Stoker Winners
The winners of the 2008 Bram Stoker Awards were announced at a banquet June 13, 2009 during the Stoker Award Weekend at the Burbank Marriott Hotel, near Los Angeles.
Novel: Duma Key, Stephen King (Scribner)
First Novel: The Gentling Box, Lisa Mannetti (Dark Hart)
Long Fiction: Miranda, John R. Little (Bad Moon)
Short Fiction: The Lost, Sarah Langan (Cemetery Dance)
Fiction Collection: Just After Sunset, Stephen King (Scribner)
Anthology: Unspeakable Horror, Vince A. Liaguno & Chad Helder, eds. (Dark Scribe)
Non-Fiction: A Hallowe’en Anthology, Lisa Morton, ed. (McFarland)
Poetry: The Nightmare Collection, Bruce Boston (Dark Regions)
Other awards presented at the ceremony include the annual Lifetime Achievement Awards for F. Paul Wilson and Chelsea Quinn Yarbro; The Specialty Press Award for Larry Roberts of Bloodletting Press; The Silver Hammer Award, for outstanding service to HWA, for Sephera Giron; and the President’s Richard Laymon Service Award for John R. Little.
For more: www.stokers2009.