The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2007
Associational Works
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- PEAKE, MERVYN (Laurence) (1911-1968) (books) (art)
- PIERCE, TAMORA (1954- ) (books)
- PINBOROUGH, SARAH (J.) (books) (stories)
- POWYS, JOHN COWPER (1872-1963) (books)
- [] Desents of Memory: The Life of John Cowper Powys by Morine Krissdottir (nf) Overlook Duckworth 2007
- PRATCHETT, TERRY (David John) (1948- ) (books) (stories)
- PRATT, TIM; [i.e., Timothy Aaron Pratt] (1976- ) (books) (stories)
- PRIEST, CHERIE (books) (stories)
- PRIEST, CHRISTOPHER (McKenzie) (1943- ) (books) (stories)
- PRIESTLEY, J(ohn) B(oynton) (1894-1984) (stories)
- PRUCHER, JEFF (books)
- PULLMAN, PHILIP (Nicholas) (1946- ) (books) (stories)
- [] The Science of Philip Pullmans His Dark Materials by Mary Gribbin & John Gribbin (nf) Hodder Childrens Books 2003
- [] Killing the Imposter God: Philip Pullmans Spiritual Imagination in His Dark Materials by Donna Freitas & Jason King (nf) Wiley/Jossey-Bass 2007
- [] The Rough Guide to Philip Pullmans His Dark Materials by Paul Simpson (nf) Rough Guides 2007
- [] Exploring Philip Pullmans His Dark Materials by Lois H. Gresh (nf) St, Martins Griffin 2007
- REEVE, ARTHUR B(enjamin) (1880-1936) (stories)
- [] From Ghouls to Gangsters: The Career of Arthur B. Reeve: Volume 2 ed. by John Locke (nf) Off-Trail Publications 2007
- REYNOLDS, ALASTAIR (1966- ) (books) (stories)
- RIEDEL, KATE (stories)
- [] Feature Author Interview - Lady of the Banjo - a chat with Kate Riedel (iv) On Spec Win 2007
- ROBERSON, CHRIS; [i.e., John Christian Roberson] (1970- ) (books) (stories)
- ROBERTS, ADAM (1965- ) (books) (stories)
- ROBERTS, W(alter) ADOLPHE (1886-1962)
- [] Editors You Want to Know: W. Adolphe Roberts by Frances Dublin (ar) The Author & Journalist Jul 1929
- ROBINSON, KIM STANLEY (1952- ) (books) (stories)
- ROHMER, SAX; pseudonym of A. Sarsfield Ward, (1883-1959) (stories)
- ROSENBAUM, BENJAMIN (Micah) (1969- ) (stories)
- ROWLING, J. K. (books)
- [] J.K. Rowling: The Wizard Behind Harry Potter by Marc Shapiro (nf) Griffin 2000
- [] The End of Harry Potter? by David Langford (nf) Gollancz 2006
- [] The Making of the Potterverse: A Month-by-Month Look at Harrys First 10 Years by Edward Gross (nf) ECW Press 2007
- [] The Psychology of Harry Potter: An Unauthorized Examination of the Boy Who Lived ed. by Neil Mulholland (nf) BenBella Books 2007
- RUCKER, RUDY; [i.e., Rudolf von Bitter Rucker] (1946- ) (books) (stories)
- RUD, ANTHONY M(elville) (1893-1942)
- [] Meeting the Editors in Person: Harry E. Maule, A.H. Bittner, Anthony M. Rud by Albert William Stone (ar) The Author & Journalist Oct 1926
- RYMAN, GEOFF(rey Charles) (1951- ) (books) (stories)
- SAWYER, ROBERT J(ames) (1960- ) (books) (stories)
- SCHEMBRIE, JOE (stories)
- SCHROEDER, KARL (1962- ) (books) (stories)
- SCOTT, ARTHUR E. (stories)
- [] Meeting the Editors in Person: Adventure, Everybodys, Arthur E. Scott, Harold Hersey by Albert William Stone (ar) The Author & Journalist Dec 1926
- SEDIA, EKATERINA (née Holland) (1970- ) (books) (stories)
- SHELDON, ALICE (Hastings Bradley Davey) (1915-1987); see pseudonym James Tiptree, Jr. (books) (stories)
- SHELLEY, MARY W(ollstonecraft Godwin) (1797-1851) (books) (stories)
- SHEPARD, LUCIUS (Taylor) (1943- ) (books) (stories)
- SILVIS, RANDALL (Glenn) (1950- ) (books)
- SIMMONS, DAN (1948- ) (books) (stories)
- SIMON, M(argaret) MARGE B(allif) (books) (stories) (art)
- SIMPSON, ROBERT (1886-1934)
- [] Meeting the Editors in Person: Matthew White, Jr., Robert Simpson, Richard A. Martinsen by Albert William Stone (ar) The Author & Journalist Nov 1926
- SIROIS, DOUGLAS A. (stories) (art)
- SMITH, BRYAN (books)
- SOMERS, JEFF (books) (stories)
- STOKER, BRAM; [i.e., Abraham Stoker] (1847-1912) (books) (stories)
- STRAUB, PETER (Francis) (1943- ) (books) (stories)
- [] Meeting the Editors in Person: Frank E. Blackwell & Alice Strope by Albert William Stone (ar) The Author & Journalist Sep 1926
- STROSS, CHARLES (1964- ) (books) (stories)
- STURGEON, THEODORE; [born Edward Hamilton Waldo] (1918-1985) (books) (stories)
- TIPTREE, JAMES, JR.; pseudonym of Alice Sheldon, (1915-1987)
- [] James Tiptree, Jr.: The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon by Julie Phillips (nf) St. Martins 2006
- TOLKIEN, J(ohn) R(onald) R(euel) (1892-1973) (books) (art)
- TUTTLE, LISA (1952- ) (stories)
- TYSON, DONALD (1954- )
- VERNE, JULES (Gabriel) (1828-1905) (books) (stories)
- [] Jules Verne: The Definitive Biography by William Butcher (nf) Thunders Mouth 2006
- [] The Secret Message of Jules Verne: Decoding His Masonic, Rosicrucian, and Occult Writings by Michel Lamy (nf) Inner Traditions/Destiny Books 2007
- VESS, CHARLES (1951- ) (books) (art)
- [] Stardust: The Visual Companion ed. by Stephen Jones (nf) Titan Books 2007
- VOLK, STEPHEN (stories)
- VONNEGUT, KURT, JR. (1922-2007) (books) (art)
- WAGNER, KARL EDWARD (1945-1994) (stories)
- WARD, A(rthur Henry) SARSFIELD (1883-1959); see pseudonym Sax Rohmer (books) (stories)
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