The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2007
Stories, Listed by Author
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- McGOUGH, SCOTT (books) (chron.)
- McGRATH, MARTIN (chron.)
- MacGREGOR, SUSAN (chron.)
- McGUIRE, JOHN J(oseph) (1917-1981) (books) (chron.)
- MACHEN, ARTHUR; pseudonym of Arthur Llewellyn Jones, (1863-1947) (chron.)
- * The Bowmen, (ss) London Evening News Sep 29 1914
- McHUGH, IAN (chron.)
- McHUGH, MAURA (chron.)
- McHUGH, MAUREEN F. (1959- ) (chron.)
- McINTEE, DAVID A. (chron.)
- McINTOSH, NEIL (chron.)
- * The Path of Warriors [Warhammer], (ss) Inferno! Nov/Dec 2002
- McINTOSH, WILL (chron.)
- MacINTYRE, F(eargus) GWYNPLAINE (1949- ) (chron.)
- McINTYRE, VONDA N(eel) (1948- ) (chron.)
- * The Genius Freaks, (nv) Orbit 12, ed. Damon Knight, G.P. Putnams 1973
- * A Modest Proposal, (vi) Nature Mar 3 2005
- MACK, DAVID (books) (chron.)
- MACKAY, SCOTT (1957- ) (books) (chron.)
- MacKAY, THOMAS M. (chron.)
- McKENNA, ANDREW (chron.)
- McKENNA, JULIET E. (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
- McKENZIE, CHUCK (1970- ) (chron.)
- * Eight-Beat Bar, (ss) Aurealis #33-35 2005
- MACKENZIE, JACK (chron.)
- McKIE, ANDREW (chron.)
- MACKIE, KEITH (chron.)
- McKILLIP, PATRICIA A(nne) (1948- ) (books) (chron.)
- McKINLEY, BILL (chron.)
- McKINNEY, JACK; pseudonym of Brian C. Daley & James Luceno (books) (chron.)
- * Invid Invasion [Robotech], (n.) New York: Del Rey 1987
- * Metamorphosos [Robotech], (n.) New York: Del Rey 1987
- * Symphony of Light [Robotech], (n.) New York: Del Rey 1987
- McKINNEY, JOE (chron.)
- McLAUGHLIN, MARK (chron.)
- MACLEAN, KEVIN G. (chron.)
- MacLEOD, CATHERINE (chron.)
- MacLEOD, IAN R. (1956- ) (books) (chron.)
- * The Bonny Boy, (ss) Past Magic, PS Publishing 2006
- * Home Time, (nv) F&SF Feb 1998
- * The Master Millers Tale [Light Ages], (na) F&SF May 2007
- * New Light on the Drake Equation, (na) Sci Fiction website May 2 2001
- * Taking Good Care of Myself, (vi) Nature May 4 2006
- * 25: Celebrating 25 Years of Interzone, (ms) Interzone Jul/Aug 2007
- MacLEOD, KEN(neth Macrae) (1954- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * 25 IZ, (ms) Interzone Jun 2007
- * The Highway Men, (na) Scotland: Sandstone Vista 2006
- * Introduction: Charlies Demons, (in) The Atrocity Archives, Charles Stross, Golden Gryphon Press 2004
- * Jesus Christ, Reanimator, (ss) Fast Forward 1, ed. Lou Anders, Prometheus Books 2007
- * Lighting Out, (ss) disLocations, ed. Ian Whates, NewCon Press 2007
- * MS Found on a Hard Drive, (ss) Glorifying Terrorism, ed. Farah Mendlesohn, Rackstraw Press 2007
- * Undead Again, (vi) Nature Feb 17 2005
- * Whos Afraid of Wolf 359?, (ss) The New Space Opera, ed. Gardner Dozois & Jonathan Strahan, Eos 2007
- McMAHON, DONNA (chron.)
- * The Republic of Georges Island, (vi) Nature Jul 13 2006
- McMAHON, GARY (chron.)
- * The Doubtful Guests: A Report from the World Horror Convention, Toronto, 2007, (ar) Whispers of Wickedness Sum 2007
- * Family Fishing, (ss) The Black Book of Horror, ed. Charles Black, Mortbury Press 2007
- * Meg O Green Weeds, (ss) Beyond the Borderland Dec 2006
- * My Grandfathers Ghosts, (ss) At Ease with the Dead, Barbara Roden & Christopher Roden, Ash-Tree Press 2007
- * Something in the Way, (ss) Bare Bone #10 2007
- * The Wrong Town, (ss) Supernatural Tales Aut 2007
- McMULLEN, SEAN (Christopher) (1948- ) (books) (chron.)
- McNEIL, DAN (chron.)
- MacNEIL, KEVIN (chron.)
- McNEILL, GRAHAM (books) (chron.)
- * Business as Usual [Warhammer 40,000], (ss) Inferno! #24 2001
- * Freedoms Home or Glorys Grave [Warhammer], (nv) Warhammer: Tales of the Old World, ed. Mark Gascoigne & Christian Dunn, Black Library 2007
- * The Prisoner [Warhammer 40,000], (na) Tales from the Dark Millennium, ed. Marc Gascoigne & Christian Dunn, 2006 2006
- * Unforgiven [Warhammer 40,000], (ss) Inferno! #22 2001
- McOMIE, MARGARET (chron.)
- * A Place to Play In, (ar) Better Homes & Gardens Aug 1931
- MacPHEARSON, KURT (chron.)
- McSPADDEN, KAREN (chron.)
- McVAY, CHRISSY K. (chron.)
- MAD POET, THE (chron.)
- MADDEN, KELLY (chron.)
- MAGAHIZ, RICH (chron.)
- MAGRS, PAUL (books) (chron.)
- MAH, EMILY (chron.)
- MAHFOUZ, NAGUIB (1911-2006) (books) (chron.)
- * Beyond the Clouds, (ss)
- * The Disturbing Occurrences, (ss) Harpers Aug 2005; originally published in Arabic in 1979 as al-Hawadith al-muthira; forthcoming in collection The Seventh Heaven: Supernatural Stories.
- * Forgetfulness, (ss)
- * The Garden Passage, (ss)
- * The Haunted Wood, (ss)
- * A Man of Awesome Power, (ss)
- * The Only Man, (ss)
- * The Reception Hall, (ss)
- * Room No. 12, (ss) Zoetrope All-Story Fll 2005
- * The Rose Garden, (ss)
- * The Vapor of Darkness, (ss)
- * A Warning from Afar, (ss)
- MAHY, MARGARET (May) (1936- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Fingers on the Back of the Neck, (ss) 1996
- MAIO, KATHI (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
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