The Alien Online (
SF, fantasy and horror news, reviews and feature articles, edited by Ariel. Updated regularly.
Adam Roberts' latest Readings in Classic SF column looks at Heinlein's The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress. Other features are interviews: with Ashok Banker, Steve Cockayne, Joe Haldeman, and Maxine McArthur, plus one by Sandy Auden of Richard Morgan. Reviews also cover Morgan, plus Stephen King, Michael Moorcock, Jon Courtenay Grimwood, Mike Resnick, and others.
Ansible (
British sf/fan newsletter, published by Dave Langford. Updated monthly.
• March 2003
Langford cites Sam Lundwall's widely reported resignation from SFWA, plus items concerning Mike Ashley, Ken MacLeod, and Will Self. Outraged letters include Stephen Baxter and Michael Moorcock about Columbia, and there are many other items, from Thog's Masterclass to Langford's plug for brother Jon's rock tour beginning March 25.
Emerald City (
Personal ezine of reviews and commentary, published by Cheryl Morgan. Updated monthly.
• February 2003
Cheryl Morgan analyses Locus Online's composite Best of 2002 list, in light of David G. Hartwell's remarks in the January New York Review of SF, and continues to update her tally of Hugo recommendations. Further down, she has reviews of books by Liz Williams, John Meaney, Patrick O'Leary, Kay Kenyon, Nebula nominee Robert A. Metzger (whose book "is not hard SF, it is hard Sci-Fi"), Elizabeth Moon, and Daniel Horch. Plus, suggestions for the Hugo Related Book category, and various short fiction reviews.
The Infinite Matrix (
Stories, articles, columns, edited by Eileen Gunn. Updated daily.
This site is in the midst of a new fundraising drive, Eileen Gunn's strategy being to announce new content (e.g. "Ben Rosenbaum's witty and hilarious new story, The Death Trap of Dr. Nefario") but not post it until a certain dollar goal is reached. Meanwhile, there are installments from regular contributors Michael Swanwick, Richard Kadrey, Bruce Sterling, and David Langford, whose latest "Runcible Ansible" updates the tortured publication history of Christopher Priest's The Separation. Posted last month was Terry Bisson's short Meat the Press, which the author invites readers to copy freely around the web..
Infinity Plus (
Archive of SFFH fiction, essays, interviews, edited and published by Keith Brooke. Updated regularly.
Adam Roberts assesses books on this year's Clarke Award shortlist (as he did last year for Locus Online); the 2003 candidates comprise "the strongest Clarke shortlist there has been in a long time". Roberts thinks M. John Harrison's Light will win, but finds it hard to decide who he thinks should win. Other recents posts include an interview with Tim Lebbon, short stories by Roger Levy, David Mathew, and Anna Tambour, and numerous reviews.
s1ngularity (
Online journal of fiction, criticism, and interviews, edited by Gabe Chouinard; launched March 15, 2003
New webzine of fiction and criticism, published and edited by Gabe Chouinard, with an aggressive editorial stance attacking the "corporate drones that do not care about literature", while inviting submissions of serious criticism ("exploratory essays") and fiction (that "blurs genre boundaries"). Nonfiction will be posted biweekly, fiction monthly. Initial posts include fiction by Michael Jasper and Kage Baker; reviews by Alex Jay Berman and Serena Trowbridge of Matt Ruff and Angela Carter; an interview with Jeff VanderMeer conducted by Jeffrey Thomas; and columns by Jeff Ford (about a "virtual anthology" no editor is "crackpot enough" to allow him to compile), James M. Palmer (spotlighting classics, this time by Alfred Bester), and Rick Kleffel (commenting about recent books).
Sci Fiction (
Fiction webzine, edited by Ellen Datlow. Updated weekly (Wednesdays).
Latest new stories are The Empire of Ice Cream by Jeffrey Ford, and two-part For Keeps by J.R. Dunn. There's also a classic by Frank Belknap Long, and Michael Swanwick's Periodic Table, now up to Radon.
Science Fiction Weekly (
News and review webzine, edited by Scott Edelman. Updated weekly (late Mondays).
• Issue 308, March 17, 2003
Michael Cassutt's column considers the failure of Firefly as an example of the difficulty of mixing genres. Paul Di Filippo reviews David Drake, D. Douglas Fratz reviews Richard K. Morgan, and Jeff Berkwits reviews "classic" Battlefield Earth by L. Ron Hubbard. There are also interviews with several TV and film producers, news, letters, and reviews of films, games, a website, and "cool stuff" (a reissued cosmic space gun). Issue 307 featured a Wil McCarthy column on "Political Science", and reviews of new books by Poul Anderson and Scott Westerfeld. Issue 306 had reviews of books by Catherine Asaro and Michael Moorcock, an interview of Greg Bear by Nick Gevers, and a Scott Edelman editorial about Rod Serling's Twilight Zone. And back in Issue 305, John Clute reviewed William Gibson.
scifidimensions (
Fiction, commentary, media, science and the paranormal; edited by John C. Snider. Updated monthly.
• March 2003
A commentary by James Lovegrove, Tackling the End of the World, considers British vs. American attitudes toward the apocalypse, with a segue to the current Iraq crisis. There's an interview with The Fifth Ring author Mitchell Graham, and reviews, most of them by John C. Snider, of books by Syne Mitchell, Greg Bear, Cory Doctorow, Alastair Reynolds, etc.; TV miniseries Children of Dune; and films Dreamcatcher and Willard.
SF (
News, interviews, fiction, and features--"Europe's most visited SF/F web site"--edited by Geoff Willmetts. Updated monthly.
• March 2003
This issue is headlined by interviews: with Terry Pratchett, Sean McMullen, David Hartwell, and Ron Miller. Marianne Plumridge essays about the Columbia disaster, and Jessica summarizes trends in the first month's nominations for the "Wooden Rocket Awards" for online SF (though the distinction between "Charles N. Brown and his merry band of West Coast colonials" and this website, expressed via email from Locus Online, have yet to be recognized). And there are lots of book reviews: of books by Greg Egan, Terry Pratchett, Nancy Holder, Graham Joyce, and many others.
SF Site (
Reviews, interviews, feature, links; published by Rodger Turner. Updated semi-monthly.
• March 2003
The March 1st issue announced results of the site's Readers' Choice Poll for best books of 2002, won by Steve Erikson's House of Chains, with titles by usual suspects Miéville, VanderMeer, Robinson, Harrison, Gaiman and others placing further down. Editor Neil Walsh mentions problems with attempted ballot-stuffing, but he doesn't say how many votes there were or how many it took to win. Editorial picks for Best Read of the Year, led by Jeff VanderMeer's Cities of Saints and Madmen, were posted mid-February. March posts also include an interview with Richard Pinto, and an essay, Who Shot SF?, by Trent Walters. Latest posts, for mid-March, include an interview with Betsy Mitchell and a 3-way review by David Soyka of books by Morgan, Miéville, and Priest.
SFRevu (
Reviews, articles, and features, edited by Ernest Lilley. Updated monthly.
• March 2003
The feature interview and review are of Walter H. Hunt and his novel The Dark Path, both by Bruce Wallace. Other reviews cover books by Harry Turtledove, Allen Steele, Scott Westerfeld, Ann Tonsor Zeddies, among others. Ernest Lilley's editorial urges readers to nominate for the Hugo Awards (there's a page of recommendations); the deadline is March 31.
Strange Horizons (
Fiction, art, articles, poetry, and reviews, edited by Mary Anne Mohanraj. Updated weekly (Mondays).
More Readers' Choice Awards -- but these, like polls conducted by Analog and Asimov's, are limited to works published in 2002 by Strange Horizons. Posts in the last month include fiction by Jay Lake, Benjamin Rosenbaum, Jennifer Pelland, Jeen Reese, and Aynjel Kaye; poetry by Duane Ackerson, Jamie Wasserman, S.R. Compton, and Richard Chwedyk; reviews by David Soyka, Greg Beatty, and Paul Schamacher; an article about medieval medicine by Michael Livingston; a conversation between Benjamin Rosenbaum and Aimee Bender; and an art gallery by Janet Chui.
Previous E-Publications: February