Wednesday 27 August 2003

Here are several news items from the past few weeks, during Locus Online's partial hiatus (due to a move, the SoBig worm, etc.). For further details, see Locus Magazine, as well as news pages at SF Site and SFWA.
Artist Mike Hinge, who produced covers for Amazing and Analog in the 1970s, and whose other credits include a Time Magazine cover of Richard Nixon and Hirohito, died around August 7.
Injuries and Surgeries
- Locus columnist Edward Bryant underwent bypass heart surgery on August 11; details of his progress are posted at www.wormholebooks.com.
- Author and editor Robert Reginald suffered a heart attack on July 30, and is recovering in hospital. Cards and letters are welcome at P. O. Box 2845, San Bernardino, CA 92406.
- Artist Kelly Freas broke his hip on Friday, August 8, and underwent surgery on August 10. He is recuperating.
- Mythopoeic Fantasy Awards winners include Patricia A. McKillip and Michael Chabon.
- This year's Writers of the Future Grand Prize winner was Matthew Candelaria of Lawrence, Kansas, it was announced August 9th at the awards ceremony in Hollywood, CA.
Earlier August News