Magazines Received – January

Analog Science Fiction and Fact
- Trevor Quachri, ed.
- Vol. 94 Nos. 1 & 2, January/February 2024, $8.99, bimonthly, 208pp, 15 x 21½ cm.
- Hard SF magazine with fiction by Ron Collins, David Cleden, David Goodman, Hûw Steer, Stanley Schmidt, and others; non-fiction; poetry; reviews; etc. Cover by Julie Dillon.
- Sheila Williams, ed.
- Vol. 48 Nos. 1 & 2, Whole Numbers 576 & 577, January/February 2024, $8.99, bimonthly, 208pp, 15 x 21½ cm.
- Speculative fiction and fantasy magazine with stories by Greg Egan, Jeffrey
Conjuctions 81: Numina: The Enchantment Issue
- Bradford Morrow, ed.
- #81, Fall 2023, $20.00, semi-annually, 360pp, 15 x 23 cm.
- Literary magazine produced by Bard College with works by Aimee Bender, Han Ong, Arthur Sze and others; poetry; etc. Cover by Remedios Varo.
- Scot Noel, ed.
- Vol 4 Issue 12, 2023, free online/$16.25 print, biannually, 68pp.
- Fantasy and science fiction magazine with original and reprinted fiction by Shanna Yetman, Kai Holmwood,Taffy Lamba, and others; essays; and poetry. Print issues combine work from quarterly online magazine DreamForce Anvil.
Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction
- Paul March-Russell, ed.
- Vol. 52, Issue No. 3, #146, Winter 2023, three times yearly, 136pp, 14½ x 21 cm. Peer-reviewed journal.
- This issue’s theme is ‘‘Women if SF/F since ‘When it Changed’’’ with articles from Wendy Gay Pearson, Amy Bouwer, and others; features; and reviews. Cover by Judith M. Weiss.
- Rebecca Bennett, et al., eds.
- Issue #2, Spring/Summer 2023, $12.99 print/$5.99 digital, triannually, 88pp.
- Online speculative fiction magazine focusing long-term on relationships of various kinds with stories, poetry, and essays.
- This issue includes work by Sarah Ramdawar, Narrelle M. Harris, and others. Cover by Alice M. Issue 3, Fall/Winter 2023, 95pp, has stories by Kanishk Tantia, Dan Peacock, and others. Cover by Alice M.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction
- Sheree Renée Thomas, ed.
- Vol. 144 No. 5 & 6, Whole No. 767, May/June 2023, $10.99, bimonthly, 260pp, 13 x 19½ cm.
- This issue includes stories by Matthew Hughes, Fatima Taqvi, Zig Zag Claybourne, Kiran Kaur Saini, and others; a science article; poetry; columns; reviews, and etc. Cover by Maurizio Manzieri.
New Edge Sword and Sorcery Magazine
- Oliver Brackenbury, ed.
- Issue #1, Fall 2023, $27.50 hardcover/$18.00 paperback/$5.00 digital, irregular, 80pp, 21.5 x 28 cm.
- Sword and sorcery magazine with original fiction and non-fiction. This issue features stories by from Michael Moorcock, Margaret Killjoy, and others. Cover by Caterina Gerbasi. Issue # 2, Winter 2023, 80 pp, includes stories by Gemma Files, Jeremy Pak Nelson, and others. Cover by Gilead.
- Diane L. Walton, ed.
- Vol. 33 No. 4, Whole No. 126, C$6.95, 2023, quarterly, 166pp, 13½ x 20 cm.
- Canadian small press fiction magazine with stories by Joshua Grasso, Leslie Brown, L.P. Melling, and others; interviews; non-fiction; poetry; and art. Cover by Jeff Mann.
- Dean Wesley Smith, ed.
- Issue #22, 2023, $12.99 print/$6.99 digital, bimonthly, 175pp, 17½ x 25½ cm.
- The magazine on the ‘‘cutting edge of modern short fiction’’ with ten short fiction stories per issue.
- This issue includes short fiction from Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Adam-Troy Castro, and others. Cover by kevron2002/Depositphotos. #23, 181pp, has stories by Annie Reed, Robert Jeschonek, and others. Cover by grandfailure/Depositphotos. #24, 217pp features fiction from David H. Hendrickson, Kristine Grayson, and others. Cover by Vitalina_G /Depositphotos.
- Arthur B. Evans et al., eds.
- Vol. 50, Part 3, No. 151, November 2023, $25.00/print, three times a year, 207pp, 15 x 23 cm. Academic journal.
- This issue includes articles by Regina Y. Lee, Spencer Adams, Simona Bartolotta, and others; as well as essay-length book reviews; reviews; and notes and correspondence.
- Angela Yuriko Smith, ed.
- No. 144, Spring/Summer 2023, $12.00 print/$3.99 digital, biannual, 76pp, 21 x 27½ cm. Small-press fiction magazine.
- This issue includes stories by James Hong, Kayla Wilfong, Jen Nafziger & ChatGPT, and others; interviews; a graphic story; articles; poetry; and reviews. #145, Fall/Winter 2023, 74pp has stories by Peter J. Carter, Alicia Hilton, Laura Kester Duerrwaechter, and others. Cover by Karl Kofoed.
- Mark Teppo, ed.
- Issue No. 11, 2023, free online/$12.99 print + digital, quarterly, 123pp, 12½ x 18 cm.
- This issue includes short fiction from Phillip E. Dixon, John Klima, Reggie Kwok, and others. Cover by pas even/
- Jonathan Maberry, ed.
- # 367, Vol. 70, No.1, May 2023, tri-annual, $14.00, 100pp.
- Weird horror and dark fiction magazine with stories by Ramsey Campbell, Paul Cornell, Caitlín R. Kiernan, and others; poetry; and non-fiction. Cover by Mike Mignola
Online Magazines
- Lesley Conner, ed.
- Issue #142, November 2023, free online or $4.99 per issue; bimonthly. SF/fantasy/horror magazine.
- Original fiction by Delilah S. Dawson, Nadia Bongo, KT Bryski, Elisabeth Ring, Nadia Radovich, and Kanishk Tantia; reprinted fiction; interviews; and articles. Cover by Adrian Borda.
- Scott H. Andrews, ed.
- Issue #397, December 28, 2023, free online, biweekly. Literary fantasy/adventure magazine with stories by Christopher Rowe, Walter J. Wiese, and Lavie Tidhar. Cover by Michal Kváč.
- Issue #398, January 11, 2024 includes stories by Linda Niehoff, R.E. Dukalsky and Nghi Vo. Cover by Michal Kváč.
- John Betancourt, ed.
- Issue #120, $3.99, weekly. Weekly reprint SF and mystery digital magazine. The holiday issue has five short science fiction or fantasy stories by Ron Goulart, Robert Silverberg, and others.
- Issue #121 includes five stories by Anna Tambour, Keith Laumer, and others.
- Issue #122 has five genre stories by Harry Harrison, Thomas M. Disch, and others.
- Issue #123 features four stories by Marion Zimmer Bradley, and others, and a short novel by Jack Sharkey.
- Issue #124 published four genre stories by Edmond Hamilton and others; and a novel by Frank Belknap Long.
- Andy Cox, ed.
- Issue No. 82/83, 2023, $13.00/£12.99, 196pp, 17 x 24 cm.
- The final issue of the British dark SF/F and horror magazine includes stories by Simon Avery, Steve Rasnic Tem, Tim Lees, and others; and reviews. Cover by Richard Wagner.
- Neil Clarke, ed.
- Issue #207, December 2023, free online or $2.99 ebook, monthly. SF/fantasy magazine with fiction from Fiona Moore, Kelsea Yu, Ng Yi-Sheng, Fu Qiang (Andy Dudak, trans.), Samara Auman, Ryan Cole, Angela Liu, and Thoraiya Dyer; essays; and interviews. Cover by Matt Dixon.
- Issue #208, January 2024 has stories by Aimee Ogden, Alexandra Munck, E.N. Auslender, C.M. Fields, Cécile Crisofari, Chi Hui (John Chu, trans.) Marie Vibbert, and Priya Chand. Cover by JC Jongwon Park.
Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores
- Fran Eisemann, ed.
- December 2023, free online. Genre fiction magazine with stories, podcast and reviews.
- In December, the site posted stories by Hall Jameson, E.E. King, and more.
- Sean Wallace, eds.
- Issue #103, December 2023, free online or digital available for $1.99-$2.99, monthly. Dark fantasy and horror magazine.
- This issue includes original fiction by James Bennett and Jorja Osha, and reprints by Ai Jiang and Kristina Ten. Cover by Tithi Luadthong. Issue #104 has originals from Frances Ogamba and Fatima Taqvi, and reprinted fiction from Josha Lim and Ai Jiang. Cover by Tithi Luadthong.
- E. Catherine Tobler, ed.
- Issue #32, December 2023, free online, monthly, 46pp.
- Speculative fiction magazine ‘‘that concerns itself with death – but also everything death may involve,’’ with fiction by JohnLighthouse and Aimee Picchi; poetry and nonfiction. Cover by Vadem Sadovski.
- Five weekly podcasts: Escape Pod <> Valerie Valdes & Mur Lafferty, eds. (SF), PodCastle <> Shingai Njeri Kagunda & Eleanor R. Wood, eds. (fantasy), PseudoPod <pseudopod. org/> Shawn Garrett & Alex Hofelich, eds. (horror), Cast of Wonders <> Katherine Inskip, ed. (YA) and CatsCast <> Laura Pearlman, ed. (speculative fiction cat stories).
- Free online. Genre podcasts of both original and previously published stories with accompanying text.
Fiyah: Magazine of Black Speculative Fiction
- Nelson Rolon, guest ed.
- Issue #29, Winter 2023, $3.99, digital only, quarterly, 81pp.
- Literary Black speculative fiction magazine with stories from P.C. Verrone, N. Romaine White, Carol B. Duncan, and Jo Telle; plus poetry and an artist interview. Cover by Jordan Penland.
- Thomas J. Griffin & M.A. Dosser eds.
- December 2023/January 2024, free online, biweekly. Flash fiction SF and fantasy site.
- In December and January, the site posted short fiction by C Lenz, Anna Madden, Jack Powers, and others.
- Sloum & Elevens, eds.
- Issue #1, Winter Solstice 2023, free online, biannually.
- Premiere issue of a new speculative fiction magazine that ‘‘explores connection, family, relationships, comfort, and the natural world’’ with fiction by Sarah Jackson, Adriana C. Grigore, Em Harriett, and others. Cover by Barbara Regina Dietzsch.
- Gareth Jelley, ed.
- #294, January 2023, E14 print/E7 digital, bimonthly, 257pp. European SF and fantasy magazine with fiction, Columns, author interviews and reviews. This issue includes stories by J.F. Sebastian, Philip Fracassi, Kat Clay and others.
- Issue #295, September 2023 has stories by Seán Padraic Birnie, Amal Singh, Ai Jiang, and others.
- Issue #296, November 2023 includes fiction by Jon Lasser, Alexander Glass, Marie Brennan, and others. Cover by Sloane Leong.
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts
- Cat Ashton, Novella Brooks de Vita, Mailyn Abreu Toribio, and Jude Wright, el al., eds.
- Vol 34, No. 1, #116, 2023, $13.00 -$14.00 print/$5.00 digital, triannually, 328 pp. Scholarly, interdisciplinary, peer reviewed journal with articles by Emma Nyra, Evdokia Stafanopoulou, Kari Hanson-Park, and others; and reviews.
- Issue No 117, Vol 34, No. 2, 211pp spotlights South Korean speculative fiction and includes articles by San-Keun Yoo, Ji-Eun Lee, Se Young Kim, and others.
- Issue No. 118, Vol 34, No 3, 336pp has articles by Jason Oby, Mónica G. Ayuso, Anthony López Get, and others.
- Fred Coppersmith, ed.
- Winter 2024, free online, quarterly. Online speculative fiction magazine with science fiction, fantasy, and horror.
- This issue has 12 original stories by Sheila Massie, Erika L. Satifka, B. Morris Allen, and others; and seven poems. Cover by Francesco Crisci.
- John Joseph Adams, ed.
- Issue #163, December 2023, free online or $3.99 ebook, monthly. Online SF/fantasy magazine with fiction by D. Thomas Minto, Adam-Troy Castro, Carlie St. George, A.T. Greenblatt, and others; author spotlights; and reviews. Cover by Warmtail / Adobe Stock.
- Issue #164, January 2024 has stories by Ben Peek, David Anaxagoras, Sloane Leong, and others. Cover by Warmtail / Shutterstock.
- B. Morris Allen, ed.
- Jan-Mar (Winter) 2024, $12.00 print/$4.00 digi¬tal/free online, monthly. Online and print speculative fiction magazine.
- This issue includes stories by L. Chan, Evan Marcroft, and Vanessa Fogg. Cover by Candra Hope.
- Donald S. Crankshaw & Kristin Janz, eds.
- January/February 2024, free online or via Patreon, bimonthly.
- Online magazine presenting stories that engage ‘‘meaningfully with Christianity…although not exclusively from a Christian perspective’’ has stories by Patrick Hurley, Ralph Mack, and Andy Dibble. Cover by Matthew Derrick.
- Wendy N. Wagner, ed.
- Issue #135, December 2023, free online or $2.99 ebook, monthly. Horror/dark fantasy magazine with fiction by Ashlee Lhamon, Lynette S. Hoag, and Marisca Pichette; author spotlights; interviews; poetry; and essays. Cover by annamei / Adobe Stock.
- Issue #136, January 2024 includes fiction by R.A. Busby and Andrew Snover. Cover by Fran_Kie / Adobe Stock.
- Jennifer Landels, et al. eds.
- No. 41, Winter 2024, C$14.99, quarterly, 198pp, 13½ x 20½ cm. Canadian magazine dedicated to pulp literature.
- This issue includes fiction from Finnian Burnett EC Dorgan, and others; interviews; a graphic story; poetry; etc. Cover by Melissa Mary Duncan
- Bruce Gillespie, ed.
- No. 114, November 2023, limited print copies available/free online; irregular, 84pp, 20 1/2 x 29 1/2 cm.
- Australian fanzine from Bruce Gillespie with a look at AI art, wakes and appreciations, an interview, nonfiction articles, and reviews. Cover by Dennis Callegari.
- Gayle Surrette, ed.
- December 2023, free, monthly. Online SF review site.
- In the December issue, the site posted fiction by Mike Adamson, short fiction reviews, US book reviews, and columns.
- Noel Chidwick & Mark Toner, eds.
- Issue #34, Spring 2023, £7.95 print + digital/£3.45 – £3.95 digital, quarterly, 132pp. Scottish speculative fiction magazine with short fiction, poetry, interviews, articles, and reviews. This issue has fiction by L.R. Lam, E.B. Siu, and others. Cover by Ross MacRae.
- Issue #35, Summer 2023, 149pp includes stories by T.H. Dray, Callum McSorley, and others. Cover by Stref.
- Issue #36, Autumn 2023, 143pp features stories by Kelley Tai, Sara Kate Ellis, and others. Cover by Vincent Kings.
- Stephen Granade & Cislyn Smith, eds.
- Issue #7, January 2024, $2.99 ebook, monthly.
- Original and reprinted speculative flash fiction and narrative poetry magazine with work by Morgan Welch, Avi Burton, Wendy Nikel, and others. Cover by Sarah Morrison.
- Alexandra Pierce, ed.
- January 2024, free/paid, monthly. New online literary journal that publishes two nonfiction essays a month (one free and one available to subscribers only) that ‘‘…explores the breadth and depth of the themes, ideas and issues of science fiction and fantasy.’’
- This month’s issue includes essays by Cheryl Morgan and Joanne Anderton.
- Jean-Paul Garnier, ed.
- No. 47.1, Winter 2024, $5.00 + shipping/$2.50 digital, quarterly, 48pp, 13.5 x 21.5 cm. The Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association’s official magazine.
- This issue includes poetry from Gerri Leen, Sarah Cannavo, Mahaila Smith, and others; and articles. Cover by Dante Luiz.
- Gautam Bhatia, et al., eds.
- December 2023/January 2024, free, weekly. Speculative fiction magazine with fiction by Ann LeBlanc, H.B. Asari, Edidiong Uzoma Essien, E.M. Linden, M.L. Krishnan, and others; poetry; articles; columns; and reviews.
- New issues are posted each Monday. Covers by Tahlia Day.
- Dave Truesdale, ed.
- December 2023/January 2024, free online.
- Short fiction SF and fantasy review magazine including reviews of genre magazines, online and electronic publications, and selected collections and anthologies; as well as articles and essays.
- Tom Doherty, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, et al., eds.
- December 2023/January 2024, free online. Macmillan house site publishing fiction and articles including short fiction from Nisi Shawl, C.L. Polk, Lyndsie Manusos, Rachel Swirsky, and others; novel excerpts; rereads/rewatches of novels and television shows; an artist gallery; reviews; articles and commentary; and interviews.
- On January 23, 2024, is rebranding as Reactor
- Lynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas, Chimedum Ohaegbu, and Monte Lin, eds.
- Issue #56, January/February 2024, $3.99 digital only, bimonthly. Science fiction and fantasy magazine with fiction, non-fiction, interviews, and poetry.
- This issue includes fiction by Mary Robinette Kowal, Jordan Taylor, Jana Bianchi, Natalia Theodoridou, Ana Hurtado, Cheri Kamei, and Angela Liu. Cover art by Galen Dara.
- Julia Rios, ed.
- December 2023, free online, bimonthly. Speculative fiction magazine.
- This issue includes stories by Megan Baffoe, Keyan Bowes, Christine Hanolsy, and Annika Barranti Klein; poetry; and illustrations. Cover by Julia Rios.
- Mark Bilsborough, ed.
- Issue #12, Spring 2023, $8.25 to $9.75 print/$4.00 -$5.25 digital; bi-monthly; 90pp. UK based SF magazine with fiction by Cheryl Sonnier, Jonathan Olfert, Matt McHugh, and others; and reviews.
- Issue # 13, Summer 2023, 84pp, has stories by Arlen Feldman, Thomas Nicholson, and others.
- Issue #14, Autumn 2023, 84pp, includes stories by Liam Hogan, Elisabeth Kauffman, Amal El-Sayed, and others.
See this listing and more like it in the February 2024 issue of Locus.
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