The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2007
Stories, Listed by Author
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- SHIRLEY, JOHN (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Skeeter Junkie, (ss) New Noir, Black Ice Books 1993
- * Sleepwalkers, (ss) New Pathways Oct 1988
- * Sweet Armageddon, (ss) Air Fish, ed. Joy Oestreicher & Richard Singer, Catseye Books 1993
- * Those Who Came to Dagon, (ss) High Seas Cthulhu, ed. William Jones, Elder Signs Press 2007
- * War and Peace, (ss) Fear Itself, ed. Jeff Gelb, Warner 1995
- * What Would You Do for Love?, (nv) Black Butterflies: A Flock on the Dark Side, Ziesing 1998
- * The Word Random, Deliberately Repeated, (ss) Clarion III, ed. Robert Scott Wilson, Signet 1973
- SHOWERS, BRIAN J. (chron.)
- SHULTZ, MICHAEL H. (chron.)
- * As the Stars of the Sky, (nv) The Leading Edge #47 2004
- SHUNN, D. WILLIAM; [i.e., William Shunn] (1967- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Afterword: A Look Back at the 21st Century, (aw)
- * From Our Point of View We Had Moved to the Left, (ss) F&SF Feb 1993
- * Inclination [Netherview Station], (na) Asimovs Apr/May 2006
- * Kevin17, (ss) F&SF Feb 1995
- * Love in the Age of Spyware, (ss) Salon Jul 2003; also as Observations from the City of Angels.
- * Not of This Fold, (nv) An Alternate History of the 21st Century, Spilt Milk Press 2007
- * Objective Impermeability in a Closed System, (ss) An Alternate History of the 21st Century, Spilt Milk Press 2007
- * Observations from the City of Angels [Love in the Age of Spyware], (ss) Salon Jul 2003
- * Strong Medicine, (ss) Salon Nov 11 2003
- SHUSTERMAN, NEAL (Douglas) (1962- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Alexanders Skull, (ss) Darkness Creeping, Lowell House 1993
- * Black Box, (ss) Darkness Creeping, Lowell House 1993
- * Catching Cold, (ss) Darkness Creeping: Twenty Twisted Tales, Puffin Books 2007
- * Connecting Flight, (ss) Darkness Creeping II, Lowell House 1995
- * Crystalloid, (ss) Darkness Creeping II, Lowell House 1995
- * An Ear for Music, (ss) Darkness Creeping II, Lowell House 1995
- * Flushie, (ss) Darkness Creeping, Lowell House 1993
- * Foreword, (fw) Darkness Creeping: Twenty Twisted Tales, Puffin Books 2007
- * Growing Pains, (ss) Darkness Creeping II, Lowell House 1995
- * Monkeys Tonight, (ss) Darkness Creeping, Lowell House 1993
- * Ralphy Shermans Root Canal, (ss) Darkness Creeping: Twenty Twisted Tales, Puffin Books 2007
- * Resting Deep, (ss) Darkness Creeping, Lowell House 1993
- * Riding the Raptor, (ss) Darkness Creeping II, Lowell House 1995
- * The River Tour, (ss) Darkness Creeping: Twenty Twisted Tales, Puffin Books 2007
- * Same Time Next Year, (ss) Darkness Creeping, Lowell House 1993
- * Screaming at the Wall, (ss) Darkness Creeping, Lowell House 1993
- * Security Blanket, (ss) Darkness Creeping II, Lowell House 1995
- * Shadows of Doubt, (pm) Darkness Creeping, Lowell House 1993
- * Soul Survivor, (ss) Darkness Creeping II, Lowell House 1995
- * Trash Day, (ss) Darkness Creeping II, Lowell House 1995
- * Who Do We Appreciate?, (ss) Darkness Creeping: Twenty Twisted Tales, Puffin Books 2007
- SHWARTZ, SUSAN M(artha) (1949- ) (books) (chron.)
- SICHTER, AMANDA (chron.)
- SIDDALL, D. (chron.)
- SIGLER, SCOTT (books) (chron.)
- SIHOL, LÉA (chron.)
- SILVERBERG, ROBERT (1935- ) (books) (chron.)
- * After the Myths Went Home, (ss) F&SF Nov 1969
- * Against the Current, (nv) F&SF Oct/Nov 2007
- * Bride Ninety-One, (ss) If Sep 1967
- * The Eater of Dreams, (vi) Asimovs Apr/May 2007
- * The Emperor and the Maula, (na) The New Space Opera, ed. Gardner Dozois & Jonathan Strahan, Eos 2007
- * The Fangs of the Trees, (nv) F&SF Oct 1968
- * Flies, (ss) Dangerous Visions, ed. Harlan Ellison, Garden City, NY: Doubleday 1967
- * Going Down Smooth, (ss) Galaxy Aug 1968
- * Halfway House, (ss) If Nov 1966
- * A Happy Day in 2381 [Urban Monad], (ss) Nova 1, ed. Harry Harrison, Delacorte 1970
- * Hawksbill Station, (na) Galaxy Aug 1967
- * How It Was When the Past Went Away, (na) Three for Tomorrow, ed. Robert Silverberg, Meredith 1969
- * Introduction, (in)
- * Ishmael in Love, (ss) F&SF Jul 1970
- * Neighbor, (ss) Galaxy Aug 1964
- * Not Our Brother, (nv) Twilight Zone Jul 1982
- * (Now+n), (Now-n), (nv) Nova 2, ed. Harry Harrison, Walker 1972
- * Our Lady of the Sauropods, (ss) Omni Sep 1980
- * The Pain Peddlers, (ss) Galaxy Aug 1963
- * Passengers, (ss) Orbit 4, ed. Damon Knight, G.P. Putnams 1968
- * The Pleasure of Our Company, (nv) Infinity #1, ed. Robert Hoskins, Lancer 1970; also as The Pleasure of Their Company.
- * The Pleasure of Their Company [The Pleasure of Our Company], (nv) Infinity #1, ed. Robert Hoskins, Lancer 1970
- * Pluto story, (vi) Nature Jan 27 2000
- * Reflections:
___ Decoding Cuneiform, (cl) Asimovs Aug 2007
___ Farming, (cl) Asimovs Jan 2007
___ Jack Williamson, (cl) Asimovs Mar 2007
___ Limbo on the Moon, (cl) Asimovs Jul 2007
___ Rereading Heinlein, (cl) Asimovs Dec 2007
___ Rereading Jack Vance, (cl) Asimovs Feb 2007
___ Rereading Theodore Sturgeon, (cl) Asimovs Oct/Nov 2007
___ Resurrecting the Quagga, (cl) Asimovs Jun 2007
___ Saddam Wasnt the Worst, (cl) Asimovs Sep 2007
___ Thirty Years!, (cl) Asimovs Apr/May 2007
- * Ringing the Changes, (ss) Alchemy & Academe, ed. Anne McCaffrey, Garden City, NY: Doubleday 1970
- * Sailing to Byzantium, (na) IASFM Feb 1985
- * The Sixth Palace, (ss) Galaxy Feb 1965
- * Sundance, (ss) F&SF Jun 1969
- * The Time of the Burning [Majipoor], (ss) IASFM Mar 15 1982
- * To See the Invisible Man, (ss) Worlds of Tomorrow Apr 1963
- * To the Dark Star, (ss) The Farthest Reaches, ed. Joseph Elder, Trident 1968
- * We Know Who We Are, (ss) Amazing Jul 1970
- SIMMONS, DAN (1948- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- SIMMONS, WILLIAM MARK (books) (chron.)
- SIMMS, DAVID (chron.)
- SIMNER, JANNI LEE (chron.)
- SIMON, J(eremy) (1973- ) (chron.)
- SIMON, M(argaret) MARGE B(allif) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Ajax Redux (with Bruce Boston), (pm) Strange Horizons (online) Mar 6 2006
- * And Still He Plays On (with Bruce Boston), (pm)
- * Archeology Students in Egypt: Prophecy (with Charlee Jacob), (pm) Vectors: A Week in the Death of a Planet, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Armageddon: At the Clinic, (pm) Strange Horizons (online) Apr 16 2007
- * Asylum, (pm) Vectors: A Week in the Death of a Planet, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Asylum for Astronauts (with Bruce Boston), (pm) EOTU Ezine Aug 2001
- * At the Clinic, (pm) Vectors: A Week in the Death of a Planet, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Blood on My Tongue, (vi)
- * Broken Smiles, (pm) Vectors: A Week in the Death of a Planet, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * A Collective Invention Revisited, (pp) Strange Horizons (online) Jul 16 2001
- * Conjuring Her Embrace (with Bruce Boston), (pm) Star*Line v24 #3 2001
- * Counting the Cries (with Bruce Boston), (pm)
- * Dark Drummer/White Snakes (with Bruce Boston), (pm)
- * Deathwish: Cloister in Newark, (pm) Vectors: A Week in the Death of a Planet, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Detour, (vi) Like Birds in the Rain, Sams Dot Publishing 2007
- * Dry Bar (with Bruce Boston), (pm)
- * Ebonmadders Run, (pm) Space & Time #92 2000
- * Escaping Yuma Prison (with Bruce Boston), (pm)
- * Escher in Love (with Bruce Boston), (pm) Tales of the Unanticipated #26 2005
- * A Fairy Tale, (pm) Vectors: A Week in the Death of a Planet, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * The Fifth Day, (pm) Vectors: A Week in the Death of a Planet, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * From Death Row, (pm) Vectors: A Week in the Death of a Planet, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * A Good Wine, (vi) Like Birds in the Rain, Sams Dot Publishing 2007
- * Harlequin Reversal (with Bruce Boston), (pp) EOTU Ezine Apr 2004
- * Home Alone, (pm) Vectors: A Week in the Death of a Planet, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * illustration, (il) Dreams & Nightmares #78 2007
- * It Has Her Eyes, (vi) Like Birds in the Rain, Sams Dot Publishing 2007
- * Ive Been Told of Fourth Street, (pp) Mythic Delirium #6 2002
- * Kellys Place, (vi) Like Birds in the Rain, Sams Dot Publishing 2007
- * The Language of Ducks, (vi)
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