Conjunctions to Close

Update 3/11/22: Bard College has reconsidered its decision and hopes to continue publishing the magazine.

Our original story follows.

Conjunctions will close later this year, as Bard College can “no longer financially sustain the publication.” Founder and editor Bradford Morrow says:

In 2021, Conjunctions marked its fortieth anniversary, a milestone celebrated by the publication of a special anniversary issue and a series of online readings, defying the pandemic in order to bring some of our contributors live before a worldwide audience.
What cannot be defied, as it happens, is the economic pressure the pandemic has created in both education and publishing. For the last thirty of its forty years, Conjunctions has been published by Bard College. Sadly, I’ve been informed that the cost of continuing to publish the journal has become unsustainable for the college, which has made the decision to cease publication at the end of this calendar year. As a result, our fall 2022 issue, Conjunctions: 79, Onword, will be the final issue published under the Bard imprint.

Spring issue Fear Itself and Fall issue Onword will be published under the oversight of Melynda Fuller, the new managing editor. They are planning to “preserve the Conjunctions website as a legacy archive for everyone to access.”

For more, see the announcement.

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