The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2007
Stories, Listed by Author
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- CHINN, MIKE; [i.e., Michael James Chinn] (1954- ) (chron.)
- CHIZMAR, RICHARD T(homas) (1965- ) (chron.)
- * The Aching of Dion Harper, (vi) Nature May 11 2006
- CHURCH, AMBER (chron.)
- CHURCH, SUZANNE (chron.)
- CHURCHILL, [Sir] WINSTON (Leonard) S(pencer) (1874-1965) (chron.)
- * Man Overboard!, (ss) The Harmsworth Magazine Jan 1899
- CIRIELLO, DARIO (chron.)
- CLAPP, PATRICIA; [i.e., Patricia Clapp Cone] (1912-2003) (books) (chron.)
- * Jane-Emily, (n.) Lothrop, Lee & Shepard 1969
- * Witches Children, (n.) 1982
- CLARE, CASSANDRA (books) (chron.)
- CLARK, DOUGLAS W. (books) (chron.)
- CLARK, G(ary) O. (1945- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Alien Juke Box, (pm) Tales of the Unanticipated #26 2005
- * Alien Undies, (pm) 25¢ Rocket Ship to the Stars, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Arachne, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #58 2001
- * At the Wake, (pm) Champagne Shivers #4 2008
- * Bait, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #77 2007
- * Chicken Little Sees the Future, (pm) 25¢ Rocket Ship to the Stars, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Delicate Balance, (pm) Beyond Centauri Jul 2007
- * The Desert of Time, (pm) 25¢ Rocket Ship to the Stars, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Digging Up the Future, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #73 2006
- * Ellipses, (pm) 25¢ Rocket Ship to the Stars, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Falling on Deaf Ears, (pm) Tales of the Unanticipated #22 2001
- * Family Tree, (pm) The Pedestal Magazine #25 2004
- * Five Statements, (pm) 25¢ Rocket Ship to the Stars, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * The Guy at the Other End of the Bar, (pm) 25¢ Rocket Ship to the Stars, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Halfway Home, (pm) Champagne Shivers #4 2008
- * Incandescent Lady, (pm) 25¢ Rocket Ship to the Stars, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * It Was Always the Sky, (pm) 25¢ Rocket Ship to the Stars, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * It Was Always the Sky, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spr 2007
- * The Launch, (pm) Darkling Plain Sum 2000
- * Little Red Robot, (pm) 25¢ Rocket Ship to the Stars, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Lunar Enigma, (pm) Vampire Dans Story Emporium #11 2001
- * Man Named the Stars, (pm) Mythic Delirium #10 2004
- * Midnight, August 27, 2003, (pm) Asimovs Dec 2004
- * Moon Maiden, (pm) 25¢ Rocket Ship to the Stars, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Multiple Choice, (pm) 25¢ Rocket Ship to the Stars, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * My Window on the Worlds, (pm) 25¢ Rocket Ship to the Stars, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Obituary, (pm) 25¢ Rocket Ship to the Stars, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Reservations Suggested, (pm) 25¢ Rocket Ship to the Stars, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * Science Fiction Moon, (pm) Asimovs Jan 2004
- * Shades and Illuminations (with Bruce Boston), (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Aut 2001
- * Shouting into the Abyss, (pm) 25¢ Rocket Ship to the Stars, Dark Regions Press 2007
- * The Smile, (pm) Star*Line v27 #2 2004
- * Sound Check, (pm) Strange Horizons (online) Nov 17 2003
- * Space/Time Origami, (pm) Black Petals Fll 2007
- * Spot in Space, (pm) Strange Horizons (online) Mar 20 2006
- * The Stars Forgotten, (pm) Fantastic Stories of the Imagination #21 2001
- * Sunday at the Virtual Beach, (pm) Asimovs Mar 2004
- * Sunspots, (pm) Asimovs Jul 2003
- * Things to Do Before Cold Sleep, (pm) Asimovs Oct/Nov 2003
- * Virtual Pong Circa 35,000 BC, (pm) Pirate Writings #12 1996
- * When the Carnival Comes to Town, (pm) Hadrosaur Tales Volume XVI, ed. David Lee Summers, Hadrosaur Productions 2003
- * Why I Quit the Science Fiction Book Club, (pm) Star*Line v23 #3 2000
- * Zombie Eyes, (pm) Black Petals Fll 2007
- CLARK, RODERICK (chron.)
- CLARK, SIMON (1958- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Ascent, (ss) Midnight Bazaar, Robert Hale 2007
- * Blast from the Past, (ss) Scaremongers 2: Redbrick Eden, ed. Steve Savile, Tanjen 1998
- * A Bridge to Everywhere, (ss) Exorcising Angels, Earthling Publications 2003
- * The Extraordinary Limits of Darkness, (ss) Shrouded by Darkness: Tales of Terror, ed. Alison L. R. Davies, Telos 2006
- * Langthwaite Road, (na) Fourbodings, ed. Peter Crowther, CD Publications 2005
- * The Pass, (ss) Beyond the Borderland Jul 2006
- * Pond Life, (ss) Midnight Bazaar, Robert Hale 2007
- * She Loves Monsters, (na) 2006; Originally from Necessary Evil Press.
- CLARKE, ARTHUR C(harles) (1917-2008) (books) (chron.)
- * 25 IZ: 25 Years of Interzone, (ms) Interzone Apr 2007
- * Improving the Neighbourhood, (vi) Nature Nov 4 1999
- CLARKE, MARCUS (Andrew Hislop) (1846-1881) (chron.)
- * Cannabis Indica (A Psychological Experiment), (ss) Colonial Monthly Feb 1868
- CLARY, PATRICIA (chron.)
- * Tarzan to Live on Years after Burroughs, (iv) The Evening Observer Aug 27 1949
- CLEARY, DAVID IRA (1966- ) (chron.)
- CLEAVELAND, JIM (chron.)
- CLEGG, DOUGLAS (Alan) (1958- ) (books) (chron.)
- CLEGG, TOM (chron.)
- _____, trans.
- CLEMENS, SAMUEL LANGHORNE (1835-1910); see pseudonym Mark Twain (books) (chron.)
- CLEMENTS, DAVID (chron.)
- CLEMENTS, PAM (chron.)
- CLINK, DAVID (Livingstone) (chron.)
- CLINTCO, PAUL E., Jr.; see pseudonym Paul Edwards (chron.)
- CLOSSER, MYLA JO (chron.)
- CLUFF, EMILY (chron.)
- CLUTE, JOHN (Frederick) (1940- ) (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
- * Blaugast, (br) Interzone Dec 2007
- * Butcher Bird, (br) Interzone Sep/Oct 2007
- * HARM, (br) Interzone Jun 2007
- * In a Town Called Mundomuerto, (br) Interzone Dec 2007
- * The Merchant & the Alchemists Gate, (br) Interzone Jul/Aug 2007
- * One for Sorrow, (br) Interzone Dec 2007
- * Sides, (br) Interzone Sep/Oct 2007
- * Softspoken, (br) Interzone Jun 2007
- * Times Child, (br) Interzone Jul/Aug 2007
- * The Unknown Terrorist, (br) Interzone Jul/Aug 2007
- COATES, DEBORAH (chron.)
- COATS, YVONNE (chron.)
- COBB, JAMES H(arvey) (1953- ) (chron.)
- * My Fathers Watch, (ar) Jim Baens Universe (online) Apr 2007
- * The Perpetual Electron, (ar) Jim Baens Universe (online) Aug 2007
- * Title, (ar) Jim Baens Universe (online) Dec 2007
- * The Universal Diagram, (ar) Jim Baens Universe (online) Feb 2007
- * Whats New in The Future And You, (cl) Jim Baens Universe (online) Feb, Apr, Jun, Oct, Dec 2007
- * Why Do So Many People Resist the Idea of Global Warming?, (ar) Jim Baens Universe (online) Oct 2007
- COCKBURN, PAUL F. (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
- COCKS, FRANKLIN (chron.)
- COHEN, IDAN (chron.)
- COHEN, JACK (chron.)
- * Omphalosphere: New York 2057, (vi) Nature Jun 23 2005
- COLE, ADRIAN (Christopher Synnot) (1949- ) (chron.)
- COLEBORN, PETER (1951- ) (chron.)
- COLEMAN, LOREN L. (books) (chron.)
- * Cold Dead Fingers, (ss) Man vs Machine, ed. John Helfers & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 2007
- * Foreword, (fw) Wizards, Inc., ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Loren L. Coleman, DAW 2007
- * Inside Job, (ss) The Future We Wish We Had, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Rebecca Lickiss, DAW 2007
- COLFER, EOIN (books) (chron.)
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