New Afrofuturism Exhibit at Hatfield House

Hatfield House in Philadelphia PA has announced a new exhibit by Afrofuturist group Black Quantum Futurism. The exhibit “Ancestors returning again / this time only to themselves” was created by Rasheeda Phillips and Camae Ayewa, with nods to artists who influenced Afrofuturism, including Octavia E. Butler and Sun Ra. It includes the debut of video and sound installation Write No History:

Write No History features found and archival footage of The Temporal Disruptors, members of an ancient secret society of Black scientists, healers, and writers transporting a “quantum time capsule” between the future, past, and present. The Hatfield House in Fairmount Park is transformed into a gallery of artifacts and found objects from the secret society.

For more information, see the Hatfield House website.

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