The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2007
Stories, Listed by Author
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- PERRY, STEVE(n Carl) (1947- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Bobs Yeti Problem, (ss) Jim Baens Universe (online) Jun 2006
- * Suns New, Long, and Short: An Interview with Gene Wolfe, (iv) Nova Express Fll/Win 1998
- PETERSON, J. F. (chron.)
- PETRIE, SIMON (chron.)
- PETTERSSON, VICKI (books) (chron.)
- PETTIGREW, JOHN (chron.)
- PFLUG, URSULA (chron.)
- PHAIR, COLETTE (books) (chron.)
- PHILLIPS, ELLEN (chron.)
- PHILLIPS, GARY (Douglas) (1955- ) (chron.)
- PHILLIPS, HOLLY (1969- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Brother of the Moon, (ss) Fantasy, ed. Sean Wallace & Paul Tremblay, Prime Books 2007
- * The Dead Boy [Emily and Bailor], (ss) On Spec Sum 2004
- * Field Time, (ss) Space & Time #101 2007
- * The Oracle Spoke, (ss) Clarksworld (online) Jun 2007
- * The Past Never Dies, (nv) Weird Tales Sep/Oct 2007
- * Queen of the Butterfly Kingdom, (ss) Interfictions: An Anthology of Interstitial Writing, ed. Delia Sherman & Theodora Goss, Interstitial Arts Foundation 2007
- * Three Days of Rain, (ss) Asimovs Jun 2007
- PHILLIPS, JOHN; house pseudonym (chron.)
- PI, TONY (chron.)
- PICACIO, JOHN (chron.)
- * To Boldly Go: A Strange, Beautiful Future for Genre Cover Art, (ar)
- * 25: Celebrating 25 Years of Interzone, (ms) Interzone Jul/Aug 2007
- PICANO, FELICE (1944- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Food for Thought, (nv) Tales: from a Distant Planet, French Connection Press 2006
- * The Guest in the Little Brick House, (nv) Tales: from a Distant Planet, French Connection Press 2006
- * Ingoldsby, (na) Tales: from a Distant Planet, French Connection Press 2006
- * The Lesson Begins, (ss) Tales: from a Distant Planet, French Connection Press 2006
- * One Way Out, (nv) New Terrors #2, ed. Ramsey Campbell, London: Pan 1980
- * The Perfect Setting, (nv) Tales: from a Distant Planet, French Connection Press 2006
- * Secrets of the Abandoned Monument, (nv) Tales: from a Distant Planet, French Connection Press 2006
- * So You Want a Preface, Huh?, (pr) Tales: from a Distant Planet, French Connection Press 2006
- PICCIRILLI, TOM; [i.e., Thomas Edward Piccirilli] (1965- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Blue, (ss) Bare Bone #10 2007
- * Introduction, (in) Midnight Premiere, ed. Tom Piccirilli, Cemetery Dance Publications 2007
- * Of Persephone, Poe, and the Whisperer, (ss) Cat Crimes Through Time, ed. Ed Gorman, Martin H. Greenberg & Larry Segriff, Carroll & Graf 1999
- * Shadder, (ss) Cemetery Dance #52 2005
- PIERLUIGI, GARY (chron.)
- PIERSON, CHRISTOPHER (books) (chron.)
- PIKE, CHRISTOPHER (books) (chron.)
- PILE, ROGER B. (chron.)
- PILINOVSKY, HELEN (books) (chron.)
- PILLAR, AMANDA (chron.)
- * Year in Their Lifefrom The Naked Year [Chapter VII and The Last Triptych], (ex)
- PINAULT, DAVID (chron.)
- PINBOROUGH, SARAH (J.) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- PINE, HEATHER (chron.)
- PINKWATER, DANIEL M(anus) (1941- ) (books) (chron.)
- PIPER, H(enry) BEAM (1904-1964) (books) (chron.)
- PIRIE, STEVEN (chron.)
- PISANO, CHRIS (chron.)
- PITCHFORD, DAVID M. (chron.)
- PITMAN, MARION (1955- ) (chron.)
- PITZER, STEFINE K. (chron.)
- PLANTE, BRIAN (1956- ) (chron.)
- PLATONOV, ANDREI (Platonovich); pseudonym of Andrei Platonovich Klimentov, (1899-1951) (chron.)
- * from The Sun, the Moon, and the Ether Channel, (ex)
- PLATT, JOHN R. (chron.)
- PLOWMAN, DAVID R. (chron.)
- POE, EDGAR ALLAN (1809-1849) (books) (chron.)
- * Alone, (pm) 1829
- * Annabel Lee, (pm) Tribune Oct 9 1849
- * The Bells, (pm) Union Magazine Oct 1849
- * The Black Cat, (ss) Philadelphia United States Saturday Post Aug 19 1843
- * Blind Eye (with John Shirley), (ss) Poes Lighthouse, ed. Christopher Conlon, Cemetery Dance Books 2006
- * The Cask of Amontillado [Fortunato], (gs) Graphic Classics Volume 1 Second Edition: Edgar Allan Poe, ed. Tom Pomplun, Eureka Productions 2004
- * The Cask of Amontillado [Fortunato], (ss) Godeys Ladys Book Nov 1846
- * The City in the Sea [revised from The Doomed City, 1831], (pm) 1845
- * The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion, (ss) Burtons Gentlemens Magazine Dec 1839
- * The Dead Lantern (with Michael A. Arnzen), (ss) Poes Lighthouse, ed. Christopher Conlon, Cemetery Dance Books 2006
- * A Descent into the Maelström, (ss) Grahams Ladys and Gentlemans Magazine May 1841
- * A Dream, (ss) Philadelphia United States Saturday Post Aug 13 1831
- * A Dream within a Dream, (pm) The Flag of Our Union Mar 31 1839
- * Dream-Land, (pm) Grahams Ladys and Gentlemans Magazine Jun 1844
- * Dreams, (pm) 1827
- * Eldorado, (pm) The Flag of Our Union Apr 21 1849
- * Evening Star, (pm) 1827
- * The Fall of the House of Usher, (gs) Graphic Classics Volume 1 Second Edition: Edgar Allan Poe, ed. Tom Pomplun, Eureka Productions 2004
- * The Fall of the House of Usher, (ss) Burtons Gentlemens Magazine Sep 1839
- * For Annie, (pm) The Flag of Our Union Apr 28 1849
- * The Gold-Bug, (nv) Philadelphia Dollar Newspaper Jun 21-28 1843
- * Hop-Frog, (ss) The Flag of Our Union Mar 17 1849
- * The Imp of the Perverse, (gs) Rosebud Graphic Classics #1: Edgar Allan Poe, Third Edition, ed. Tom Pomplun, Eureka Productions 2007; adapt. by Tom Pomplun
- * Israfel, (pm) 1831
- * King Pest, (gs) Rosebud Graphic Classics #1: Edgar Allan Poe, Third Edition, ed. Tom Pomplun, Eureka Productions 2007; adapt. by Antonella Caputo
- * Lenore, (pm) 1845
- * Ligeia, (ss) American Museum Sep 1838
- * The Masque of the Red Death, (gs) Graphic Classics Volume 1 Second Edition: Edgar Allan Poe, ed. Tom Pomplun, Eureka Productions 2004
- * The Masque of the Red Death, (ss) Grahams Ladys and Gentlemans Magazine May 1842
- * Ms. Found in a Bottle, (ss) Baltimore Saturday Visitor Oct 19 1833
- * The Murders in the Rue Morgue [C. Auguste Dupin], (nv) Grahams Ladys and Gentlemans Magazine Apr 1841
- * Never Bet the Devil Your Head, (gs) Graphic Classics Volume 1 Second Edition: Edgar Allan Poe, ed. Tom Pomplun, Eureka Productions 2004
- * The Oval Portrait, (gs) Graphic Classics #14: Gothic Classics, ed. Tom Pomplun, Eureka Productions 2007; adapt. by Tom Pomplun
- * The Pit and the Pendulum, (ss) The Gift: a Christmas and New Years Present, MDCCCXLIII, an, 1842 1842
- * The Premature Burial, (gs) Rosebud Graphic Classics #1: Edgar Allan Poe, Third Edition, ed. Tom Pomplun, Eureka Productions 2007; adapt. by Tom Pomplun
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