2020 Prix Bob Morane
Winners of the 2020 Prix Bob Morane have been announced.
Romans francophones (French Novels)
- WINNER: Danse avec les lutins, Catherine Dufour (L’Atalante)
- Les mutilés, Gwenn Ael (Évidence)
- L’enfer des masques, Jacques Barbéri (La Volte)
- Anatomik, Serge Brussolo (Bragelonne)
- Madame B, Sandrine Destombes (Hugo)
- Ce que tu as fait de moi, Karine Giebel (Belfond)
Roman traduit (Translated Novels)
- WINNER: Défaillances systèmes: journal d’un assasynth [All Systems Red], Martha Wells, translated by Mathilde Montier (L’Atalante)
- L’ours et le rossignol [The Bear and the Nightingale], Katherine Arden, translated by Jacques Collin (Denoël)
- Waldo, Robert Heinlein, translated by Pierre-Paul Durastanti (Le Belial’)
- L’outsider [The Outsider], Stephen King, translated by Jean Esch (Albin Michel)
- Aurora, Kim Stanley Robinson, translated by Florence Dolisi (Bragelonne)
Nouvelles (Short Stories)
- WINNER: Mémoires vivaces, Christophe Corthouts (Évidence)
- WINNER: L’espace, le temps et au-delà, Bruno Pochesci (Flatland)
- Contes hybrides, Lionel Davoust (Mille Cent Quinze)
- Les meurtres de Molly Southbourne [The Murders of Molly Southbourne], Tade Thompson (Le Bélial’)
Coup de coeur (Favorites)
- WINNER: Anthologie des dystopies, les mondes indésirables de la littérature et du cinéma, Jean-Pierre Andrevon (Vendémiaire)
- Effluvium, Xavier Maumejean & Didier Graffet (Bragelonne)
- Tolkien, voyage en Terre du milieu, exhibition catalog (BNF)
The Bob Morane Award was created in 1999 by Marc Bailly and is awarded by a jury of French-speaking writers, journalists, critics, and collections directors. The award is named after the fictional adventurer created by Belgian writer Henri Vernes.