Fusion Fragment, Diabolical Plots, and GigaNotoSaurus: Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur

Hexagon 6/24 Fusion Fragment 6/24 Diabolical Plots 6/24 GigaNotoSaurus 6/24

The latest issue of Hexagon is devoted to stories focused on climate change and climate resil­ience – people coming together to push back against the forces that have led to ecological and societal disaster and trying to walk humanity back from the brink of ruin. As in Madi Haab’s “Heat Devils”, which features brisk action as two ...Read More

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Escape Pod, Strange Horizons, and Beneath Ceaseless Skies: Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur

Escape Pod 5/16/24 Strange Horizons 5/20/24, 5/27/24, 6/10/24, 6/17/24 Beneath Ceaseless Skies 5/30/24, 6/13/24

Rocky Cornelius returns to Escape Pod with An­drew Dana Hudson’s May story, “The Concept Shoppe: A Rocky Cornelius Consultancy”. Having left uncool hunting behind her, Rocky is a creative consultant for Primal, a new store that’s selling the postapocalypse experience in a future that feels in many ways postapocalyptic, right down to the ...Read More

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Analog: Short Fiction Reviews by A.C. Wise

Analog 5-6/24

The May/June 2024 issue of Analog opens with “Uncle Roy’s Computer Repairs and Used Robot Parts” by Martin L. Shoemaker, a charming novella about a man who retires with his wife to her hometown and starts his own computer repair business only to find himself accidentally in a bitter rivalry with the town’s resident “whiz kid.” It’s a fun story that does a good job of capturing ...Read More

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Small Wonders, Flash Fiction Online, and Cast of Wonders: Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur

Small Wonders 5/24 Flash Fiction Online 5/24 Cast of Wonders 5/29/24

I’ll start off with May’s Small Wonders, a pub­lication dedicated to flash fiction and poetry, which includes Angel Leal’s powerful poem ‘‘Music of the Seraphim’’. A child meets an angel and is filled with a desire for something new – new experiences, a new body, a new place to be – and find their prayers and ...Read More

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2010 Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award Finalists

The finalists for the 2010 Theodore Sturgeon Award have been announced:

  • “Things Undone”, John Barnes (Baen’s Universe 12/09)
  • “This Wind Blowing, and this Tide”, Damien Broderick (Asimov’s 4-5/09)
  • “As Women Fight”, Sara Genge (Asimov’s 10-11/09)
  • “Spar”, Kij Johnson (Clarkesworld 10/09)
  • “Blood Dauber”, Ted Kosmatka & Michael Poore (Asimov’s 12/09)
  • “Cockatrice”, Tanith Lee (Fantasy Magazine 10/09)
  • Shambling Towards Hiroshima, James Morrow (Tachyon)
  • “Her Voice in a Bottle”, Tim Pratt (Subterranean
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