The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2007
Books, Listed by Author
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- GREENBERG, MARTIN H(arry), ed. (1941- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _Beyond Armageddon (with Walter M. Miller, Jr.) See entry under Walter M. Miller, Jr.
- * *Fate Fantastic (with Daniel M. Hoyt) (DAW 978-0-7564-0440-6, Oct 2007, $7.99, 310pp, pb) Original anthology of 16 stories about twists of fate. Authors include Julie E. Czerneda, Esther M. Friesner, and Mike Resnick & Barry N. Malzberg. Introduction by Daniel M. Hoyt. (Contents)
- * *The Future We Wish We Had (with Rebecca Lickiss) (DAW 978-0-7564-0441-3, Dec 2007, $7.99, 306pp, pb) Original anthology of 16 stories about what the present day might have been if various SF ideas had come true. Authors include Esther M. Friesner, Kevin J. Anderson, and Kristine Kathryn Rusch. (Contents)
- * _Future Weapons of War (with Joe W. Haldeman) See entry under Joe W. Haldeman
- * *Heroes in Training (with Jim C. Hines) (DAW 978-0-7564-0438-3, Sep 2007, $7.99, 311pp, pb) Original anthology of 13 stories. Introduction by Jim C. Hines. Authors include Esther M. Friesner, Ed Greenwood, and Peter David. (Contents)
- * *If I Were an Evil Overlord (with Russell Davis) (DAW 978-0-7564-0384-3, Mar 2007, $7.99, 306pp, pb) Original anthology of 14 stories. Authors include Esther Friesner, Dean Wesley Smith, and Nina Kiriki Hoffman. (Contents)
- * _The Mammoth Book of Golden Age Science Fiction (with Isaac Asimov & Charles G. Waugh) See entry under Isaac Asimov.
- * _Man vs Machine (with John Helfers) See entry under John Helfers.
- * _Pandoras Closet (with Jean Rabe) See entry under Jean Rabe.
- * *Places to Be, People to Kill (with Brittiany A. Koren) (DAW 978-0-7564-0417-8, Jun 2007, $7.99, 309pp, pb) Original anthology of 12 fantasy stories about assassins. Authors include Tanya Huff, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, and Ed Gorman. Introduction by Koren. (Contents)
- * _Time Twisters (with Jean Rabe) See entry under Jean Rabe.
- * *Wizards, Inc. (with Loren L. Coleman) (DAW 978-0-7564-0439-0, Nov 2007, $7.99, 311pp, pb) Original anthology of 15 contemporary stories about those who make their living with magic. Authors include Orson Scott Card, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, and Jay Lake. (Contents)
- GREENBERGER, ROBERT (Edward) (1958- ) (stories) (chron.)
- GREENE, ERIC (chron.)
- * _Planet of the Apes as American Myth: Race Politics, and Popular Culture (McFarland 0-7864-2663-2, 2006, $29.95, 247pp, tp) Reprint (McFarland 1996) study of the SF films and their popular impact. This is dated 2006, but not seen until now. McFarland, Box 611, Jefferson NC 28640; [].
- GREENE, NANCY O. (stories) (chron.)
- * *Portraits in the Dark (iUniverse 978-0-595-39280-3, Aug 2006, $9.95, 787pp, tp) Collection of nine dark stories, some with fantasy elements. This is dated 2006, but not seen until now. A print-on-demand edition available online at [] or from iUniverse, 2021 Pine Lake Road, Suite 100, Lincoln NE 68512; 800-288-4677. (Contents)
- GREENWOOD, ED (stories) (chron.)
- * *Dark Lord (BL Publishing/Solaris 978-1-84416-519-3, Sep 2007, £17.99, 383pp, hc, cover by Jon Sullivan) [Falconfar Saga] Fantasy novel, the first book in the Falconfar Saga trilogy.
- * *Dark Lord (BL Publishing/Solaris US 978-1-84416-519-3, Oct 2007, $24.99, 383pp, hc, cover by Jon Sullivan) [Falconfar Saga] Fantasy novel, volume one in the Falconfar Saga. This has the same ISBN as the simultaneous Black Library UK (9/07) edition, but only has US and Canadian prices.
- * *Dark Warrior Rising (Tor 978-0-7653-1765-0, Sep 2007, $24.95, 300pp, hc, cover by Daniel Dos Santos) [Niflheim] Fantasy novel in the Niflheim series.
- * *Forgotten Realms: Swords of Dragonfire (Wizards of the Coast 978-0-7869-4339-5, Aug 2007, $25.95, 340pp, hc, cover by Matthew Stewart) [Forgotten Realms: Knights of Myth Drannor] Novelization based on the roleplaying game, volume two of The Knights of Myth Drannor. Copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast.
- * *Forgotten Realms: Swords of Eveningstar (Wizards of the Coast 978-0-7869-4022-6, Aug 2006, $25.95, 343pp, hc, cover by Matthew Stewart) [Forgotten Realms: Knights of Myth Drannor] Novelization based on the roleplaying game, volume one of The Knights of Myth Drannor. Copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. This is dated 2006, but not seen until now.
- * _Forgotten Realms: Swords of Eveningstar (Wizards of the Coast 978-0-7869-4272-5, Jun 2007, $7.99, 425pp, pb, cover by Matthew Stewart) [Forgotten Realms: Knights of Myth Drannor] Reprint (Wizards of the Coast 2006) novelization based on the roleplaying game, volume one of The Knights of Myth Drannor. Copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast.
- * *Forgotten Realms: The Annotated Elminster (Wizards of the Coast 978-0-7869-4799-7, Dec 2007, $27.95, 872pp, hc, cover by Matt Cavotta) [Forgotten Realms: Elminster] Omnibus of three novelizations featuring the wizard Elminster: Elminster: The Making of a Mage (1994), Elminster in Myth Drannor (1997), and The Temptation of Elminster (1998). The annotations consist of essays by Greenwood on the writing of each book, and comments on the realmslore in each. This is issued without dustjacket. Copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. (Contents)
- GRESH, LOIS H(arriet) (1956- ) (chron.)
- * *Exploring Philip Pullmans His Dark Materials (St, Martins Griffin 978-0-312-34743-7, Nov 2007, $9.95, 210pp, tp) Young-adult guide to the fantasy series, focusing on scientific and philosophical aspects. [Pullman]
- GRIBBIN, [Dr.] JOHN (R.) (1946- ) (chron.)
- GRIBBIN, MARY (chron.)
- * _The Science of Philip Pullmans His Dark Materials (with John Gribbin) (Random House/Laurel-Leaf 987-0-375-83146-1, Jul 2007, $5.99, 203+xix, pb, cover by Cliff Nielsen) Reprint (Hodder Childrens Books 2003) associational YA non-fiction. The cover notes Pullmans The Golden Compass is soon to be a major motion picture! [Pullman]
- GRIFFIN, ADELE (stories) (chron.)
- * *Vampire Island (Penguin/Putnam 978-0-399-23765-0, Aug 2007, $14.99, 120pp, hc, cover by Tuesday Mourning) [Vampire Island] Young-adult humorous vampire novella about the three Livingstone kids, fruit bat/vampire bat hybrids living in New York City.
- GRIMWOOD, JON COURTENAY; see under Courtenay Grimwood, Jon (stories) (chron.)
- GROSS, DAVE (chron.)
- * _Forgotten Realms: Black Wolf (Wizards of the Coast 978-0-7869-4283-1, Aug 2007, $6.99, 311pp, pb, cover by Raymond Swanland) [Forgotten Realms: Sembia] Reissue (Wizards of the Coast 2001) novelization based on the fantasy roleplaying game, fourth in the Sembia: Gateway to the Realms series. Copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast.
- GROSS, EDWARD (1960- ) (chron.)
- * *The Making of the Potterverse: A Month-by-Month Look at Harrys First 10 Years (ECW Press 978-1-55022-763-5, Apr 2007, $14.95, 210+ix, tp) Non-fiction, reference, a chronological list of events (primarily as covered in the media) surrounding the publication of Rowlings books. ECW Press, 2120 Queen Streat East, Suite 200, Toronto Ont. Canada M4E 1E2; []. [Rowling]
- * *Soon I Will Be Invincible (Random House/Pantheon 978-0-375-42486-1, Jun 2007, $22.95, 287pp, hc) Fantasy novel of superheroes and villains. A first novel.
- * _Soon I Will Be Invincible (Joseph, Michael 978-0-7181-5291-8, Aug 2007, £16.99, 287pp, hc, cover by Brian Hitlin) Reprint (Pantheon 2007) SF/fantasy novel. This includes eight pages of coloured plates of the superheroes. [First U.K. edition]
- GROSSMAN, DAVID (chron.)
- * _Lions Honey (Grove/Canongate U.S. 978-1-84195-913-9, Apr 2007, $13.00, 155pp, tp) [Myths] Reprint (Canongate 2006) fantasy novel in the Myths series retelling the story of Sampson and Delilah. Translated by Stuart Schoffman.
- GRUBER, MICHAEL (1940- ) (chron.)
- * _The Book of Air and Shadows (HarperVoyager 978-0-00-725190-2, Aug 2007, £6.99, 561pp, tp) Reprint (HarperCollins 2007) fantasy novel. [First U.K. edition]
- GRYPHON, TALIA (chron.)
- * *Key to Conflict (Ace 978-0-441-01503-0, Jun 2007, $7.99, 325pp, pb, cover by Judy York) [Gillian Key] Supernatural mystery/romance, the first in the series about Gillian Key, paramortal psychologist and Marine Special Forces operative. A first novel.
- GUCCIONE, LESLIE DAVIS (1946- ); see pseudonym Leslie Davis (chron.)
- GUERRIER, SIMON (chron.)
- * *Doctor Who: The Pirate Loop (BBC Books 978-1-8460-7347-2, Dec 2007, £6.99, 237pp, hc) [Doctor Who] Novelization based on the world of the TV series.
- * *Night Life (Berkley Sensation 978-0-425-21482-4, Apr 2007, $6.99, 292pp, pb) Contemporary paranormal romance. An Egyptian pharaoh is revived as a vampire in Las Vegas. Copyrighted by Suzanne Simmons Guntrum.
- GUNN, DAVID (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Deaths Head (Ballantine Del Rey 978-0-345-49827-4, May 2007, $24.95, 345pp, hc, cover by David Stevenson) [Aux] SF novel. Condemned soldier Sven Tveskoeg becomes an enforcer in an interstellar empire. A first novel or a pseudonym.
- * *Deaths Head (Transworld/Bantam UK 978-0-593-05832-9, May 2007, £12.99, 368pp, hc, cover by Claire Ward) [Aux] SF novel about galactic super-soldier Sven Tveskoeg; book one of the Aux. This is either a first novel or a pseudonym. Simultaneous with the US (Del Rey) edition.
- GUNNISON, JOHN (chron.)
- * *Walter Baumhofer: Pulp Art Masters (Adventure House 978-1-886937-94-X, Dec 2007, $20.00, 112pp, tp) Associational non-fiction, an art book looking at the pulp cover art of Walter Baumhofer, whose primarily non-fantastic art included some Doc Savage covers. Available from Adventure House, 914 Laredo Road, Silver Spring MD 20901; []. [Baumhofer]
- GURAN, PAULA, ed. (stories) (chron.)
- * *Best New Romantic Fantasy 2 (Wildside Press/Juno Books 978-0-8095-5784-4, Jun 2007, $13.95, 301pp, tp, cover by Timothy Lantz) Best-of-the-year anthology of 15 stories from 2006, the second in a series after Best New Paranormal Romance. Authors include Esther Friesner, Sarah Monette, and Delia Sherman. (Contents)
- GURNEY, JAMES (1958- ) (chron.)
- GYGAX, (Ernest) GARY (1938-2008) (chron.)
- * _The Anubis Murders (Paizo/Planet Stories 978-1-60125-042-1, Aug 2007, $12.99, 207pp, tp, cover by Andrew Hou) [Dangerous Journeys] Reprint (Roc 1992 as Dangerous Journeys: The Anubis Murders) fantasy novelization based on a roleplaying game world designed by Gygax, the first in the Dangerous Journeys series. Introduction by Erik Mona. Copyrighted by Trigee Enterprises.
- * _Among the Free (Simon & Schuster/Aladdin 978-0-689-85799-7, Aug 2007, $5.99, 194pp, tp, cover by Cliff Nielsen) [Shadow Children] Reprint (Simon & Schuster 2006) young-adult SF novel, the final volume of The Shadow Children series.
- * _Double Identity (Simon & Schuster/Aladdin 978-0-689-87379-9, Apr 2007, $5.99, 218pp, tp, cover by Amy Ryan) Reprint (Simon & Schuster 2005) young-adult thriller with SF elements.
- * _Turnabout (Simon Pulse 978-1-4169-3653-4, Mar 2007, $5.99, 240pp, pb) Reprint (Simon & Schuster 2000) young-adult SF novel of age reversal.
- HAFFNER, STEPHEN, ed. (chron.)
- * *In Memory of Wonders Child: Jack Williamson (Haffner Press 978-1-893887-26-8, Apr 2007, $15.00, 111pp, tp, cover by Betty Williamson) Non-fiction, a gathering of obituaries for and appreciations of Jack Williamson; most of the appreciations originally appeared in Locus. This also includes the stories Nonstop to Mars and The Mists of Time, a photo montage, and three strips from the Beyond Mars comic strip, one in color. Proceeds from this book go to the Jack and Blanche Williamson Scholarship Fund. Haffner Press, 5005 Crooks Rd., Suite 35, Royal Oak MI 48073-1239; []; [].
- HAGGARD, [Sir] H(enry) RIDER (1856-1925) (stories) (chron.)
- * _King Solomons Mines (Hodder Headline/Review 978-0-7553-3887-0, Jun 2007, £4.99, iii+288pp, tp) [Allan Quatermain] Reprint (Cassell 1885) lost race adventure novel in the Allan Quatermain series.
- HAHN, MARY DOWNING (1937- ) (chron.)
- HAIG, MATT (chron.)
- * +The Dead Fathers Club (Penguin/Viking 978-0-670-03833-6, Feb 2007, $23.95, 328pp, hc) Dark fantasy novel, a contemporary reworking of Hamlet. Philips fathers ghost tells Philip of his uncles treachery. First US edition (Cape 6/06).
- * _The Dead Fathers Club (SFBC #1231865, Mar 2007, $12.99, 328pp, hc, cover by Jordan Crane) Reprint (Cape 2006) dark fantasy novel, a contemporary reworking of Hamlet. This is similar to the 2007 Viking US edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _The Dead Fathers Club (Penguin 978-0-14-311294-5, Dec 2007, $14.00, 328pp, tp, cover by Will Staehle) Reprint (Cape 2006) dark fantasy novel, a contemporary reworking of Hamlet.
- * +Samuel Blink and the Forbidden Forest (Penguin/Putnam 978-0-399-24739-2, Jun 2007, $16.99, 316pp, hc, cover by Peter Ferguson) Young-adult fantasy novel. Orphans Samuel and Martha move in with their Norwegian aunt, who forbids them to explore the mysterious forest nearby. First US edition (Bodley Head 5/07 as Shadow Forest).
- * *Shadow Forest (The Bodley Head 978-0-370-32936-9, May 2007, £9.99, vii+393pp, hc, cover by Sandy Nightingale) Young-adult fantasy novel.
- HAINING, PETER (Alexander), ed. (1940-2007) (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Mammoth Book of Modern Ghost Stories (Carroll & Graf 978-0-78671-960-0, Sep 2007, $13.95, 582pp, tp) Anthology of 44 ghost stories. Authors include M.R. James, Ray Bradbury, and Philip Pullman. Simultaneous with the Robinson UK edition.
- * *The Mammoth Book of Modern Ghost Stories: Great Supernatural Tales of the Twentieth Century (Robinson 978-1-84529-476-2, Sep 2007, £7.99, 582pp, tp, cover by Joe Roberts) Anthology of 44 ghost stories. Authors include M.R. James, Rudyard Kipling, Lord Dunsany, and Ray Bradbury. (Contents)
- HALAM, ANN; pseudonym of Gwyneth Jones, (1952- ) (chron.)
- * *Snakehead (Orion Childrens Books 978-1-84255-269-8, Jan 2007, £6.99, 215pp, tp, cover by Geoff Taylor) Young-adult fantasy novel retelling the Medusa myth. A hardcover edition (-526-2, £9.99) was announced but not seen.
- HALDEMAN, JOE W.; [i.e., Joseph William Haldeman] (1943- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Accidental Time Machine (Ace 978-0-441-01499-6, Aug 2007, $23.95, 278pp, hc) SF novel, an updated version of H.G. Wellss The Time Machine. An MIT research assistant accidentally invents a time machine.
- * _A Separate War and Other Stories (Ace 978-0-441-01517-7, Aug 2007, $7.99, 295pp, pb) Reprint (Ace 2006) collection of 15 stories. Foreword by Connie Willis.
- * _A Separate War and Other Stories (Ace 978-0-441-01517-7, Aug 2007, $7.99, xxi+295pp, pb) Reprint (Ace 2006) collection of 15 stories with an introduction by Connie Willis and story notes by Haldeman.
- _____, ed.
- * *Future Weapons of War (with Martin H. Greenberg) (Baen 978-1-4165-2112-9, Mar 2007, $24.00, 271pp, hc, cover by David Mattingly) Original anthology of 12 stories. Introduction by Haldeman. Authors include Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Paul J. McAuley, and Brian Stableford. (Contents)
- * *Shadow Coast (Hippocampus Press 978-0-9771734-7-1, May 2007, $15.00, 255pp, tp, cover by Cassie Barden) Horror novel. An archaeological dig may be causing horrors for a remote area on the coast of Washington State. This is a print-on-demand edition, available online at [] or from Hippocampus Press, PO Box 641, New York NY 10156.
- HALE, SHANNON (chron.)
- * *Book of a Thousand Days (Bloomsbury USA 978-1-59990-051-3, Sep 2007, $17.95, 308pp, hc) Young-adult fantasy based on the fairy tale Maid Maleen. The maid Dashti accompanies her mistress into exile.
- * _Princess Academy (Bloomsbury USA 978-1-59990-073-5, May 2007, $7.95, 314pp, tp, cover by Rick Lieder) Reprint (Bloomsbury 2005) young-adult fantasy. A Newbery Honor book. This includes a reading group guide.
- * _River Secrets (Bloomsbury 978-0-7475-9057-6, Sep 2007, £6.99, vi+290pp, tp, cover by Alison Jay) Reprint (Bloomsbury 2006) young-adult fantasy novel.
- HALL, LESLEY A. (chron.)
- * *Naomi Mitchison: A Profile of Her Life and Work (Aqueduct Press 978-1-933500-10-2, Feb 2007, $9.00, 145pp, ph) Non-fiction essay in perfect-bound chapbook form. Part of the Conversation Pieces chapbook series. Aqueduct Press, PO Box 95787, Seattle WA 98145-2787; []. [Mitchison]
- HALL, SARAH (chron.)
- * *The Carhullan Army (Faber and Faber 978-0-571-23659-6, Aug 2007, £14.99, 207pp, hc, cover by Lynne Henderson) Dystopian SF literary novel. Women seek to escape the oppressive regime of The Authority in Britain.
- HALL, STEVEN (chron.)
- * +The Raw Shark Texts (Canongate 978-1-84195-911-5, Apr 2007, $24.00, 428pp, hc) Surreal psychological conspiracy thriller/fantasy novel with typograhical illustrations. A mans recurring spells of amnesia could be a psychological problem or something much stranger. First US edition (Canongate 3/07).
- HALLAWAY, TATE; pseudonym of Lyda Morehouse (stories) (chron.)
- * *Dead Sexy (Berkley 978-0-425-21508-1, May 2007, $14.00, 294pp, tp, cover by Margarete Gockel) [Garnet Lacey] Humorous vampire romance, sequel to Tall, Dark & Dead. Garnets vampire ex-boyfriend is living in her basement, a hunky FBI agent is watching her, and zombies keep turning up. Hallaway is a pen name for Lyda Morehouse.
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