2014 Dwarf Stars and Elgin Awards

The Science Fiction Poetry Association has announced the 2014 Dwarf Stars Awards winners:

  • 1st Place: “And Deeper Than Did Ever Plummet Sound”, Mat Joiner
  • 2nd Place: “The Loss”, Mari Ness
  • 3rd Place: “Hourglass”, David Livingstone Clink

The Dwarf Stars Award is given by the SFPA to recognize the best speculative poem of 1-10 lines, published in the previous year. Winners will have their work reprinted in the 2014 Dwarf Stars Anthology. The first place winner receives a plaque of recognition, and the runner-ups receive a certificate.

The SFPA also announced the winners of the Elgin Award for best poetry chapbook and best full-length poetry book in the speculative genre. The Elgin Awards are named after the founder of SFPA, Suzette Haden Elgin.

The winners and runners-up of the 2014 Elgin Awards are:


  • 1st Place: The Sex Lives of Monsters, Helen Marshall (Kelp Queen Press)
  • 2nd Place: The Edible Zoo, David C. Kopaska-Merkel (Sam’s Dot Publishing)
  • 3rd Place: Inhuman: Haiku from the Zombie Apocalypse, Joshua Gage (The Poet’s Haven)


  • 1st Place: Demonstra, Bryan Thao Worra (Innsmouth Free Press)
  • 2nd Place: Unexplained Fevers, Jeannine Hall Gailey (New Binary Press)
  • 3rd Place: Dark Roads, Bruce Boston (Dark Renaissance Books)

For more information, see the SFPA website.