Analog AnLab and Asimov’s Readers’ Awards
The 2014 Analog AnLab Awards and the Asimov’s Readers’ Awards were presented at a breakfast celebration at the Palmer House Hilton during the Nebula Awards Weekend on June 6, 2015 in Chicago IL.
The Analog Analytical Laboratory (AnLab) Awards winners are:
Best Novella
- “Music to Me”, Richard A. Lovett (8/14)
Best Novelette
- “Life Flight”, Brad R. Torgersen (8/14)
Best Short Story (tie)
- “Another Man’s Treasure”, Tom Greene (5/14) & “Snapshots”, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (5/14)
Best Fact
- “Lockstep: A Possible Galactic Empire”, Karl Schroeder (5/14)
Best Cover
- January/February 2014, David A. Hardy
The Asimov’s Readers’ Awards winners are:
Best Novella
- “The Legion of Tomorrow”, Allen M. Steele (7/14)
Best Novelette
- “The Common Good”, Nancy Kress (1/14)
Best Short Story
- “The Plantimal”, Mike Resnick & Ken Liu (3/14)
Best Poem
- “In the Quiet Hour”, Bruce Boston (4-5/14)
Best Cover Artist:
- June 2014, Maurizio Manzieri