2020 Sunburst Awards Winners

The winners for the 2020 Sunburst Awards for Excellence in Canadian Literature of the Fantastic have been announced:

Adult Fiction

Young Adult Fiction

Short Story

  • WINNER: “The Fourth Trimester is the Strangest”, Rebecca Campbell (F&SF 5-6/19)

“Winners receive a medallion that incorporates the Sunburst logo. Winners of both the Adult and Young Adult Sunburst Award also receive a cash prize of $1,000, while winners of the Short Story Sunburst Award receive a cash prize of $500.” The jurors for the 2020 awards were Peter Darbyshire, Kristyn Dunnion, Omar El Akkad, Michelle Butler Hallett, John Jantunen, Michael Johnstone, Ursula Pflug, and Sarah Tolmie.

For more information, see the Sunburst Award Society.

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