more later…
Yes, I’m still stuck on Heinlein.
Two small things recently wandered across my field of vision, tunnel-like as it is with the start of classes:
1) io9’s Josh Wimmer talked about the Catcher in the Rye-ness of Stranger in a Strange Land. I mostly agree with him. You?
2) Does anyone know if there are Heinlein universe fan stories that use the same characters/settings? Any Friday/Kettlebelly Baldwin slash? Or is that just too odd? Or are Heinlein’s books just too old?, which is sort of Grand Central Station for fan fiction, has at least eight stories making use of Heinlein's characters and settings. "Starship Troopers" seems to be the favorite.
This doesn't include stories that make use of Heinlein's work in connection with the work of others. I know of one story that combines the plot of "All You Zombies" with the characters from the TV cartoon "Daria." I know of this story because I wrote it.
On question 2, there's a co-authored new novel coming out at some point, David Brin and Jeff Carlson, that was described by Carlson as a kind of update of Tunnel In The Sky….so, from the Heinlein fountain of original works, there's that kind of slash.
Seems to me that in most of his post-1975 novels, Heinlein himself wrote slash, putting characters from his previous books together in all kinds of (to him) fascinating ways.
– gottacook
Lazarus Long/Dirty Pair crossover: almost certainly has Heinlein fanfic of all sorts.
Thanks so much for the info! I'm going to be busy…