OryCon on hiatus
OryCon, “Oregon’s Premier Science Fiction/Fantasy Convention”, has announced that the con will be going on hiatus.
They announced on Twitter:
For over 40 years, OryCon has worked to bring you some of your favorite writers, artists, and creators in the science fiction and fantasy fandoms… We had to postpone OryCon in 2020 due to the pandemic. That means that all of our staff have been planning OryCon42 for two years; being forced to make hard decisions about what to keep and what to change and adjust with every new order from the Governor’s office implement whole new policies, and worry about the health and safety of everyone for two years now. In light of the stress of the pandemic and the overall stress that our OryCon staff has been under, OSFCI has decided to place OryCon on hold after OryCon 42, Nov 12-14, 2021. Please take note that we are not canceling OryCon forever, but rather are taking a hiatus for a year or so to reflect and evaluate our convention and bring it back fresh in the future.
OryCon 42 will still be held on November 12-14, 2021 at The Red Lion Hotel at Janzten Beach, Oregon. You can find out more about their decision to go on hiatus here.
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