. In news, there's details of Gordon Van Gelder's purchase of The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction and GalaxyOnline's purchase of Amazing Stories.
Complete Hugo voting from this year's Worldcon is printed, along with 15,000 words of reports on the convention from Gary K. Wolfe, Mike Glyer, Russell Letson, and others.
There's an obituary of Keith Roberts, and a remembrance by Jim Goddard.
To be posted online from this issue:
Ben Bova interview excerpts
Linda Nagata interview excerpts
Locus Bestsellers
New and Notable Books
Reviews in the November issue:
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews by Mark R. Kelly
F&SF 9/00
Asimov's 8/00
Spectrum SF 3, 7/00
Skylife: Space Habitats in Story and Science, Gregory Benford & George Zebrowski, eds.
Tales of Old Earth, Michael Swanwick
The Perseids and Other Stories, Robert Charles Wilson
GalaxyOnline 7/00
SciFiction 7/00
SciFiction 8/00
Reviews by Faren Miller
A Storm of Swords, George R.R. Martin
The Book of Ash #3: The Wild Machines, Mary Gentle
The Book of Ash #4: Lost Burgundy, Mary Gentle
Gilgamesh, Stephan Grundy with Melodi Lammond Grundy
Outlaw School, Rebecca Ore
Reviews by Russell Letson
Zeitgeist, Bruce Sterling
Colony Fleet, Susan R. Matthews
Short Reviews by Carolyn Cushman
Aunt Dimity Beats the Devil, Nancy Atherton
Simply Human, L. Warren Douglas
Deadhouse Gates, Steven Erikson
Black Eagle Rising, Kate Jacoby
Against the Odds, Elizabeth Moon
The Amber Spyglass, Philip Pullman
When the King Comes Home, Caroline Stevermer
Short Reviews by Jonathan Strahan
Space: Manifold 2 (in the US as Manifold: Space), Stephen Baxter
Thirteen Phantasms and Other Stories, James P. Blaylock
The Coming, Joe Haldeman
Distance Haze, Jamil Nasir
Salt, Adam Roberts
Terminal Visions, Richard Paul Russo