Issue 736 Table of Contents, May 2022

The May 2022 issue of Locus has interviews with Adrian Tchaikovsky and Dhonielle Clayton and a spotlight on artist Alyssa Winans. News includes the 2022 Hugo Awards ballot, Kali Wallace’s Philip K. Dick Award win, the BSFA and Baen Memorial Award winners, SFWA’s statement of support for Ukraine, Prometheus Award finalists, the founding of the Emeka Walter Dinjos Memorial Award, and more. Photo reports cover the 2022 International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, Writers and Illustrators of the Future, Norwescon 44, and the Williamson Lectureship. Cory Doctorow’s column is entitled “Six Weeks Is a Long Time”. Obituaries remember Robert C. Cornett, Bill Johnson, Valerio Evangelisti, Joël Houssin, Carlos Emílio C. Lima, and Lygia Fagundes Telles. Reviews cover new titles by Nghi Vo, Guy Gavriel Kay, John Kessel, Christopher Rowe, Tim Pratt, Katherine Addison, John M. Ford, James S.A. Corey, Patrick McCabe, Vauhini Vara, John Elizabeth Stintzi, NoViolet Bulawayo, Marcial Gala, Helene Bukowski, Benjamin Percy, Alma Katsu, Jeremy Robert Johnson, Jo Harkin, Ren Hutchings, Rebecca Roanhorse, Vanessa Len, Lisa Stringfellow, and others.


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Locus Magazine, Science Fiction Fantasy


May 2022 • Issue 736 • Vol. 88 • No. 5
55th Year of Publication • 30-Time Hugo Winner
Cover and interview art and design by Francesca Myman

Adrian Tchaikovsky: From Star to Star / 10
Dhonielle Clayton: Future of Magic / 28

2022 Hugo Awards Ballot • Wallace Wins PKD Award • Prometheus Award Finalists • BSFA Awards Winners • SFWA Support for Ukraine • Baen Memorial Award Winners

Emeka Walter Dinjos Memorial Award • SFWA News • HWA Awards • Aurora Awards Ballot • Aurealis Awards Shortlist • Australian Shadows Awards Winners • Ignyte Awards Finalists • International Booker Prize Shortlist • Guggenheim Fellowships • Esquire 50 Best Sci-Fi Books • Waterstones Debut Fiction Prize • Eagle-Con Awards • Pullman Steps Down as SoA President • World Conventions News • Announcements • Awards News • Financial News • International Rights • Audio Rights

Notes on milestones, awards, books sold, etc., with news this issue about John Skipp, Kij Johnson, P. Djèlí Clark, Gene Wolfe, J.R.R. Tolkien, Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson, Ann Tonsor Zeddies, and many others

Commentary by Cory Doctorow: Six Weeks Is a Long Time / 26 Spotlight on Artist Alyssa Winans / 27 Photo Story: Rainforest Writers Village / 36

International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts / 30 Writers and Illustrators of the Future / 33 Norwescon / 34 Magazines Received: March / 37 Williamson Lectureship / 35  

Books Received: March / 39 British Books Received: New & Notable / 51 February / 48 Bestsellers / 50

Robert C. Cornett Bill Johnson Valerio Evangelisti Joël Houssin • Appreciation by Jean-Marc & Randy Lofficier • Carlos Emílio C. Lima Lygia Fagundes Telles

Conventions • Paper and Fuel Rising, Donate Now • This Issue/Next Issue


Short Fiction Reviews by Karen Burnham / 12
Future SF Digest 3/22; Clarkesworld 3/22; Asimov’s 3-4/22; Slate Future Tense 1/22; Translunar Traveler’s Lounge 2/22; The Sunday Morning Transport 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/27/22.

Short Fiction Reviews by Charles Payseur / 14
Reckoning 1/22; Drabblecast 1-2/22; Strange Horizons 2/21/22, 2/28/22, 3/7/22, 3/14/22; Hexagon 3/22; Fireside 3/22; Beneath Ceaseless Skies 3/10/22, 3/24/22; GigaNotoSaurus 3/22; Cast of Wonders 2-3/22; Escape Pod 3/22; Fusion Fragment 3/22; Lightspeed 4/22; Fantasy 4/22.

Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe / 16
Siren Queen
, Nghi Vo; All the Seas of the World, Guy Gavriel Kay; The Dark Ride: The Best Short Fiction of John Kessel, John Kessel; These Prisoning Hills, Christopher Rowe.

Reviews by Liz Bourke / 18
Prison of Sleep, Tim Pratt; The Grief of Stones, Katherine Addison.

Reviews by Rusell Letson / 19
Aspects, John M. Ford; Memory’s Legion: The Complete Expanse Story Collection, James S.A. Corey.

Reviews by Ian Mond / 20
Poguemahone, Patrick McCabe; The Immortal King Rao, Vauhini Vara; My Volcano, John Elizabeth Stintzi.

Reviews by Maya C. James / 22
Glory, NoViolet Bulawayo; Call Me Cassandra, Marcial Gala.

Reviews by Gabino Iglesias / 23
Milk Teeth, Helene Bukowski; The Unfamiliar Garden, Benjamin Percy; The Fervor, Alma Katsu; All the Wrong Ideas, Jeremy Robert Johnson.

Reviews by Caren Gussoff Sumption / 24
Tell Me an Ending,
Jo Harkin; Under Fortunate Stars, Ren Hutchings.

Reviews by Divers Hands: Alex Brown, Colleen Mondor / 25
Fevered Star
, Rebecca Roanhorse; Only a Monster, Vanessa Len; A Comb of Wishes, Lisa Stringfellow.

Terry Bisson: This Month in History / 13, 17, 19, 22

Magazines reviews in this issue (indicating reviewer)—

Future SF Digest 3/22 (Karen Burnham)
Clarkesworld 3/22 (Karen Burnham)
Asimov’s 3-4/22 (Karen Burnham)
Slate Future Tense 1/22 (Karen Burnham)
Translunar Traveler’s Lounge 2/22 (Karen Burnham)
The Sunday Morning Transport 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/27/22 (Karen Burnham)
Reckoning 1/22 (Charles Payseur)
Drabblecast 1-2/22 (Charles Payseur)
Strange Horizons 2/21/22, 2/28/22, 3/7/22, 3/14/22 (Charles Payseur)
Hexagon 3/22 (Charles Payseur)
Fireside 3/22 (Charles Payseur)
Beneath Ceaseless Skies 3/10/22, 3/24/22 (Charles Payseur)
GigaNotoSaurus 3/22 (Charles Payseur)
Cast of Wonders 2-3/22 (Charles Payseur)
Escape Pod 3/22 (Charles Payseur)
Fusion Fragment 3/22 (Charles Payseur)
Lightspeed 4/22 (Charles Payseur)
Fantasy 4/22 (Charles Payseur)

Books reviews in this issue (indicating reviewer)—

Addison, Katherine • The Grief of Stones (Liz Bourke)
Bukowski, Helene • Milk Teeth (Gabino Iglesias)
Bulawayo, NoViolet • Glory (Maya C. James)
Corey, James S. A. • Memory’s Legion: The Complete Expanse Story Collection (Russell Letson)
Ford, John M. • Aspects (Russell Letson)
Gala, Marcial • Call Me Cassandra (Maya C. James)
Harkin, Jo • Tell Me an Ending (Caren Gussoff Sumption)
Hutchings, Ren • Under Fortunate Stars (Caren Gussoff Sumption)
Johnson, Jeremy Robert • All the Wrong Ideas (Gabino Iglesias)
Katsu, Alma • The Fervor (Gabino Iglesias)
Kay, Guy Gavriel • All the Seas of the World (Gary K. Wolfe)
Kessel, John • The Dark Ride: The Best Short Fiction of John Kessel (Gary K. Wolfe)
Len, Vanessa • Only a Monster (Colleen Mondor)
McCabe, Patrick • Poguemahone (Ian Mond)
Percy, Benjamin • The Unfamiliar Garden (Gabino Iglesias)
Pratt, Tim • Prison of Sleep (Liz Bourke)
Roanhorse, Rebecca • Fevered Star (Alex Brown)
Rowe, Christopher • These Prisoning Hills (Gary K. Wolfe)
Stintzi, John Elizabeth • My Volcano (Ian Mond)
Stringfellow, Lisa • A Comb of Wishes (Colleen Mondor)
Vara, Vauhini • The Immortal King Rao (Ian Mond)
Vo, Nghi • Siren Queen (Gary K. Wolfe)

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