The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2007
Stories, Listed by Author
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- AGARWAL, DEV (chron.)
- AGNEW, LISA (chron.)
- AGUILAR, GRACE (1816-1847) (chron.)
- * The EscapeA Tale of 1755, (ss)
- AGUIRRE, FORREST (books) (chron.)
- AIKEN, JOAN (Delano) (1924-2004) (chron.)
- * The Traitor, (ss) The Virago Book of Ghost Stories: The Twentieth Century: Volume Two, ed. Richard Dalby, Virago 1991
- AILUR, RIGEL (chron.)
- AKERS, TIM (chron.)
- ALAFACI, MARIE (chron.)
- ALARCÓN, DANIEL (chron.)
- * Abraham Lincoln Has Been Shot, (ss) Zoetrope All-Story Fll 2006
- ALDISS, BRIAN W(ilson) (1925- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- ALEXA, CAMILLE (chron.)
- ALLEN, BILL D. (chron.)
- ALLEN, KATHRYN (chron.)
- ALLEN, L. N. (chron.)
- ALLEN, MIKE (chron.)
- * Bacchanal, (pm) Goblin Fruit Aut 2006
- * Freebasing the Moon, (pm) Strange Horizons (online) Jun 25 2007
- * The Hikers Tale, (nv) Cabinet des Fées v1 #2/3 2007
- * The Journey to Kailash, (pm) Strange Horizons (online) Jan 23 2006
- * Manifest Density, (pm) Helix (online) Fll 2006
- * Myths & Delusions, (ed) Mythic Delirium #17 2007
- * The Nightmare Avatars Nightmare (with Christina Sng), (pm) H.P. Lovecrafts Magazine of Horror Spr/Sum 2007
- * The Psychic Above Burritoville, (pm) Jabberwocky 2, ed. Sean Wallace, Prime Books 2006
- * Sisyphus Walks, (pm) Goblin Fruit Spr 2006
- * Tanguys Pebble, (pm) Disturbing Muses, Prime Books 2005
- * Template for a Fairy Tale (with Charles M. Saplak), (pm) Weird Tales May/Jun 2006
- ALLEN, SPENCER (chron.)
- ALLERY, CHARLIE (chron.)
- ALLIO, KIRSTIN (chron.)
- ALLSTON, AARON (Dale) (1960- ) (books) (chron.)
- ALTIERI, SERGIO D. (chron.)
- _____, trans.
- AMBUEHL, JAMES (chron.)
- * The Bane of Byagoona, (ss) Dark Legacy v2 #4 2001
- AMIS, [Sir] KINGSLEY (William) (1922-1995) (chron.)
- * Who or What Was It?, (ss) Playboy Dec 1972
- AMIS, SARA (chron.)
- AMON, GILLES (chron.)
- * Dont Imitate, (vi) Nature Feb 23 2006
- AMUNDSEN, ERIK (chron.)
- AND, MIEKAL (chron.)
- ANDERS, CHARLIE; [i.e., Charles Anders] (chron.)
- ANDERS, LOU (books) (chron.)
- ANDERSON, BARTH (books) (chron.)
- ANDERSON, DOUGLAS A(llen) (1959- ) (chron.)
- ANDERSON, EVANGELINE (books) (chron.)
- ANDERSON, K. J.; see under Anderson, Kevin J. (books) (chron.)
- ANDERSON, KEVIN (chron.)
- ANDERSON, KEVIN J(ames) (1962- ); see pseudonym Gabriel Mesta (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Frog Kiss, (ss) MZBFM Fll 1991
- * Good Old Days, (ss) The Future We Wish We Had, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Rebecca Lickiss, DAW 2007
- * If Only I Had the Time, (ar) L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XXIII, ed. Algis Budrys, Galaxy Press 2007
- * Loincloth (with Rebecca Moesta), (ss) Pandoras Closet, ed. Jean Rabe & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 2007
- * Mundane Lane, (ss) Time Twisters, ed. Jean Rabe & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 2007
- * Newts, (ss) Jim Baens Universe (online) Apr 2007
- * Slan Hunter (with A. E. van Vogt) [Slan], (sl) Jim Baens Universe (online) Feb, Apr 2007
- * The Sum of His Parts, (ss) Apex Science Fiction & Horror Digest #9 2007
- * Think Outside the Page, (ar)
- * Treasure in the Sand (with Brian Herbert) [Dune], (ss) Jim Baens Universe (online) Aug 2006
- ANDERSON, M. T. (books) (chron.)
- * Tell, (pm) The Journal of Mythic Arts Sum/Aut 2006
- ANDERSON, POUL (William) (1926-2001) (books) (chron.)
- * After Doomsday, (n.) New York: Ballantine 1962
- * The Big Rain, (na) Astounding Oct 1954
- * Epilogue, (na) Analog Mar 1962
- * No Truce with Kings, (na) F&SF Jun 1963
- * Progress, (na) F&SF Jan 1962
- * To Outlive Eternity, (na) Galaxy Jun 1967 (+1)
- * Un-Man, (na) Astounding Jan 1953
- ANDERSON, SUE (1946-2004) (chron.)
- ANDERSSON, C. DEAN (chron.)
- * A Some Moments with the Magus: An Interview with Gene Wolfe (with Nick Gevers & James B. Jordan), (iv) 2003; Online at http:// nonfiction/ intgw.htm.
- ANDREW, JASON (chron.)
- ANDREWS, GRAHAM (chron.)
- * Curiosities:
___ Love Is ForeverWe Are for Tonight, Robert Moore Williams (1970), (cl) F&SF Jan 2007
___ The Thirty-First of June, by J.B. Priestley (1961), (cl) F&SF Jul 2007
- * Eventide, (ss) Dark Dreams #5 1987
- ANDREWS, SCOTT (books) (chron.)
- ANDREYEV, LEONID (Nikolaevich) (1871-1919) (chron.)
- * Silence, (ss) Silence 1910
- ANGELL, R. R. (chron.)
- ANONYMOUS (books) (chron.)
- * About the Authors, (bg) Farthing Jan 2007
- * Afterword: Q&A with Christopher Fowler, (iv) Old Devil Moon, Serpents Tail 2007
- * Annual Kiwanis Football Frolic was Big Success, (ms) The Van Nuys News Oct 22 1929
- * Ape-Man Business, (ms) Fortune Mar 1938
- * Ask a Literary Figure, (ms) Rosebud #40 2007
- * Asteroid, (ss)
- * Author of Tarzan Buys Beach Home, (ms) Los Angeles Times Aug 9 1931
- * Autumn, (ss)
- * Aztecs on Mars, (ed) Interzone Dec 2007
- * Bear Cub, (ss)
- * Blaze, (ss)
- * British Radio Enthusiasts to Listen for Possible Messages from Big Planet, (ms) Modesto News-Herald Oct 27 1926
- * Bronze Horseman, (ss)
- * Burroughs Opens Rolling Hills Golf Club Stock to Public Subscription, (ms) Los Angeles Times Jul 12 1925
- * Burroughs Plans New Stage Line, (ms) Los Angeles Times Jan 11 1923
- * Cave, (ss)
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