Locus Bay Area Writers Workshop: Writing Master Class with Gail Carriger, June 2024


June 23, 2024 Sunday, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
At Locus Magazine HQ Preservation Park, downtown Oakland (near the 12th St BART)

Join New York Times bestselling author Gail Carriger for a one-day intensive Writing Master Class in downtown Oakland this June!


Part I: Things I Wish I Knew FIRST

Learn all the things Gail wishes someone had told her when she first started out in publishing! She’ll explain pesky concepts and terms that established authors and book industry professionals take for granted. She’ll review industry standards and expectations of authors, both in traditional and indie publishing. She’ll help you determine which path is best for your book and career: traditional publishing, self publishing, or a hybrid of the two. She’ll cover the things she believes EVERY author should have set up BEFORE their first book launch.

Part II: Peopling Fiction with Comedy

Gail addresses how authors can analyze and source humor, the many different ways to inject funny into fiction, and why you might want to do so. Learn to bring character depth, narrative pace, and social subversion to fiction using comedy. This is also your opportunity to pick her brain!


Gail Carriger has multiple NYT bestsellers and millions of books in print in dozens of different languages. She writes book hugs – comedies of manners mixed with steampunk, urban fantasy, or sci-fi (and cozy queer joy as GL Carriger). She is best known for the Parasol Protectorate and Finishing School series. She was once an archaeologist and is fond of shoes, octopuses, and tea. You can learn more about Gail at


Locus Magazine is excited to bring master classes with award-winning authors to the Bay Area. These classes began with writing workshops held in Seattle in conjunction with the Locus Awards Weekend, and have run for over a decade. Past instructors include Charlie Jane Anders, Christopher Barzak, Gail Carriger, Andy Duncan, Amal El-Mohtar, Daryl Gregory, Stephen Graham Jones, Nancy Kress, Yoon Ha Lee, Annalee Newitz, Paul Park, Kim Stanley Robinson, Carrie Vaughn, andConnie Willis.

Thinking of attending? Please do. We support diversity! We encourage people of color, women, people with disabilities, older people, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people to apply. We welcome people of any gender identity or expression, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, age, size, nationality, religion, culture, education level, and self-identification. We will have a few seats available for financial hardship or people from marginalized communities; please email to inquire.

For more information about the Locus Awards events, ticketed separately, visit the Locus Awards Weekend site. Exact workshop location and other details will be emailed after registration. Location is in Oakland, CA at the historic Preservation Park. Additional questions? Please e-mail Locus.