The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2007
Books, Listed by Author
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- RAHN, JENNIFER (chron.)
- * *The Longevity Thesis (Hades Publications/Dragon Moon Press 978-1-896944-37-1, Oct 2007, $15.95, 248pp, tp) Fantasy novel. A young man seeks education to gain a place in an underground civilization, but discovers his graduate program involves psychic mind control. Dragon Moon Press, PO Box 1714, Calgary AB T2P 2L7, Canada; [].
- RAINEY, MARK; see under Rainey, Stephen Mark (stories) (chron.)
- RAINEY, STEPHEN MARK, ed. (1959- ) (stories) (chron.)
- RAMBO, CAT (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Surgeons Tale and Other Stories (with Jeff VanderMeer) (Two Free Lancers Press 978-0-8095-7268-7, Dec 2007, $9.99, 90pp, tp, cover by James Owen) Collection of six fantasy stories, one collaborative, three solo stories by Rambo, one solo by VanderMeer, and one a collaboration between VanderMeer, M.F. Korn, & D.F. Lewis. Illustrated by Kris Dikeman. This is a print-on-demand edition; available online at []; Cat Rambo, 17315 NE 45th St. #142, Seattle WA 98052. (Contents)
- RANDALL, DAVID (chron.)
- RANGEL, KIMBERLY (K.); see pseudonym Kimberly Raye (chron.)
- RANKIN, ROBERT (Fleming) (1949- ) (chron.)
- * *The Da-Da-De-Da-Da Code (Orion/Gollancz 978-0-575-07011-0, Jul 2007, £14.99, 322pp, hc) Humorous fantasy novel. This includes a CD album of music, much with lyrics and vocals by Rankin.
- * _The Toyminator (Orion/Gollancz 978-0-575-07951-9, Jul 2007, £7.99, 361pp, pb) [Eddie Bear] Reprint (Gollancz 2006) humorous fantasy novel, sequel to The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse.
- RANKIN, WALTER (chron.)
- * *Grimm Pictures: Fairy Tale Archetypes in Eight Horror and Suspense Films (McFarland 978-0-7864-3174-8, Sep 2007, $35.00, 217pp, tp) Non-fiction, a critical exploration of fairytale themes in horror films, comparing seven tales each with a separate film, including Cinderella and Alien, and Rumpelstiltskin and Rosemarys Baby. A bibliography and index are included. McFarland, Box 611, Jefferson NC 28640; 800-253-2187; [].
- RAPPAPORT, E. A. (chron.)
- * _The Legacy of Ogma (iUniverse 978-0-595-46404-3, Dec 2007, $14.95, 251pp, tp, cover by Chris Moeller) [Weapons Trilogy; Legends of the Four Races] Reprint (Booksurge 2006) fantasy novel, the first book in The Weapons Trilogy. A female thief finds a magic crystal sphere and seeks to learn more about it. This is a print-on-demand edition available online at [] or from iUniverse, 2021 Pine Lake Road, Suite 100, Lincoln NE 68512; 800-288-4677.
- RARDIN, JENNIFER (1965- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Another One Bites the Dust (Orbit US 978-0-316-02057-2, Dec 2007, $12.99, 319pp, tp) [Jaz Parks] Supernatural spy thriller, the second in the series about CIA assassin Jaz Parks. Jaz tracks a vampire maniac who stole biotechnology. Simultaneous with the Orbit UK edition.
- * *Another One Bites the Dust (Little, Brown UK/Orbit 978-1-84149-639-9, Dec 2007, £6.99, 318pp, pb) [Jaz Parks] Fantasy novel, the second in the series featuring Jaz Parks. Simultaneous with the Orbit US edition.
- * *Once Bitten, Twice Shy (Orbit US 978-0-316-02046-6, Oct 2007, $12.99, 291pp, tp) [Jaz Parks] Fantasy novel in the Jaz Parks series. Simultaneous with the Orbit UK edition.
- * *Once Bitten, Twice Shy (Little, Brown UK/Orbit 978-1-84149-637-5, Oct 2007, £6.99, 290+xxi, pb) [Jaz Parks] Vampire thriller novel featuring Jaz Parks, a CIA assassin, and her vampire boss. Includes an interview of Parks by Rardin. Simultaneous with the Orbit US edition. (Contents)
- RASMUSSEN, ALIS A. (1958- ); see pseudonym Kate Elliott (chron.)
- RATELIFF, JOHN D. (chron.)
- * _The History of the Hobbit, Part One: Mr. Baggins (Houghton Mifflin 978-0-618-96847-3, Sep 2007, $35.00, xxxix+467pp, hc, cover by J. R. R. Tolkien) Non-fiction, the first of two volumes printing Tolkiens complete original manuscript of The Hobbit (Allen & Unwin 1937), with extensive annotations by Rateliff. This includes eight unpaginated color plates with maps and illustrations by Tolkien. [Tolkien]
- * _The History of the Hobbit, Part Two: Return to Bag-End (Houghton Mifflin 978-0-618-96919-7, Sep 2007, $35.00, 438pp, hc, cover by J. R. R. Tolkien) Non-fiction, the second of two volumes printing Tolkiens complete original manuscript of The Hobbit (Allen & Unwin 1937), with extensive annotations by Rateliff. The two volumes are continuously paginated. This volume includes four unpaginated color plates with maps and illustrations by Tolkien, plus an index. [Tolkien]
- RAVEN, NICKY (chron.)
- RAWN, MELANIE (Robin) (1954- ) (chron.)
- * _Spellbinder (Tor 978-0-7653-5436-5, Sep 2007, $7.99, 500pp, pb) Reprint (Tor 2006) contemporary fantasy.
- RAYE, KIMBERLY; pseudonym of Kimberly Rangel (chron.)
- * *Dead and Dateless (Ballantine 978-0-345-49217-3, Feb 2007, $6.99, 330pp, pb, cover by Marcin Baranski) [Dead End Dating] Vampire romance, the second in the Dead End Dating series. A murder and a pack of man-hungry lady werewolves looking for mates keep matchmaker Lil Marchette hard at work.
- * *Your Coffin or Mine? (Ballantine 978-0-345-49218-0, Oct 2007, $6.99, 306pp, pb, cover by Marcin Baranski) [Dead End Dating] Vampire romance, the third in the Dead End Dating series. Vampire matchmaker Lil Marchette signs up for a reality show.
- RAYMOND, DEREK; pseudonym of Robert William Arthur Cook, (1931-1994) (chron.)
- * _A State of Denmark (Serpents Tail 978-1-85242-947-8, Jan 2007, £7.99, 280pp, tp) Reprint (Hutchinson 1970 as by Robin Cook) SF novel.
- * *Doctor Who: The Last Dodo (BBC Books 978-1-8460-7224-6, Apr 2007, £6.99, 248pp, hc) [Doctor Who] Novelization based on the universe of the TV series, featuring the tenth Doctor and Martha.
- REAVES, J(ames) MICHAEL (1950- ) (chron.)
- * *Batman: Fear Itself (with Steven-Elliot Altman) (Ballantine Del Rey 978-0-345-47943-3, Mar 2007, $7.99, 332pp, pb, cover by John Van Fleet) [Batman] Novelization based on the comic book character. Only Reaves is credited on the cover. Copyrighted by DC Comics.
- * _InterWorld (with Neil Gaiman) See entry under Neil Gaiman.
- * *Star Wars: Death Star (with Steve Perry) (Ballantine Del Rey LucasBooks 978-0-345-47742-2, Oct 2007, $25.95, 363pp, hc, cover by John Harris) [Star Wars] Star Wars novelization based on the world of the movies. Copyrighted by Lucasfilm.
- * *Star Wars: Death Star (with Steve Perry) (Random House UK/Century LucasBooks 978-1-8441-3320-8, Oct 2007, £18.99, 363pp, hc, cover by John Harris) [Star Wars] Star Wars novelization. Simultaneous with the US (Del Rey) edition.
- REAVES, MICHAEL; see under Reaves, J. Michael (chron.)
- REDING, JACLYN (Marie) (1966- ) (chron.)
- * *Spellstruck (Penguin/Signet Eclipse 978-0-451-22065-3, Feb 2007, $6.99, 312pp, pb) Paranormal romance set in New England seaport Ipswich-by-the-Sea, where a seven-year-old witch tests her powers with a matchmaking spell for her mom and aunt.
- REED, KIT (1932- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _The Baby Merchant (Tor 978-0-7653-1557-1, Sep 2007, $15.95, 334pp, tp, cover by Shelley Eshkar) Reprint (Tor 2006) very near-future SF thriller.
- * _Bronze (Night Shade Books 978-1-59780-076-1, Jan 2007, $14.95, 249pp, tp, cover by Edward Miller) Reprint (Night Shade 2005) dark fantasy novel about artists with a dark secret.
- REED, ROBERT (David) (1956- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _The Well of Stars (Tor 978-0-765-34764-0, Feb 2007, $7.99, 438pp, pb, cover by Lee Gibbons) [Great Ship] Reprint (Orbit 2004) SF novel in the series begun in Marrow.
- REESE, JAMES (chron.)
- * _The Witchery (Harper 978-0-06-056109-3, Oct 2007, $7.99, 438pp, pb) [Herculine] Reprint (Morrow 2006) historical dark fantasy novel, third and final in The Book of Shadows trilogy.
- REEVE, PHILIP (chron.)
- * _A Darkling Plain (Scholastic UK 978-0-439-94346-8, Feb 2007, £6.99, 533pp, tp, cover by David Frankland) [Hungry City Chronicles] Reprint (Scholastic UK 2006) young-adult SF novel. Fourth in a series after Mortal Engines, Predators Gold and Infernal Devices.
- * +A Darkling Plain (HarperCollins/Eos 978-0-06-089055-1, Jun 2007, $18.99, 561pp, hc, cover by David Frankland) [Hungry City Chronicles] Young-adult SF, fourth and final in the Hungry City Chronicles about mobile cities that consume smaller cities in their path. First US edition (Scholastic UK 3/06).
- * *Here Lies Arthur (Scholastic UK 978-0-439955-33-1, Apr 2007, £12.99, 293pp, hc) Young-adult Arthurian fantasy novel. Myrddins assistant Gwynna watches as the bard creates the myth around Arthur.
- * _Infernal Devices (HarperCollins/Eos 978-0-06-082637-6, Jun 2007, $8.99, 435pp, pb, cover by David Frankland) [Hungry City Chronicles] Reprint (Scholastic UK 2005) young-adult SF novel, third in The Hungry City Chronicles.
- * _Larklight (Bloomsbury 978-0-7475-8440-7, Jul 2007, £6.99, 400pp, tp, cover by David Wyatt) [Larklight] Reprint (Bloomsbury 2006) humorous young-adult SF/fantasy novel. Interior illustrations by Wyatt.
- * _Larklight (Bloomsbury USA 978-1-59990-145-9, Sep 2007, $7.95, 400pp, tp, cover by David Wyatt) [Larklight] Reprint (Bloomsbury 2006) young-adult SF novel, a darkly humorous Victorian space adventure.
- * *Starcross (Bloomsbury USA 978-1-59990-121-3, Oct 2007, $16.95, 374pp, hc, cover by David Wyatt) [Larklight] Young-adult SF novel, a darkly humorous Victorian space adventure, sequel to Larklight. Illustrated by David Wyatt. This is simultaneous with the Bloomsbury UK edition.
- * *Starcross (Bloomsbury 978-0-7475-8913-6, Oct 2007, £12.99, 370pp, hc, cover by David Wyatt) [Larklight] Humorous young-adult SF novel of Victorian space adventure, sequel to Larklight. Illustrated by David Wyatt.
- REEVES-STEVENS, (Francis) GARFIELD (1953- ) (chron.)
- REEVES-STEVENS, JUDITH (Evelyn) (1953?- ) (chron.)
- REGINALD, R(obert); pseudonym of Michael Burgess, (1948- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *BP 300: An Annotated Bibliography of the First 300 Publications of the Borgo Press, 1975-1998 (with Mary A. Burgess) (Wildside Press/Borgo Press 978-0-8095-1206-5, Jun 2007, $19.95, 250pp, tp) Non-fiction, reference, a second-edition expansion of BP 250 (1996) with listings of the first 300 publications from Borgo and affiliated imprints, plus lists of titles acquired from other firms. Includes an updated introduction by the authors, and indexes by series, title, and author. This is a print-on-demand edition, available online at [] or from Wildside Press, 9710 Traville Gateway Dr. #234, Rockville MD 20850.
- * *Invasion! or, Earth vs. the Aliens (Underwood Books 978-1-59929-009-6, Oct 2007, $14.95, 510pp, tp, cover by Choi Tae-Young) Collection of the previously unpublished military SF trilogy inspired by H.G. Wells War of the Worlds: War of Two Worlds, Operation Crimson Storm, and The Martians Strike Back!. Illustrated by Choi Tae-Young. Underwood Books, PO Box 1919, Nevada City CA 95959; []. (Contents)
- * *The Phantom Detective: The Phantoms Phantom (Wildside Press 978-0-8095-6217-6, Jun 2007, $15.00, 123pp, tp) Associational pulp-style detective novel featuring the Phantom Detective Agency. A friends murder brings the Phantom Detective out of retirement, only to find himself stalked by a killer. This is dated 2006, but not seen until now. A print-on-demand edition, available online at [] or from Wildside Press, 9710 Traville Gateway Dr. #234, Rockville MD 20850.
- REICHE, DIETLOF (chron.)
- * _Ghost Ship (The Chicken House 978-1-9044-4284-4, May 2007, £5.99, 315pp, tp, cover by Radio) Reprint (Scholastic 2006) young-adult fantasy novel. Translated by John Brownjohn from Geisterschiff (Carl Hanser 2002). [First U.K. edition]
- REID, THOMAS M. (stories) (chron.)
- REIG, RAFAEL (chron.)
- * _Blood on the Saddle (Serpents Tail 978-1-85242-486-2, Aug 2007, £8.99, 182pp, pb) Reissue (Serpents Tail 2005) humorous literary fantasy novel. Translated from the Spanish Sangre a borbotones (Ediciones Lengua de Trapo 2001).
- * *A Pretty Face (Serpents Tail 978-1-85242-922-5, Aug 2007, £8.99, 181pp, tp) Humorous literary fantasy novel. The ghost of a murdered novelist investigates her own death. Translated from the Spanish, Guapa de cara (Ediciones Lengua de Trapo 2004). Set in the same alternate near-future Madrid as Blood on the Saddle.
- * *Star Wars: A Pop-Up Guide to the Galaxy (Scholastic/Orchard 978-0-439-88282-8, Sep 2007, $32.99, 12pp, hc) Art book, an elaborate pop-up book illustrating major characters and scenes primarily from Star Wars, celebrating the films 30th anniversary. Two pop-ups include light-up lightsabers.
- REMIC, ANDY (chron.)
- * *A War Machine (BL Publishing/Solaris 978-1-84416-522-3, Nov 2007, £10.99, 392pp, tp, cover by Dave Seeley) [Combat-K] Military SF novel, the first in the Combat-K series. An ex-soldier PI gathers former comrades to investigate a case that may lead to the murderers of his family.
- * *War Machine (BL Publishing/Solaris US 978-1-84416-522-3, Nov 2007, $15.00, 392pp, tp, cover by Don Seeley) [Combat-K] Military SF novel, volume one in the Combat-K series. Copyrighted by Games Workshop. This has the same ISBN as the simultaneous Solaris UK (11/07) edition, but only lists US and Canadian prices.
- RESNICK, MIKE; [i.e., Michael Diamond Resnick] (1942- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _Ivory (Prometheus/Pyr 978-1-59102-546-7, Aug 2007, $15.00, 317pp, tp, cover by Bob Eggleton) Reprint (Tor 1988) episodic SF novel.
- * _Prophet (BenBella Books 978-1-9337-7133-X, Sep 2007, $14.95, 243pp, tp, cover by Jim Burns) [Soothsayer] Reprint (Ace 1993) SF novel, third in the Soothsayer series. BenBella Books, 6440 N. Central Expressway, Suite 508, Dallas TX 75206; [].
- * *Starship: Mercenary (Prometheus/Pyr 978-1-59102-599-3, Dec 2007, $25.00, 323pp, hc, cover by John Picacio) [Starship] Military SF novel, the third in a series set 3,000 years in the future.
- * *The World Behind the Door (Watson-Guptill 978-0-8230-0416-4, Aug 2007, $16.95, 128pp, pb, cover by Salvador Dali) [Art Encounters] Young-adult SF novel, part of the Art Encounters series. Salvador Dali finds his inspiration through a door to another world.
- _____, ed.
- * *Alien Crimes (SFBC #1200090, Apr 2007, $14.99, 487pp, hc, cover by Donato Giancola) Original anthology of six SF crime stories by authors including Pat Cadigan, Gregory Benford, and Walter Jon Williams. This has ISBN 978-1-58288-223-9; it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket. (Contents)
- * *Alien Crimes (SFBC 58-0927, May 2007, $14.87, 487pp, hc) Original anthology of six science fiction crime novellas. (Contents)
- * *Nebula Awards Showcase 2007 (Penguin/Roc 0-451-46134-7, Mar 2007, $15.95, 387pp, tp) Anthology of Nebula Award nominees and winners for 2006, with nine stories and one novel excerpt, two Rhysling Award winning poems, plus nine articles on SF from authors including Jack McDevitt, Robert J. Sawyer, Lou Anders, and Barry N. Malzberg. The 41st volume in the annual series. (Contents)
- * *This Is My Funniest 2: Leading Science Fiction Writers Present Their Funniest Stories Ever (BenBella Books 978-1-933771-22-9, Oct 2007, $14.95, 410pp, tp, cover by Ralph Voltz) Anthology of 30 humorous SF stories chosen and introduced by their authors, including David Drake, Gregory Benford, Janis Ian, and Ron Goulart. BenBella Books, 6440 N. Central Expressway, Suite 508, Dallas TX 75206; []. (Contents)
- REX, ADAM (chron.)
- * *The True Meaning of Smekday (Hyperion 978-0-7868-4900-0, Oct 2007, $16.99, 426pp, hc, cover by Adam Rex) Young-adult humorous near-future SF novel. Gratuity Tucci writes a paper about the arrival of the Boov aliens on Earth.
- REYNOLDS, ALASTAIR (1966- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * +Galactic North (Ace 978-0-441-01513-9, Jun 2007, $24.95, 343pp, hc, cover by Chris Moore) [Conjoiner] Collection of eight SF stories, three original, set in the Revelation Space universe. First US edition (Gollancz 10/06).
- * _Galactic North (Orion/Gollancz 978-0-575-07984-7, Nov 2007, £7.99, 392pp, tp) [Conjoiner] Reprint (Gollancz 2006) collection of eight stories in the Conjoiner series, set in the universe of Revelation Space.
- * *The Prefect (Gollancz 978-0-575-07716-4, Apr 2007, £17.99, 410pp, hc, cover by Chris Moore) [Conjoiner] SF novel set in the universe of Revelation Space. A trade paperback (airport only) edition (-07818-5, £11.99) was announced but not seen.
- * _Pushing Ice (Orion/Gollancz 0-575-07815-4, Oct 2006, £6.99, 513pp, tp, cover by Chris Moore) Reprint (Gollancz 2005) SF novel.
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