The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2007
Stories, Listed by Author
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- MITENKO, D. T. (chron.)
- MOAMRATH, M. M.; pseudonym of Joseph F. Pumilia & William Wallace (chron.)
- * A Study in Scarlet Herrings, (ss) Pulpsmith Fll 1987
- MOAN, LEE (chron.)
- MOCK, SHARON (chron.)
- MODESITT, L(eland) E(xton, Jr.) (1943- ) (books) (chron.)
- * The Difference, (ss) Man vs Machine, ed. John Helfers & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 2007
- * Ghost Mission, (ss) Slipstreams, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & John Helfers, DAW 2006
- * The Lord-Protectors Daughter, (ss) Jim Baens Universe (online) Aug 2007
- * Sisters of Sarronnyn: Sisters of Westwind, (nv) Jim Baens Universe (online) Aug 2006
- * Spec-Ops, (nv) Future Weapons of War, ed. Joe Haldeman & Martin H. Greenberg, Baen 2007
- MOE, AZUCHI (chron.)
- MOEN, D. S. (chron.)
- * A Sword Called Rhonda, (ss) Turn the Other Chick, ed. Esther M. Friesner, Baen 2004
- MOESTA, REBECCA (books) (chron.)
- MOFFETT, JUDITH (1942- ) (chron.)
- MOHAMMED, WASIU (chron.)
- MOHN, STEVE (chron.)
- MOLES, DAVID (chron.)
- * Finisterra, (nv) F&SF Dec 2007
- * Tacoma-Fuji, (pm) Lady Churchills Rosebud Wristlet #11 2002
- _____, trans.
- MOLLMANN, STEVE (chron.)
- MOLNAR, PETER M. (chron.)
- MONETTE, SARAH; [born Sarah Elizabeth Smith] (1974- ) (books) (chron.)
- * The Bone Key [Kyle Murchison Booth], (ss) Say... #6 2007
- * Bringing Helena Back [Kyle Murchison Booth], (ss) All Hallows #35 2004
- * Draco Campestris, (ss) Strange Horizons (online) Aug 7 2006
- * Drowning Palmer [Kyle Murchison Booth], (ss) All Hallows Feb 2006
- * Elegy for a Demon Lover [Kyle Murchison Booth], (ss) Tales of the Unanticipated #26 2005
- * The Green Glass Paperweight [Kyle Murchison Booth], (ss) Tales of the Unanticipated #25 2004
- * The Ile of Dogges (with Elizabeth Bear), (ss) Aeon #7 2006
- * The Ile of Dogges (with Elizabeth Bear), (ss) Aeon Aug 2006
- * The Inheritance of Barnabas Wilcox [Kyle Murchison Booth], (ss) Lovecrafts Weird Mysteries #7 2004
- * A Light in Troy, (ss) Clarksworld (online) Oct 2006
- * Listening to Bone [Kyle Murchison Booth], (ss) The Bone Key, Prime Books 2007
- * Somewhere Beneath Those Waves Was Her Home, (ss) Fantasy, ed. Sean Wallace & Paul Tremblay, Prime Books 2007
- * Three Letters from the Queen of Elfland, (ss) Lady Churchills Rosebud Wristlet #11 2002
- * The Venebretti Necklace [Kyle Murchison Booth], (ss) Alchemy #2 2004
- * Wait for Me [Kyle Murchison Booth], (ss) Naked Snake Online Oct 2004
- * The Wall of Clouds [Kyle Murchison Booth], (na) Alchemy Win 2003
- MONK, DEVON (chron.)
- MONTELEONE, THOMAS F(rancis, Jr.) (1946- ) (chron.)
- * End of Story, (nv) Midnight Premiere, ed. Tom Piccirilli, Cemetery Dance Publications 2007
- * Images in Anthracite, (nv) Legends of the Mountain State: Ghostly Tales from the State of West Virginia, ed. Michael Knost, Woodland Press 2007
- * The Mothers and Fathers Italian Association, (cl) Cemetery Dance #57 2007
- * They Call Me Eddie (with Rick Hautala), (ss) Evermore, ed. James Robert Smith & Stephen Mark Rainey, Arkham House 2006
- MOODY, DAVID (chron.)
- MOODY, RICK (books) (chron.)
- MOON, (Susan) ELIZABETH N(orris) (1945- ) (books) (chron.)
- MOORCOCK, MICHAEL (John) (1939- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * 25 IZ: 25 Years of Interzone, (ms) Interzone Apr 2007
- * The Affair of the Bassin Les Hivers [Seaton Begg], (ss) Interzone Jul/Aug 2007
- * The Affair of the Seven Virgins [Sexton Begg], (nv) Time Centre Times v3 #2 1994
- * The Case of the Nazi Canary [Seaton Begg], (na) McSweeneys Mammoth Treasury of Thrilling Tales, ed. Michael Chabon, Vintage Books 2003
- * Cheering for the Rockets: A Jerry Cornelius Story [Jerry Cornelius], (ss) Interzone #137 1998
- * Crimson Eyes [Seaton Begg], (ss) New Statesman and Society Dec 16/30 1994
- * Crossing into Cambodia, (ss) Twenty Houses of the Zodiac, ed. Maxim Jakubowski, London: NEL 1979
- * The Flaneur of Les Arcades de IOpera [Seaton Begg], (na) The Metatemporal Detective, Pyr 2007
- * Foreword, (fw)
- * The Ghost Warriors [Sexton Begg], (nv) Tales from the Texas Woods, Mojo Press 1997
- * The Girl Who Killed Sylvia Blade [Sexton Begg], (ss) Golden Nugget v1 #9 1966; revised from The Girl Who Killed Sultry Caine as by Hank Janson.
- * London Flesh [Seaton Begg], (ss) London: City of Disappearances, ed. Iain Sinclair, Hamish Hamilton 2006
- * London, My Life! or, The Sedentary Jew, (ex) Interzone Jul/Aug 2007
- * Lovers, (ex) Interzone Jul/Aug 2007
- * The March of the Whiteshirts, (ed) Interzone Jul/Aug 2007
- * The Mystery of the Texas Twister [Seaton Begg], (na) Argosy Magazine Jan/Feb 2004
- * The Pleasure Garden of Felipe Sagittarius [as by James Colvin; Von Bek; Seaton Begg], (ss) New Worlds Sep 1965
- * A Portrait in Ivory, (ss) Logorrhea: Good Words Make Good Stories, ed. John Klima, Bantam Spectra 2007
- * The Roaming Forest, (ss) Cross Plains Universe: Texans Celebrate Robert E. Howard, ed. Scott A. Cupp & Joe R. Lansdale, MonkeyBrain Books/FACT 2006
- * Sir Milk and Blood [Eternal Champion; Seaton Begg], (ss) Pawn of Chaos, ed. Michael Moorcock, White Wolf 1996
- * The Visible Men, (vi) Nature May 18 2006
- MOORE, AISHA K. (chron.)
- MOORE, C(atherine) L(ucille) (1911-1987) (books) (chron.)
- MOORE, FERREL D. (chron.)
- MOORE, KEVIN (chron.)
- MOORE, MATTHEW (chron.)
- MOORE, RICK (chron.)
- MOORE, STUART (books) (chron.)
- _____, adapt.
- * Dream of a Mannikin, or the Third Person (with Thomas Ligotti), (gs) The Nightmare Factory, Thomas Ligotti, Fox Atomic Comics 2007; Based on the story. Dream of a Mannikin, or the Third Person in Eldritch Tales #9, 1983.
- * The Last Feast of Harlequin (with Thomas Ligotti), (gs) The Nightmare Factory, Thomas Ligotti, Fox Atomic Comics 2007; Based on the story in F&SF, April 1990.
- MOORE, T. M. (books) (chron.)
- * Art Gallery, (il) Nagrasanti, Ikthalion Press 2007
- * The Black Witch [Children of the Dragon], (na) Nagrasanti, Ikthalion Press 2007
- * Blood Songs [Children of the Dragon], (ss) Nagrasanti, Ikthalion Press 2007
- * Foreword, (fw) Nagrasanti, Ikthalion Press 2007
- * The Hunt, (lk) Nagrasanti, Ikthalion Press 2007
- * Introduction, (in) Nagrasanti, Ikthalion Press 2007
- * The Queens Marksman [Children of the Dragon], (na) Nagrasanti, Ikthalion Press 2007
- * Red Dragon [Children of the Dragon], (na) Nagrasanti, Ikthalion Press 2007
- * Taproot [Children of the Dragon], (ss) Nagrasanti, Ikthalion Press 2007
- * Virus [Children of the Dragon], (na) Nagrasanti, Ikthalion Press 2007
- MOORER, M. BROCK (chron.)
- MOORER, MELISSA (chron.)
- MOR, EDO (chron.)
- _____, trans.
- MORAN, CONNOR (chron.)
- MORAN, JAMES (chron.)
- MORAN, TOM (chron.)
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