The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2007
Stories, Listed by Author
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- LEE, TANITH; [i.e., Tanith Lee Kaiine] (1947- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Beautiful Lady [Secret Books of Paradys], (nv) The Book of the Dead, Overlook Press 1991
- * The Book of the Beast [Secret Books of Paradys], (n.) Unwin 1988
- * The Book of the Damned [Secret Books of Paradys], (oc) Unwin 1988
- * The Book of the Dead [Secret Books of Paradys], (co) Overlook 1991
- * The Book of the Mad [Secret Books of Paradys], (n.) Overlook 1993
- * Cold Fire, (ss) Asimovs Feb 2007
- * Empires of Azure [Secret Books of Paradys], (nv) The Book of the Damned, Unwin 1988
- * The Glass Dagger [Secret Books of Paradys], (nv) The Book of the Dead, Overlook Press 1991
- * Green Wallpaper, (nv) The Secret History of Vampires, ed. Darrell Schweitzer, DAW 2007
- * The Hill, (nv) The Mammoth Book of Monsters, ed. Stephen Jones, Robinson 2007
- * Indigara, (na)
- * Lost in the World [Secret Books of Paradys], (nv) The Book of the Dead, Overlook Press 1991
- * Malice in Saffron [Secret Books of Paradys], (na) The Book of the Damned, Unwin 1988
- * The Marble Web [Secret Books of Paradys], (nv) The Book of the Dead, Overlook Press 1991
- * The Moon Is a Mask [Secret Books of Paradys], (ss) The Book of the Dead, Overlook Press 1991
- * Morcaras Room [Secret Books of Paradys], (nv) The Book of the Dead, Overlook Press 1991
- * The Nightmares Tale [Secret Books of Paradys], (nv) Women of Darkness II, ed. Kathryn Ptacek, Tor 1990
- * Sold, (ss) Weird Tales Sep/Oct 2007
- * Stained with Crimson [Secret Books of Paradys], (na) The Book of the Damned, Unwin 1988
- * The Weasel Bride [Secret Books of Paradys], (ss) The Book of the Dead, Overlook Press 1991
- * Zinder, (ss) Wizards, ed. Jack Dann & Gardner Dozois, Berkley 2007
- LEE, TONY (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
- LEE, YOON HA (chron.)
- LEEDER, MURRAY J. D. (chron.)
- * The Traumatized Generation, (ss) Open Space, ed. Claude Lalumiére, Red Deer Press 2003
- LEEMING, G. D. (chron.)
- LEEN, GERRI (chron.)
- LEES, PHILIP J. (chron.)
- LEES, TIM (chron.)
- LE FANU, J(oseph Thomas) SHERIDAN (1814-1873) (chron.) (assoc.)
- LEGGETT, DEAN (chron.)
- LE GUIN, URSULA K(roeber) (1929- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Ether OR, (nv) Asimovs Nov 1995
- * Forgiveness Day [Werel & Yeowe], (na) Asimovs Nov 1994
- * The Mute, (pm) Incredible Good Fortune, Shambhala 2006
- * On Serious Literature, (ss) Rosebud #40 2007
- * Some Approaches to the Problem of the Shortage of Time [Where Does the Time Go?], (fa) Omni Oct 1979
- * Where Does the Time Go?, (fa) Omni Oct 1979; also as Some Approaches to the Problem of the Shortage of Time.
- LEHMAN, JOHN (chron.)
- LEHOCZKY, AGNES (chron.)
- LEIBER, FRITZ (Reuter, Jr.) (1910-1992) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * The Girl with the Hungry Eyes, (ss) The Girl With the Hungry Eyes, ed. Donald A. Wollheim, Avon 1949
- * Smoke Ghost, (ss) Unknown Oct 1941
- LEIDER, R. ALLEN (chron.)
- LEIGH, LORA (books) (chron.)
- LEIGH, STEPHEN (Walter) (1951- ) (chron.)
- LEINSTER, MURRAY; pseudonym of Will F. Jenkins, (1896-1975) (books) (chron.)
- * Footprints in the Snow, (ss) All-Story Weekly Jun 7 1919
- * The Gallery Gods, (ss) Argosy All-Story Weekly Aug 21 1920
- * Grooves, (ss) All-Story Weekly Oct 12 1918
- * Morale, (nv) Astounding Dec 1931
- * Nerve, (ss) Argosy All-Story Weekly Jun 4 1921
- * The Runaway Skyscraper, (nv) Argosy and Railroad Mans Magazine Feb 22 1919
- * Stories of the Hungry Country: The Case of Dona Clotilde, (ss)
- * The Street of Magnificent Dreams, (ss) Argosy All-Story Weekly Aug 5 1922
- LeMOAL, DANIEL (chron.)
- LERMONTOFF, MICHAEL (Yurievich) (1814-1841) (chron.)
- LERNER, EDWARD M. (1949- ) (books) (chron.)
- LESHER, SHELLEY (chron.)
- LETHEM, JONATHAN (Allen) (1964- ) (books) (chron.)
- * The Happy Man, (nv) IASFM Feb 1991
- * How We Got in Town and out Again, (nv) Asimovs Sep 1996
- * In Appreciation of Karen Joy Fowler, (bg) Readercon 18 Souvenir Book 2007
- * The King of Sentences, (ss) New Yorker Dec 17 2007
- LETO, JULIE (chron.)
- LEVEEN, THOMAS A. (chron.)
- LEVELL, DAVID (chron.)
- * The Outback Bites Back, (ss)
- LEVINE, DAVID D. (chron.)
- * I Hold My Fathers Paws, (ss) Albedo One #31 2006
- * Titanium Mike Saves the Day, (ss) F&SF Apr 2007
- LEVINE, STACEY (chron.)
- LEVITHAN, DAVID (books) (chron.)
- * Marlys Ghost, (na) Dial 2006
- LEWIS, ANTHONY R(ichard) TONY; (1941- ) (chron.)
- * Request for Proposal, (ss) Analog Nov 1972
- * Upcoming Events, (ms) Analog Jan/Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 2007
- LEWIS, D. F. (1948- ) (chron.)
- LEWIS, DEB R. (chron.)
- LEWIS, DES (chron.)
- * The Strange Case of the Lovecraft Café (with Michael F. Korn & Jeff VanderMeer), (ss) Scattered, Covered, Smothered, ed. Jason Erik Lundberg, Two Cranes Press 2004
- LEWIS, E. MICHAEL (chron.)
- LEWIS, JOSHUA (chron.)
- LEWIS, MIKE (chron.)
- LEWIS, PAUL (chron.)
- LEWIS, TONY; see under Lewis, Anthony R. (chron.)
- LICKISS, ALAN L. (chron.)
- LICKISS, REBECCA (books) (chron.)
- LIEBSCHER, WALT (1918-1985) (chron.)
- * The Fabulous Showboat, (vi) Moebius Trip Jun 1974
- * To Your Battered Scotties Go, (vi) Moebius Trip Jan 1973
- LIFSHIN, LYN (chron.)
- LIGON, TOM (chron.)
- LIGOTTI, THOMAS (1953- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Dr. Locrians Asylum, (gs) The Nightmare Factory, Thomas Ligotti, Fox Atomic Comics 2007; Based on the story in Grue #5, 1987.; adapt. by Joe Harris
- * Dr. Locrians Asylum, (in) (*) 2007
- * Dream of a Mannikin, (in) (*) 2007
- * Dream of a Mannikin, or the Third Person, (gs) The Nightmare Factory, Thomas Ligotti, Fox Atomic Comics 2007; Based on the story. Dream of a Mannikin, or the Third Person in Eldritch Tales #9, 1983.; adapt. by Stuart Moore
- * The Last Feast of Harlequin, (gs) The Nightmare Factory, Thomas Ligotti, Fox Atomic Comics 2007; Based on the story in F&SF, April 1990.; adapt. by Stuart Moore
- * The Last Feast of Harlequin, (in) (*) 2007
- * The Medusa, (nv) Fantasy Tales, #7, ed. Stephen Jones & David A. Sutton, Robinson 1991
- * Teatro Grottesco, (gs) The Nightmare Factory, Thomas Ligotti, Fox Atomic Comics 2007; Based on the story in Nightmare Factory (Ligotti) 1996.; adapt. by Joe Harris
- * Teatro Grottesco, (in) (*) 2007
- * Vastarien, (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #48 1987
- LILLEY, SHARYN (books) (chron.)
- * Autumnal Equinox, (ss) In Bad Dreams, Volume One: Where Real Life Awaits, ed. Mark S. Deniz & Sharyn Lilley, Eneit Press 2007
- * Summer Solstice, (vi) In Bad Dreams, Volume One: Where Real Life Awaits, ed. Mark S. Deniz & Sharyn Lilley, Eneit Press 2007
- * Vernal Equinox, (vi) In Bad Dreams, Volume One: Where Real Life Awaits, ed. Mark S. Deniz & Sharyn Lilley, Eneit Press 2007
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