DarkEcho Horror (http://www.darkecho.com/darkecho/index.html)
News, reviews, interviews, and features of the horror field, edited by Paula Guran. Updated regularly.
• Paula Guran is offering a free downloadable PDF anthology of classic fiction by Edgar Allan Poe, M.R. James, and others; click on the 'Treats' banner at the top of the homepage.
EOTU Ezine (http://www.clamcity.com/eotu.html)
Monthly fiction e-zine, edited by Larry Dennis
• October 2002
Special horror issue, with poetry and stories by Christina Sng, Lorraine Schein, Bruce Boston, Margaret B. Simon, Randy Chandler, and others.
Fantastic Metropolis (http://www.sfsite.com/fm/)
SF web portal devoted to literary SF, founded by Gabe Chouinard. Updated regularly.
• Today concludes a special 'mystery week' at this site, with a story posted each day, by Michael Moorcock, Daniel Pearlman, Harvey Jacobs, Pearlman again, and Zoran Zivkovic. Also new recently is an interview with comics artist Kim Deitch conducted by Jeffrey Ford.
Ideomancer (http://www.ideomancer.com/)
Digital fiction, articles, and reviews, published by Chris Clarke with managing editor Amber van Dyk
• October 2002
Available online or as a pdf file--for the latter, click the issue date above. This issue has fiction by James Allison, Leah Bobet, Marsha Sisolak, and Lord Dunsany. Lee Battersby reviews China Miéville, and Greg Bear is interviewed (along with the director and screenwriter) about an Australian film adaptation of his short story "Petra".
The Infinite Matrix (http://www.infinitematrix.net/)
Stories, articles, columns, edited by Eileen Gunn. Updated daily.
• Tales from Rio Hondo concluded 10.07 with a story by Maureen F. McHugh; earlier were pieces by James Patrick Kelly, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, John Kessel, Ellen Klages, and others. Recent posts include the usual features: Michael Swanwick's weekly vignette; David Langford's "Runcible Ansible" news bits, Bruce Sterling's daily weblog, and Richard Kadrey's weekly nanotale. The fundraising festival continues; donor rewards available.
Infinity Plus (http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/iplus/)
Archive of SFFH fiction, essays, interviews, edited and published by Keith Brooke. Updated regularly.
• Recent posts include an original story, The Time Telephone, by Adam Roberts, and republished works by Douglas Smith, Stephen Palmer, Gene O'Neill, etc. There are also numerous reviews by John Grant, Stuart Carter, Keith Brooke, and others.
Oceans of the Mind (http://www.oceansofthemind.com/oceans.htm)
Quarterly PDF science fiction magazine, edited by Richard Freeborn
• Issue 5, September 2002
This mystery-themed issue has fiction by Richard Paul Russo, Ryck Neube, Larry Tritten, Richard Bradford, and Terry Bramlett. Rich Horton reviews the issue in his November Locus Magazine column.
Penumbric Speculative Fiction (http://www.neomythos.com/penumbric)
Subscription-based webzine of fiction and art; edited by Jeff Georgeson. Updated bimonthly.
• October 2k2
Feature interview is with anime director Kenji Kamiyama and scriptwriter Yoshiki Sakurai. There's fiction by Anita Harkess, Leslie Aguillard
and Peri Charlifu; art by Michael Connolly and others; and graphic narratives by Robert Elrod, Brian Comber, and Stan Yan.
Quantum Muse (http://www.quantummuse.com/)
SF, fantasy, and alternative fiction and art, edited by Michael Gallant, Raymond M. Coulombe, and Jason Scherer. Updated monthly.
• October 2002
SF stories are by Jane Sellman and Paul Bistrow; fantasy by Derek Paterson and Michael Gallant; and alternative fiction by David Pauwels and Bill Kte'pi. Art is featured by Dale D Ziemianski, and there's an editorial by The Web Goddess, who sounds like she's been reading gabe chouinard.
RevolutionSF (http://www.revolutionsf.com/)
Fiction, articles, and reviews of science fiction, fantasy, comics, anime, and gaming. Updated daily.
• Behind the latest parody cover there are news and reviews of movies, TV, comics, books, anime, and more; highlights include a Q&A with the screenwriter and producers of The Ring, reviews of books by David Drake, Samuel R. Delany, and James Alan Gardner, and fiction by Michael Moorcock, Don Webb, and David Prill.
Sci Fiction (http://www.scifi.com/scifiction/)
Fiction webzine, edited by Ellen Datlow. Updated weekly (Wednesdays).
• New stories so far this month are by Ray Vukcevich, Paul Di Filippo, and Terry Bisson, along with classic "The Screwfly Solution" by Raccoona Sheldon (aka James Tiptree, Jr.); see the archive page for links. Nick Gevers reviews the new stories in his November Locus Magazine column, and recommends all three. Upcoming are new stories by Richard Bowes, Jason Wittman, Steven Popkes, J.R. Dunn, and, in December, a four-part novella by Charles Stross & Cory Doctorow. Michael Swanwick's Periodic Table is up to Dysprosium.
Science Fiction Weekly (http://www.scifi.com/sfw/)
News and review webzine, edited by Scott Edelman. Updated weekly (late Mondays).
• October 14, 2002
Editor Scott Edelman, who lives in the Washington DC area being terrorized by a sniper, finds solace in science fiction. Terry Brooks and film director David Twohy are interviewed, reviews by Paul Witcover and Paul Di Filippo cover James Alan Gardner and Jonathan Carroll, and the Cool Stuff column features Twilight Zone figurines. Last week, October 7, John Clute reviewed Christopher Priest and others reviewed collections by Greg Bear and James Patrick Kelly.
SF Crowsnest.com (http://www.computercrowsnest.com/)
News, interviews, fiction, and features--"Europe's most visited SF/F web site"--edited by Geoff Willmetts. Updated monthly.
• October 2002
Vincent Di Fate is interviewed by Paul Barnett, China Miéville is interviewed by Stephen Hunt, and a Terry Brooks interview is reprinted from the Del Rey Newsletter. An 'Offworld Report' column has links to features on other SF websites, including Charles N. Brown's Locus interview reproduced here at Locus Online, and Rod MacDonald reviews SF websites. There are several movie reviews and an increased number, a couple dozen this month, of book reviews.
SF Site (http://www.sfsite.com/)
Reviews, interviews, feature, links; published by Rodger Turner. Updated semi-monthly.
• mid-October 2002
Book reviews top the page: William Thompson on Jonathan Carroll, David Soyka on Richard Calder, and Jeff VanderMeer on M. John Harrison. Below that is an interview with Paul Park and review of his collection by Rich Horton, an interview with John Betancourt, and other reviews by Lisa DuMond, Greg L. Johnson, Cindy Lynn Speer, Steve H Silver, and others.
SFRevu (http://www.sfrevu.com/)
Reviews, articles, and features, edited by Ernest Lilley. Updated monthly.
• October 2002
Editor Lilley editorializes about fantasy vs. horror. There a con report by Bobbie DuFault on Midwest Construction, a feature interview with Orson Scott Card, a review by Lilley of TV show John Doe, an article by Linda Zimmermann about ghosts, and reviews of books by Robert Newcomb, M. John Harrison, Justine Larbalestier, and others.
The Spook (http://www.thespook.com/)
Monthly PDF horror magazine addressing food, arts, literature, nature, and wit; edited by Anthony Sapienza
• Issue 12, August/September 2002
Hank Williams is on the cover. Inside is classic fiction by Poppy Z. Brite, Alan Dean Foster, Jeanette Winterson, and Louis L'Amour; Jack Ketchum on Stephen King's From a Buick 8; Deborah Markus on The Nanny Diaries; and pieces about Legoland, The Grateful Dead, Kurosawa, early Disneyland photos, breast feeding, computer hardware, extramarital affairs, eating ostrich eggs, and more.