The 2003 Prometheus Awards for Libertarian science fiction and fantasy were presented Friday, August 29, 2003, at Torcon 3, the 61st World Science Fiction Convention.
- Night Watch, Terry Pratchett (HarperCollins)
- "Requiem", Robert A. Heinlein
The Prometheus Awards were first given in 1982, for works published in 1979-1980, and are given annually to fiction that "explores the possibilities of a free future, champions human rights (including personal and economic liberty), dramatizes the perennial conflict between individuals and coercive governments, or critiques the tragic consequences of abuse of power." For further information and past results, see the links below.
Locus Online
Prometheus Finalists
Prometheus Awards
Libertarian Futurist Society
Locus Index to SF Awards
Prometheus Awards
Past winners by Year
Past finalists and winners