Wednesday 9 April 2003

The final ballot for this year's Bram Stoker Awards, voted by the Horror Writers Association, has been released. Winners will be announced at a banquet during the 2003 HWA Annual Conference at the Park Central Hotel in New York, June 6-8.
- From a Buick 8, Stephen King
(Cemetery Dance; Scribner)
- The Hour Before Dark, Douglas Clegg
- The Lovely Bones, Alice Sebold
(Little, Brown)
- Lullaby, Chuck Palahniuk
- The Night Class, Tom Piccirilli
- Atmosphere, Michael Laimo
(Delirium; Leisure)
- The Blues Ain't Nothing', Tina Jens
(Design Image Group)
- The Lovely Bones, Alice Sebold
(Little, Brown)
- The Red Church, Scott Nicholson
- Cape Wrath, Paul Finch
(Telos Publishing)
- Coraline, Neil Gaiman
- El Dia de Los Muertos, Brian A. Hopkins
(Earthling Publications)
- "My Work Is Not Yet Done", Thomas Ligotti
(My Work Is Not Done Yet: Three Tales of Corporate Terror)
- "The Origin", David B. Silva
(The Darker Side)
- "Details", China Miéville
(Children of Cthulhu)
- "Disappearances", Mort Castle
- "The Green Man", Christopher Fowler
(The Third Alternative)
- "The Misfit Child Grows Fat on Despair", Tom Piccirilli
(The Darker Side)
- "The Plague Species", Charlee Jacob
(The Darker Side)
- The Collection, Bentley Little
- Everything's Eventual, Stephen King
- Knuckles and Tales, Nancy A. Collins
(Cemetery Dance)
- Nations of the Living, Nations of the Dead, Mort Castle
- One More for the Road, Ray Bradbury
- Children of Cthulhu, John Pelan & Benjamin Adams, eds.
(Del Rey)
- The Darker Side: Generations of Horror, John Pelan, ed.
- The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror 13, Stephen Jones, ed.
(Carroll & Graf)
- Shivers, Richard Chizmar, ed.
(Cemetery Dance)
- The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Fifteenth Annual Collection, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds.
(St. Martin's)
- Hellnotes, David B. Silva, Paul F. Olson & Garrett Peck, eds.
(Phantasm Press)
- Jobs in Hell, Brian Keene & Kelly Laymon, eds.
(JIHad Publications)
- Ralan.com, Ralan Conley, ed.
- Ramsey Campbell, Probably: Essays on Horror and Sundry Fantasies, Ramsey Campbell
(PS Publishing)
- Supernatural Fiction Writers: Fantasy and Horror, Second Edition, Richard Bleiler
- Fort: Prophet of the Unexplained (Issues 1-4), Peter Lenkov
(Dark Horse)
- Howard the Duck (Issues 1-6), Steve Gerber
- Nightside (Issues 1-4), Robert Weinberg
- Frailty, Brant Hanley
(Lion's Gate Films)
- Minority Report, Scott Frank & Jon Cohen
(based on a story by Philip K. Dick; 20th Century Fox)
- The Ring, Ehren Kruger & Scott Frank
(based on the novel by Koji Suzuki and on the motion picture by The Spiral Production Group; Dreamworks)
- Signs, M. Night Shyamalan
(Touchstone Films)
- Abarat, Clive Barker
(Joanna Cotler Books)
- Abu and the 7 Marvels, Richard Matheson & William Stout
(Gauntlet Press)
- Cat in Glass and Other Tales of the Unnatural, Nancy Etchemendy
(Cricket Books)
- Coraline, Neil Gaiman
- The Gossamer Eye, Mark McLaughlin, Rain Graves & David Niall Wilson
(Meisha Merlin)
- Guises (poetry section "Night Unmasked"), Charlee Jacob
- Night Smoke, Bruce Boston & Marge Simon
(Miniature Sun Press/Quixsilver Press)
- This Cape Is Red Because I've Been Bleeding, Tom Piccirilli
- "Buckeye Jim in Egypt", Mort Castle
(audio script based on the Mort Castle story; Lone Wolf Publications)
- Flesh and Blood, Jack Fisher, ed.
(Flesh and Blood Press)
- "Imagination Box", Steve & Melanie Tem
(multimedia CD; Lone Wolf Publications)
- "The Tree Is My Hat", Larry Santoro
(audio script based on the Gene Wolfe story)
Larry Santoro has made an audio file of a presentation of his script at last year's World Horror Con available, until May 6, at http://www.phaseshift.com/tree/.
Earlier April News