Lois Tilton reviews Short Fiction, mid-June

Here are a bunch of the usual monthly zines.


Publications Reviewed
  • Asimov’s, August 2014
  • Analog, September 2014
  • Clarkesworld, June 2014
  • Apex Magazine, June 2014


Asimov’s, August 2014

The issue is anchored by a novella from Jay O’Connell; I can’t say any of these pieces enthuse me greatly.

“Of All Possible Worlds” by Jay O’Connell

In 1997, Costas, an unemployed youngish man with multiple useless degrees [Nonviolent Studies] is

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Periodicals, early to mid-June

Analog Science Fiction and Fact • Science fiction and nonfiction; published since 1930 (originally Astounding); edited, since April 2013, by Trevor Quachri • Format: Print • Frequency: Near-monthly (10 issues/year) • http://www.analogsf.com/

September 2014— Vol. 134 No. 9, $4.99, 112pp, cover art by Tomislav Tikulin • This issue has a novella by Edward M. Lerner, novelettes by Mark Niemann-Ross and James C. Glass, and short stories by Jacob A.

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Lois Tilton reviews Short Fiction, late March

Some regular ezines and a couple of quarterlies for the end of the month, not quite as many stories as I had expected from several of these sources, but a bonus amount from Beneath Ceaseless Skies.

Publications Reviewed


Publications Reviewed
  • Beneath Ceaseless Skies #142-143, March 2014
  • Lightspeed, March 2014
  • Strange Horizons, March 2014
  • Tor.com, March 2014
  • On Spec #95 Winter 2013/2014
  • Stupefying Stories, March 2014


Beneath Ceaseless Skies
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Periodicals, mid-March

Beneath Ceaseless Skies • Literary adventure fantasy, since 2008; publisher and editor-in-chief Scott H. Andrews • Format: Online; PDF and ebook formats • Frequency: biweekly • http://www.beneath-ceaseless-skies.com/

March 2014— Issue 142, cover art by Ferdinand Dumago Ladera • Another special double-issue, this features stories by Yoon Ha Lee and Seth Dickinson, two audio fiction podcasts, with part two of the story by Dean Wells to be posted March 27.

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Lois Tilton reviews Short Fiction, late February

The month’s stories from some of the regular ezines and a couple less regular small press publications. I found some enjoyable work, particularly from Tor.com and Unlikely Story, which is the journal of cryptology this time.


Publications Reviewed
  • Tor.com, February 2014
  • Strange Horizons, February 2014
  • Shimmer #18, 2014
  • Unlikely Story #8, February 2014



Tor.com, February 2014

Featuring The Anderson Project, a group of three original stories written

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Periodicals, late February

Shimmer • Fantasy fiction, since 2005, editor-in-chief Beth Wodzinski • Format: Print • Frequency: Quarterly • http://www.shimmerzine.com/

Issue 18, 2014— $8, 130pp, cover art by Kurt Huggins • This issue, guest-edited by Ann VanderMeer, has stories by Ben Peek, Rachel Marston, Ramsey Shehadeh, Christine Schirr, Ben Godby, Annalee Newitz, Jeff VanderMeer, and Dustin Monk. • The magazine’s website has this order page with the full table of contents and

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Lois Tilton reviews Short Fiction, mid-December

And here are the digests, all three of them at the same time.

Publications Reviewed
  • F&SF, Jan/Feb 2014
  • Asimov’s, February 2014
  • Analog, March 2014

F&SF, Jan/Feb 2014

Starting out the new year pretty well, good reading, although no individual stories are clearly outstanding.

“In Her Eyes” by Seth Chambers

Alex encounters a strange woman in the Field Museum* where he is a curator; she is unattractive except for her striking

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Print Periodicals, December

Albedo One • Irish magazine of SF, fantasy, and horror, published since 1993 • http://www.albedo1.com/

Issue 44, 2013— E5.95, 63pp, cover art by Charlie Terrell • This issue of the Irish SF magazine has fiction by Ian Wild, James Carney, Steve Billings, Alexandra Fleetwood, Dave Siddall, and Eric M. Witchey. • Features include an interview with Simon Morden and reviews by Juliet E. McKenna, John Kenny, Peter Loftus, and

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Periodicals, late September

Analog Science Fiction and Fact • Science fiction and nonfiction; published since 1930 (originally Astounding); edited, since April 2013, by Trevor Quachri • Format: Print • Frequency: Near-monthly (10 issues/year) • http://www.analogsf.com/

December 2013— Vol. 133 No. 12, $4.99, 112pp, cover art by Mark Evans • This issue has part 1 of a serial by Karl Schroeder, plus novelettes by Daniel Hatch and Paul Levinson, and short stories by

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Lois Tilton reviews Short Fiction, mid-September

Still digging through September. Particularly liking the current Interzone and Strange Horizons stories.


Publications Reviewed
  • Interzone #248, Sep-Oct 2013
  • Beneath Ceaseless Skies, September 2013
  • Lightspeed, September 2013
  • Strange Horizons, September 2013
  • On Spec #93 Summer 2013
  • Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #29, September 2013


Interzone #248, Sep-Oct 2013

A superior issue, the best of this zine that I’ve seen in some time. Two of the pieces are science fiction,

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Electronic Periodicals, early September

Apex Magazine • Quarterly magazine of SF and horror, since 2005; current editor Lynne M. Thomas • Format: Online; Ebook formats • Frequency: Quarterly • http://apex-magazine.com/

September 2013— Issue 52, cover art by Sean Kenney • This issue has stories by Margaret Ronald, Anaea Lay, Hal Duncan, Mary Robinette Kowal, and Maurice Broaddus. • Nonfiction includes an interview with Hal Duncan, an essay about being a fangirl by Deborah

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Print Periodicals, early May

Albedo One • Irish magazine of SF, fantasy, and horror, published since 1993 • http://www.albedo1.com/

Issue 43, 2013— E5.95, 63pp • This issue of the Irish SF magazine has fiction by Michael Banker (winner of the Aeon Award 2011), Joe L. Murr, Francisco Mejia, David Loel, Benedick Johnson (2nd place), Kevin Brown, and David Gullen (3rd place). • Features include a roundtable asking numerous writing what is “The Most

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Lois Tilton reviews Short Fiction, late April

The monthly digests for April feature a double issue of Analog. There’s good work in Asimov’s from Wilber and Schwartz. Also a nice lineup from Tor.com, where I give the Good Story Award to “The Ink Readers of Doi Saket” by Thomas Olde Heuvelt.


Publications Reviewed
  • Analog, July/August 2013
  • Asimov’s, July 2013
  • Tor.com, April 2013


Analog, July/August 2013

With a double issue, you get novellas. Even with the

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Online Periodicals, early April

Apex Magazine • Quarterly magazine of SF and horror, since 2005; current editor Lynne M. Thomas • Format: Online; Ebook formats • Frequency: Quarterly • http://apex-magazine.com/

April 2013— Issue 47, cover art by Naoto Hattori • This issue has fiction by Michael Griffin, Sofia Samatar, Ken Liu, and Daniel Abraham. There’s also a poem by Sonya Taaffe. • Nonfiction includes an editorial by Lynne M. Thomas, and interview with

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Periodicals, late March

Apex Magazine • Quarterly magazine of SF and horror, since 2005; current editor Lynne M. Thomas • Format: Online; Ebook formats • Frequency: Quarterly • http://apex-magazine.com/

March 2013— Issue 46 • This issue has fiction by William Alexander, Liz Argall, Rachel Swirsky, and Tim Pratt. • There’s also an editorial by Lynne M. Thomas, an interview with Tim Pratt, and an essay by Kelly McCullough. • Lois Tilton reviewed

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Lois Tilton reviews Short Fiction, late March

Still digging my way out of the avalanche of fiction that fell at the beginning of March. I think I found most of the best stuff earlier in the month.


Publications Reviewed
  • Asimov’s, June 2013
  • Analog, June 2013
  • Beneath Ceaseless Skies, March 2013
  • On Spec, Winter 2012/2013
  • Tor.com, March 2013


Asimov’s, June 2013

Featuring a major novella by Robert Reed, with a smaller than usual number of shorter,

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Lois Tilton reviews Short Fiction, early January

Turning over the yearglass – closing out 2012 and moving on to the new.


Publications Reviewed
  • Beneath Ceaseless Skies #110-111, December 2012
  • Tor.com, December 2012
  • Clarkesworld, January 2013
  • Asimov’s, February 2013
  • Analog, March 2013
  • Apex Magazine, January 2013


Beneath Ceaseless Skies #110-111, December 2012

#110 deals with wizardry; #111 takes us to storied lands. Particularly good stories in each issue: the Arkenberg and Doyle.

Issue #110

“The Storms
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Print Periodicals, mid-December

Analog Science Fiction and Fact • Science fiction and nonfiction; published since 1930 (originally Astounding); edited by Stanley Schmidt • Format: Print • Frequency: Near-monthly (10 issues/year) • http://www.analogsf.com/

March 2013— Vol. 133 No. 3, $4.99, 112pp • This issue has novelettes by Bond Elam, Marissa Lingen, and Sean McMullen, and short stories by Harry Turtledove, Andrew Barton, Barry Malzberg and Bill Pronzini, and Bud Sparhawk. There’s also a

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Periodicals, early November

Abyss & Apex • Magazine of Speculative Fiction, since Jan/Feb 2003; editor-in-chief Wendy S. Delmater • Format: Online • Frequency: Quarterly • http://www.abyssapexzine.com/

4th Quarter 2012— Issue 4Q • This issue has fiction by N.E. Chenier, Lindsey Duncan, John Glass, Sheila Crosby, Arkady Martine, and Berrien Henderson. • There’s also poetry by Marge Simon and others, a flash fiction by Andrew S. Taylor, and an editorial.

(Sat 3 Nov

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Lois Tilton reviews Short Fiction, late October

No digests this time, only one print publication, the long-surviving Interzone, in a more compact format. Instead, among the large amount of other material coming in for review in October, I’m finding more publications that have switched from print to some sort of electronic media. The pixels are on the wall.


Publications Reviewed
  • Beneath Ceaseless Skies #105-106, October 2012
  • Interzone, September-October 2012
  • Strange Horizons, October 2012
  • Electric Velocipede, Summer
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Online Periodicals, early October

Apex Magazine • Quarterly magazine of SF and horror, since 2005; current editor Lynne M. Thomas • Format: Online; Ebook formats • Frequency: Quarterly • http://apex-magazine.com/

October 2012— Issue 41, cover art by Carrie Ann Baade • Stories in this issue are by Cecil Castellucci, Mary Robinette Kowal, and Dead Francis Alfar. • Poetry is by Liz Argall and Rachel Swirsky. • Nonfiction includes an interview with Mary Robinette

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Lois Tilton reviews Short Fiction, early July

A whole lot of zines sprouting in the summer heat, but very few stories I could consider recommending, and quite a few stinkers. Best of the lot is On Spec.


Publications Reviewed
  • Clarkesworld, July 2012
  • On Spec, Spring 2012
  • Jabberwocky #11, June 2012
  • GigaNotoSaurus, July 2012
  • Redstone SF, July 2012
  • Apex Magazine, July 2012
  • Kaleidotrope, Summer 2012
  • Alt Hist #4, 2012


Clarkesworld, July 2012

Not enthusiastic about this

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Print Periodicals, mid-June

Analog Science Fiction and Fact • Science fiction and nonfiction; published since 1930 (originally Astounding); edited by Stanley Schmidt • Format: Print • Frequency: Near-monthly (10 issues/year) • http://www.analogsf.com/

September 2012— Vol. 132 No. 9, $4.99, 112pp, cover art by Donato Giancola • This issue has novelettes by Brad Aiken, Michael F. Flynn, Alec Nevala-Lee, and Susan Forest, plus short stories by Carl Frederick and Jerry Oltion. • The

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Periodicals, mid-March

Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine • Australian humorous and light-hearted SF and fantasy, since June 2002; editors rotate. • Format: Print and PDF • Frequency: Quarterly • http://www.andromedaspaceways.com/

December 2011— Issue 53, Vol. 10 No. 1, A$12.95, 168pp, cover art by Nico Photos • This magazine’s 53rd issue, edited by Patty Jansen, has fiction by Gary Cuba, B G Hilton, R P L Johnson, Marissa Lingen, Clare M Clerkin-Russell, Lee

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Print and Online Periodicals, end January

Analog Science Fiction and Fact • Science fiction and nonfiction; published since 1930 (originally Astounding); edited by Stanley Schmidt • Format: Print • Frequency: Near-monthly (10 issues/year) • http://www.analogsf.com/

April 2012— Vol. 132 No. 4, $4.99, 112pp, cover art by David A. Hardy • This issue has part 3 of 4-part serial by Robert J. Sawyer, “Triggers”, plus novelettes by Susan Forrest and Craig DeLancey, and short stories by

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Lois Tilton reviews Short Fiction, late January

Lackluster issues from both Dell digests this time. The Good Story award to McCarron’s “Swift, Brutal Retaliation” from Tor.com.


Publications Reviewed
  • Asimov’s, March 2012
  • Analog, April 2012
  • Tor.com, January 2012
  • Intergalactic Medicine Show, January 2012
  • Beneath Ceaseless Skies, January 2012
  • Heroic Fantasy Quarterly, January 2012


Asimov’s, March 2012

Not a very inspiring issue this month.

“The Way of the Needle” by Derek Künsken

After the supernova reduces the

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Print and Online Periodicals, third week January

Beneath Ceaseless Skies • Literary adventure fantasy, since 2008; publisher and editor-in-chief Scott H. Andrews • Format: Online; PDF and ebook formats • Frequency: biweekly • http://www.beneath-ceaseless-skies.com/

January 2012— Issue 86 • Issue 86 has stories by Marissa Lingen and E. Catherine Tobler, and an audio podcast by Seth Dickinson.

(Fri 20 Jan 2012)

The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America • Articles and columns

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Lois Tilton reviews Short Fiction, mid-January

Some more of the 2011 ‘zines that I dug belatedly out of the mailbox, one belated 2011 anthology, and some current monthly ezines as well as a first look at one: Something Wicked, which I find less wicked than its name.


Publications Reviewed
  • Lightspeed, January 2012
  • Strange Horizons, January 2012
  • Shimmer, December 2011
  • On Spec, Fall 2011
  • Something Wicked, January 2012
  • River, edited by Alma Alexander


Lightspeed, January
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Online and Print Periodicals, early January

Abyss & Apex • Magazine of Speculative Fiction, since Jan/Feb 2003; editor-in-chief Wendy S. Delmater • Format: Online • Frequency: Quarterly • http://www.abyssapexzine.com/

1st Quarter 2012— Issue 1Q • Fiction in this quarterly issue is by Daniel Huddleston, Colin P. Davies, Simon Kewin, and Alter S. Reiss. • There’s also an editorial, flash fiction by Emily Graham, several poems, and small press book reviews.

(Fri 6 Jan 2012)


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Online Periodicals, late August

Beneath Ceaseless Skies • Literary adventure fantasy, since 2008; publisher and editor-in-chief Scott H. Andrews • Format: Online; PDF and ebook formats • Frequency: biweekly • http://www.beneath-ceaseless-skies.com/

August 25 2011— Issue 76 • The two stories in this issue are Marissa Lingen’s and Peter Darbyshire’s The Angel Azrael Rode Into the Town of Burnt Church on a Dead Horse. • Issue 75 had Ferrett Steinmetz’ My Father’s Wounds and

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Lois Tilton reviews Short Fiction, late August

A varied mix this time: a print anthology along with one of the digests and a couple of regular ezines. The Good Story award goes to two selections from F&SF: the Rickert and the Ryan.


Publications Reviewed
  • Ghosts by Gaslight, edited by Jack Dann and Nick Gevers
  • F&SF, September/October 2011
  • Tor.com, August 2011
  • Beneath Ceaseless Skies, August 2011


Ghosts by Gaslight, edited by Jack Dann and Nick Gevers
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Lois Tilton reviews Short Fiction, early November

Already it’s the new magazine year, and it begins with the letter A. But first, I have Something To Say.


Publications Reviewed
  • Apex Magazine, November 2010
  • Analog, January/February 2011
  • Asimov’s, January 2011
  • Clarkesworld #50, November 2010
  • Shimmer #12, October 2010


Apex Magazine, November 2010

Recently there has been a plague of bigoted and ignorant pronouncements about Islam and Muslims. In response, this magazine’s editor announced that this issue

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