2022 Prix Bob Morane Finalists
Finalists for the 2022 Prix Bob Morane have been announced.
Romans francophones (French Novels)
- Le cavalier du septième jour, Serge Brussolo (H&O)
- Basculer, Florian Forestier (Belfond)
- Le chant des glaces, Jean KRUG (Critic)
- L’assassin de la rue Voltaire, Henri Loevenbruck (XO)
- After®, Auriane Velten (Mnémos)
Roman traduit (Translated Novels)
- Le mystère du tramway hanté [The Haunting of Tram Car 015], P. Djèlí Clark, translated by Mathilde Montier (L’Atalante)
- La monture, [The Mount] Carol Emshwiller, translated by Patrick Deschesne (Argyll)
- Golden State, Ben H. Winters, translated by Éric Holstein (Actu SF)
Nouvelles (Short Stories)
- Mécanique en apesanteur, Bénédicte Coudière (Armada)
- L’examen, Sylvain Neuvel (Livre de Poche)
- Evolutions, Jocelyn Witz (N’co Editions)
The Bob Morane Award was created in 1999 by Marc Bailly and is awarded by a jury of French-speaking writers, journalists, critics, and collections directors. The award is named after the fictional adventurer created by Belgian writer Henri Vernes.
For more information about the finalists, see their post here.
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