2019 Sunburst Awards Shortlists

The shortlists for the 2019 Sunburst Awards for Excellence in Canadian Literature of the Fantastic have been announced:

Adult Fiction

Young Adult Fiction

Short Story

  • “The Glow-in-the-Dark Girls”, Senaa Ahmad (Strange Horizons 1/15/18)
  • “Domestic Violence”, Madeline Ashby (Future Tense 3/26/18)
  • “Candied Sweets, Cornbread, and Black-Eyed Peas”, Malon Edwards (Sword and Sonnet)
  • “Meat And Salt And Sparks”, Rich Larson (Tor.com 6/6/18)
  • “The Time Traveler’s Husband”, A.C. Wise (Shimmer 11/18)

Winners will be announced in Fall 2019. “Winners receive a medallion that incorporates the Sunburst logo. Winners of both the Adult and Young Adult Sunburst Award also receive a cash prize of $1,000, while winners of the Short Story Sunburst Award receive a cash prize of $500.” The jurors for the 2019 awards are Greg Bechtel, S.M. Beiko, Janie Chang, David Demchuk, Gemma Files, Susan Forest, Kari Maaren, and Susan Reynolds.

For more information, see the Sunburst Award Society.

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