SFWA 2023 Election Results and Membership Eligibility Changes
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association (SFWA) has announced the results of its election for open Board of Directors positions. Positions for re-election included President, Secretary, and three Director-At-Large positions. New Board members include:
- Phoebe Barton
- Chelsea Mueller
Effective July 1, 2023, they will join continuing Board members Jeffe Kennedy (president), John Murphy (vice president), Jasmine Gower (secretary), and Erin Hartshorn (chief financial officer). Monica Valentinelli, Jordan Kurella, and Christine Taylor-Butler will continue as directors-at-large. Remy Nakamura and José Pablo Iriarte will leave the Board on June 30, 2023.
The elections committee consisted of Matthew Johnson (chair), Maurice Broaddus, and Peng Shepherd.
In addition, SFWA has announced changes to their membership eligibility requirements.
SFWA’s Full members also recently voted to approve poetry and translated works as acceptable forms of fiction writing to qualify for SFWA membership, overturning older referendums that excluded them.
SFWA will announce when they will begin taking applications that include these works.
For more information, see the SFWA site.
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