The inaugural FIYAHCON took place online October 17-18, 2020, held via Zoom and Dacast, and hosted by FIYAH magazine. Guests of honor were Yasser Bahjatt, Cassie Hart, and Rebecca Roanhorse. Accord­ing to convention director L.D. Lewis, the event was conceived mid-year, in the midst of protests, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the trend of conventions switching to virtual events; it was “for­mally launched” July 7, 2020, and the Ignyte awards were ...Read More

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2020 Sirens Conference Report

The 2020 Sirens Conference, “Sirens at Home”, an “intersectional, in­terdisciplinary conference on gender, fantasy lit, and other speculative spaces,” was held October 22-25, 2020, online in lieu of the usual Denver CO event. Amy Tenbrink and Hallie Tibbetts are the Sirens co-founders. Tenbrink was con chair and Tibbetts served as programming director. Tenbrink said, “In a year in which we all feel such isolation, we need each other more than ...Read More

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2020 World Fantasy Convention Report

Originally scheduled to take place at Little America Hotel in Salt Lake City UT, the 46th World Fantasy Convention transitioned into an online event on June 1, 2020. Nonetheless, the event maintained their target run dates of October 28 – November 1, 2020. Guests of honor were David A. Cherry, Stephen Gallagher, and Anne Groell; special guests were C.J. Cherryh, Stephen Graham Jones, and Cindy Pon; and toastmasters were Tracy ...Read More

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BookExpo and BookCon “Retired”

According to event organizer ReedPOP, BookExpo America and BookCon are being “retired” and will not be held in 2021. Both live events were canceled in 2020 and instead offered free virtual programming. ReedPOP event director Jenny Martin said,

The pandemic arrived at a time in the life cycle of BookExpo and BookCon where we were already examining the restructure of our events to best meet our community’s needs. This has ...Read More

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EstCon 2020 Report

Estcon 2020 was special in a number of ways. The timing of COVID-19 in Esto­nia was close to perfect, as the pandemic retreated from the first wave and politely held off on a second wave long enough for allow for the gathering. The farm site meant that it was easy to put extra measures in place, for example encouraging attendees to bring their own tents, which meant that beds could ...Read More

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StokerCon 2021 Guests of Honor

Maurice Broaddus, Joe R. Lansdale, Seanan McGuire, Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Lisa Morton, and Steve Rasnic Tem have been announced as the StokerCon 2021 Guests of Honor. The event is scheduled May 20-23, 2021 at the Curtis Hotel in Denver CO, and will include the Bram Stoker Awards banquet.

For more information, see the official website.

While you are here, please take a moment to support Locus with a one-time or recurring ...Read More

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ICon 2020 Online Report

The theme for ICon is usually announced around April, and that’s when the work on the festival kicks into high gear. For a while we held on to the hope that ICon could be held in the usual manner, in person. Around July, it became clear this wouldn’t happen, and the team running it faced a difficult choice. Aptly, “choices” was the theme of the festival this year. What they ...Read More

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Utopiales Canceled

The French science fiction festival Nantes Utopiales has announced that it is canceling this year’s events, which were scheduled for October 29 – November 2, 2020 at the Nantes Convention Center in Nantes, France. The decision comes after French President Emmanuel Macron’s announcement of a nationwide coronavirus lockdown, in effect from October 30 until at least December 1, 2020.

For more information, see the Utopiales website.

While you are here, ...Read More

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The Outer Dark Report

The Outer Dark Symposium on the Greater Weird was held online August 14-16, 2020 for 232 registered attendees, organized by Anya Martin, co-producer of The Outer Dark podcast hosted by This Is Horror.

Scheduled programming featured 12 reading sessions with Mike Allen, Gregory Norman Bossert, Gabriela Damián Miravete, and others. Panels included “From Yellow Wallpaper to Spectral Hues: Color in Weird Fiction” with Daniel Braum, Craig Laurance Gidney, Brian ...Read More

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WFC Addresses Programming and Discrimination Issues

The World Fantasy Convention 2020 committee has revised its program descriptions after facing public criticism and attendee withdrawals from members of the industry. According to a press release,

WFC Chair Ginny Smith engaged the help of three well-respected members of the fantasy community, two people of color and a well-regarded writer and sensitivity advisor, to review the offensive and insensitive programming language. They have completed their review and the revised ...Read More

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World Fantasy 2020 Issues Apology

The World Fantasy Convention 2020 committee issued an apology via Twitter on October 7 after coming under fire online for their programming choices and descriptions, and added to the thread in subsequent days:

Regarding the program that went out this week:  We are sorry that our program caused hurt and concern, thank you to those that commented. We are working with our team and panelists to amend this and will ...Read More

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2021 ICFA Going Virtual

The International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts (IAFA) announced that ICFA 42, scheduled for March 17-20, 2021, will be held as an online-only event, instead of in person. This is the first 2021 virtual-only announcement we’ve seen for the con circuit.

Dale Knickerbocker, president of the IAFA, said,

The Board has been monitoring the ongoing situation with the pandemic closely and has met twice this summer to consider ...Read More

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The Festival That Did: A Report from Celsius 232 by Ian McDonald

In July 2020 there was an SF/F festival. Live, not virtual. It ran from July 14-19, with inter­national guests and visitors, editors, artists, film-makers, translators, and fans. I’ve just come back from it, and I shall explain.

Celsius 232 is a festival in Avilés, in Asturias, in Northern Spain. It has run for nine years, over which it’s become a major Spanish festival, with the ability to attract international guests ...Read More

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Complete 1945 Retro-Hugo Voting

CoNZealand, the 78th World Science Fiction Convention, received 521 valid ballots, down from 834 at Dublin 2019. There were 120 valid nominating ballots, down from 217.

A number of categories were dropped as having too few eligible nominees: Best Dramatic Presentation – Long Form, Best Editor – Long Form, Best Fan Artist, Best Fancast, and Best Semiprozine. Some of the nominating votes for Best Dramatic Presentation – Long Form were ...Read More

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Complete 2020 Hugo Voting

CoNZealand, the 78th World Science Fiction Convention, received 2,221 valid ballots, down from 3,097 at Dublin 2019: An Irish Worldcon, Worldcon 77. There were 1,584 valid nominating ballots, down from 1,800.

The procedure for counting nominations was the same as last three years, using the system known as E Pluribus Hugo, or EPH. The rather complicated point system gives a single point to each voter’s ballot, dividing that point among ...Read More

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CoNZealand Report

CoNZealand, the 78th World Science Fiction Convention, took place July 29 – Aug 2, 2020, making history as the first-ever virtual Worldcon. Guests of honour were authors Mercedes Lackey and Larry Dixon, artist Greg Broadmore, and fan Rose Mitchell. Reported membership was 2,556 attending, with over 1,800 members accessing through Grenadine and up to 1,700 accessing through Discord, compared to Dublin’s in-person 6,024 attending memberships, San Jose’s 5,440 attending members, ...Read More

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COVID-19 SF/F Event Cancellations as of 8/17/20

Numerous upcoming conventions and literary events have been postponed or canceled as part of efforts to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus that causes respiratory illness COVID-19. The situation remains in flux as the full extent of the pandemic remains to be seen. We will update this story and our convention listing with further information about cancellations and postponements as it becomes available.

  • The Columbus 2020 NASFiC, planned for
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World Fantasy Convention Updates

The World Fantasy Convention 2020 committee is ”hard at work designing an online convention that includes many of the elements you’ve come to identify with World Fantasy Convention – and maybe a few new ones.” They ”hope that our virtual convention will be attended by a diverse membership, many of whom are using their craft to create literature and art that not only entertain but introduce fantasy enthusiasts to a ...Read More

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FIYAHCON Programming Pitch Deadline

FIYAHCON, an online convention for BIPOC+ in SF/F publishing, is accepting programming pitches until August 21, 2020. Programming ideas can be submitted directly through their website.

Over at FIYAH Literary Magazine, we’ve wanted to host a convention almost since our inception and now we’re in a place to pull it off. Our mission for the convention is to reach beyond the magazine’s origins centering Black voices, to celebrate the contributions ...Read More

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2020 Locus Awards Online

The Locus Awards took place online on June 24-27, 2020 in their first virtual-only iteration; Connie Willis and Daryl Gregory co-emceed the ceremony. There were over 150 registrations, and paid members received a Locus t-shirt and a print program book.

Despite struggling with whether to go forward with the Locus Awards events (usually held on the ground in Seattle), and ignoring their total lack of technical experience with webinar platforms, ...Read More

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Chicago Wins 2022 Worldcon

CoNZealand Site Selection announced that Chicago has won the site vote and will host the 80th Worldcon, Chicon 8, to be held September 1-5, 2022, winning 517 of the 587 ballots. The con will take place at the Hyatt Regency Chicago. Guests include author guest of honor Charles de Lint, artist guest of honor Floyd Norman, fan guests of honor Edie Stern and Joe Siclari, First Fandom guest of honor ...Read More

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Open Letter Opposing Saudi Arabia Worldcon Bid

A group of SF professionals and fans, led by Anna Smith Spark, have written the following open letter to the World Science Fiction Society and Worldcon 2020 chair Norman Cates:

Dear WSFS Board members, and dear Norman,

As writers, publishers and readers of science fiction and fantasy, we are writing to express our concern that Saudi Arabia has been accepted as a potential host site for the 2022 World Science ...Read More

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DisCon Guests of Honor

DisCon III, the 79th World Science Fiction Convention, to be held August 25-29, 2021 in Washington DC, has announced John Harris as artist guest of honor, join­ing author guest of honor Nancy Kress, editor guest of honor Toni Weisskopf, fan guest of honor Ben Yalow, and special guests Malka Older and Sheree Renée Thomas. For more: <>.

While you are here, please take a moment to support Locus with a ...Read More

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CoNZealand Programme Released

The CoNZealand programme is now available to view. There are 772 events scheduled. The opening and closing ceremonies, Hugo Awards, and the Masquerade will run at 11:00 a.m. NZST.

At this time, login to the virtual con is unavailable.

Once the login is available, you will be able to sign-in to the CoNZealand Grenadine site and start tailoring your own CoNZealand experience. You’ll be able to sign up for programme ...Read More

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Hugo Voting Glitch

CoNZealand has reported a bug in the Hugo Award-voting interface that may lead to some votes not being recorded:

This mostly seems to happen when using the Safari browser on a Mac, but we have a couple of reports from other browser/device combinations.

  • If you received an email confirmation after voting, your votes have been entered into the system and you should not be concerned.
  • If you did NOT receive
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2021 ConFusion Registration Open

ConFusion EasterCon has launched a new website and is now open for 2021 registration, with an adult attending membership rate of £70.

The convention will be held April 2-5, 2021, at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole, Birmingham, UK. Guests of honor will be Dan Abnett, Dave Lally, and Nik Vincent. Planned events include workshops, an art show, book signings, and a teen lounge. ConFusion 2021 hopes to “make up for 2020 ...Read More

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StokerCon UK Becomes ChillerCon UK

StokerCon UK has announced that it will be renamed ChillerCon UK and transfer to a new website, which will go live in the next few days. The convention will be held January 28-31, 2021 in Scarborough UK. The Ann Radcliffe Academic Conference and Stoker Awards ceremony will no longer take place at the convention, though there will still be a banquet.

For more information, including how to reassign convention memberships, ...Read More

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SF In India: Webinar on Science Fiction in India

It is universally acknowledged that life is para­lyzed due to pandemic spread of COVID-19. The effect encompassed every sector of soci­ety, and was not restricted any particular gender, class, age, region, race, religion and others. For the first time, a worldwide pan­demic has affected homo sapiens. Every government, voluntary organization, police, military, medical community, and essential service sector must be thanked for their timely, selfless services, which could speed up ...Read More

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WisCon 44 Report

WisCon 44 was scheduled for May 22-25, 2020 at the Concourse Hotel in Madison WI, with Rebecca Roanhorse and Yoon Ha Lee as guests of honor. Because of the CO­VID-19 pandemic, the convention was converted to a virtual event, their first “all-online con,” held on the same dates, with additional events on the evening of the 21st. Roanhorse attended virtually, but Lee was unable to take part.

There were 1,084 ...Read More

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2020 SFWA Nebula Conference

The 2020 SFWA Nebula Conference morphed mid-COVID from an in-person conference into an impressive online event, held May 29-31, 2020. There were 808 members from 33 countries, a record, up from 2019’s record-breaking 475 registered members.

Online programming began before the event proper on May 23, with a Mentorship Meeting, pairing experienced congoers with newer attendees, and the Nebula Finalist Reception. Weekend programming focused on industry-relevant topics, such as “Too ...Read More

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TorCon Virtual Convention

Tor, Publishing, and Den of Geek have announced TorCon, a virtual convention to be held June 11-17, 2020. TorCon will feature panels with more than 20 authors, including Cory Doctorow, Neil Gaiman, Christopher Paolini, and Brandon Sanderson.

TorCon is free, but registration is required to watch each panel. For registration links and more information, see the full announcement.

While you are here, please take a moment to support Locus  ...Read More

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World Fantasy Convention 2020 Goes Online

The World Fantasy Convention (WFC) has announced that this year’s WFC, scheduled for October 29 – November 1, 2020 in Salt Lake City, will be held as an entirely virtual event.

Plans have already begun to transition many of the traditional physical experiences you’ve come to expect from World Fantasy Convention. We’ll be ironing out the details in the coming months, but we hope to provide a variety of online ...Read More

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