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Selected Electronic Publications seen, 13 - 26 July 2002
The Alien Online (http://www.thealienonline.net/) SF, fantasy and horror news, reviews and feature articles, edited by Mark Chadbourn & Ariel. Updated regularly. July posts include reviews of book by Neil Gaiman, Kim Stanley Robinson, Paul Di Filippo, etc.; an interview with Mark Anthony; a column by Mike O'Driscoll about what the horror audience really wants; a concluding column on comics by Gary Greenwood; and a column of writing tips by Derek Fox.
Best SF (http://www.bestsf.net/) Short fiction reviews by Mark Watson. Updated regularly. Reviews by Mark Watson in the past month cover the May and June issues of F&SF, the July Asimov's, the July/August Analog, a new Paul Di Filippo novella, and NESFA's The Great SF Stories 1964.
Electric Story (http://www.electricstory.com/) Publisher of new and reprint e-books Lucius Shepard reviews the Inuit epic Atanarjuat: "succeeds majestically, enduringly".
Emerald City (http://www.emcit.com/) Personal ezine of reviews and commentary, published by Cheryl Morgan. Updated monthly. Issue 83, July 2002 Cheryl Morgan provides a detailed report on Westercon, held earlier this month at LAX. (Locus Online was there too, though somehow we managed to miss each other all weekend and have not yet met.) Also: discussions/reviews of Jude Fisher, Storm Constantine, Laurie Marks, Cecilia Dart-Thornton, Juliet McKenna, and Mary Renault; news about Locus Awards, ConJose, the Heinlein Award, Harry Potter myths, and weird email spam [LOnline got that one too].
Fantastic Metropolis (http://www.sfsite.com/fm/) SF web portal devoted to literary SF, founded by Gabe Chouinard. Updated regularly. Several items have been posted recently, including stories by Paul Di Filippo ("Slumberland", forthcoming in Little Doors), Jeffrey Thomas (reprinted from Punktown), and Nancy Jane Moore (reprinted from Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet); and an extract from Jeff Gardiner's forthcoming The Age of Chaos: The Multiverse of Michael Moorcock.
Fantastica Daily (http://www.mervius.com/) SF and fantasy reviews, news, and commentary. Updated daily. Mervius provides a link to newspaper coverage of this weekend's Confluence. Also: discussion of China Miéville, recent movies and DVDs, and a crossword puzzle.
The Infinite Matrix (http://www.infinitematrix.net/) Stories, articles, columns, edited by Eileen Gunn. Updated daily. Recent new content is by the regular contributors: a new nanotale by Richard Kadrey; the 22nd Goya-inspired vignette by Michael Swanwick; Bruce Sterling's daily weblog, and David Langford's more-or-less weekly the Runcible Ansible, which for 7.26 mentions Ben Jeapes, Peter F. Hamilton, Graham Joyce, Steve Baxter, Leo McKern, and Jack Dann.
Made In Canada (http://www.geocities.com/canadian_sf/Newsletters/) Newsletter of Canadian SF, published by Don Bassie. Updated monthly. Issue 27, July 10, 2002 Highlights include a guest-editorial, Mining History, by Dave Duncan, in addition to Canadian news, awards results, etc.
Notes from Coode Street
Weblog by Locus reviews editor Jonathan Strahan This recently launched blog by Perth-based Locus reviews editor Jonathan Strahan discusses current reading, excuses for not starting his review column, year-to-date best-of-the-year lists of novels, collections, etc., and so on. Strahan has also launched a parallel blog, The Coode Street News, defined as "News about writing and publishing science fiction in Australia", with posts about sales, award citations, etc., by Australian writers.
Other Dimension (http://www.otherdimension.com/) Ezine of SF reviews, fiction, and poetry, launched in 1999. Updated regularly. Just brought to Locus Online's attention, this site, initiated as a review site in 1999, has recently expanded to include fiction and poetry. Recent posts include Claude Lalumière's Let Evil Beware! (a sequel to his Interzone story "Bestial Acts"), Lester Thees's "One of Those Days", poetry by Christina Sng and William P. Robertson, and a review of Reign of Fire by.. where is it.. Sebastian West.
Quantum Muse (http://www.quantummuse.com/) SF, fantasy, and alternative fiction and art, edited by Michael Gallant, Raymond M. Coulombe, and Jason Scherer. Updated monthly. Nothing new since last post, but an email from the QM's Web Goddess reminds us that there is yet another SF website award out there, administered by something called the Alternative Reality Writers' Zone, which offers up this ballot for "The Speculative Award of Excellence", whose nominees are 25 SF/F/H websites, including Locus Online and Quantum Muse. Voting closes August 1.
Radio Free Tomorrow (http://rft.melm.org/) Discussion site, "an experiment in collaborative media", covering SF/F books, media, comics; brought to you by "Uncle Mikey" (Michael Scott Shappe). Updated regularly. Recent topics on this site include a forthcoming Cowboy Bebop movie, where Star Wars went wrong, a forthcoming film of Neil Gaiman's Good Omens by Terry Gilliam, Minority Report and other 2002 films, etc.
RevolutionSF (http://www.revolutionsf.com/) Fiction, articles, and reviews of science fiction, fantasy, comics, anime, and gaming. Updated daily. Still with a tabloid look to its homepage, this site has an interview with Gavin Grant, a story by Jason Mical called Stephen King Is People!, and a Funny List feature (currently "Funniest Middle-earth Pickup Lines").
Sci Fiction (http://www.scifi.com/scifiction/) Fiction webzine, edited by Ellen Datlow. Updated weekly (Wednesdays). Original stories are Ray Vukcevich's Some Other Time and J.R. Dunn's The Name of All the Spirits; newly posted classic is Robert Sheckley's Cordle to Onion to Carrot. And Michael Swanwick is up to Cesium.
Science Fiction Weekly (http://www.scifi.com/sfw/) News and review webzine, edited by Scott Edelman. Updated weekly (late Mondays). Issue 274, July 22, 2002 Highlights include an interview of Iain Banks by Nick Gevers, an editorial by Scott Edelman about Making Peace with My Cyborg Future, and reviews of new books by Jack McDevitt and Paul Di Filippo. Last week, John Clute's Excessive Candour reviewed Ted Chiang.
SF Site (http://www.sfsite.com/) Reviews, interviews, feature, links; published by Rodger Turner. Updated semi-monthly. mid-July 2002 The feature review by Georges T. Dodds is about the Green Knowe Series by L.M. Boston. There are conversations with Leslie What and Michael Swanwick, and reviews by Victoria Strauss, Lisa DuMond, Alma A. Hromic, Rick Norwood, Steve H Silver, David Soyka, Donna McMahon, and others.
SFRevu (http://www.sfrevu.com/) Reviews, articles, and features, edited by Ernest Lilley. Updated monthly. July 2002 Ernest Lilley editorializes about his encounter at Readercon with a journalist from Atlantic Monthly wondering what science fiction is all about. An article by Yoji Kondo & William A. Gaubatz discusses the DC-X launch vehicle. There are interviews with Katya Reimann and Jasper Fforde, reports and photos from Readercon, reviews of books by McDevitt, Levinson, Gerrold, Adams, and others, movie and game reviews, and books listings.
Strange Horizons (http://www.strangehorizons.com/) Fiction, art, articles, poetry, and reviews, edited by Mary Anne Mohanraj. Updated weekly (Mondays). Recent fiction is by Joel Best, Linda J. Dunn, and Benjamin Rosenbaum; poetry is by John Sweet and S.R. Compton; reviews are by John Teehan (on Robert J. Sawyer) and Laura Blackwell (on Junji Ito); plus, articles by Fred Bush on alternate histories, and Margaret L. Carter on literary vampires.
Tangent Online (http://www.tangentonline.com/) Short fiction reviews, edited by Dave Truesdale. Updated regularly. Dave Truesdale reviews a small-press Frank Robinson collection; Jay Lake reviews Jeffrey Ford's recent collection; other reviews by Sherwood Smith, Brenda Cooper, Greg Beatty, Paul Melko, Erol Engin, James S. Reichert, and others, cover recent issues of F&SF, Asimov's, Strange Horizons, Sci Fiction, etc. Note that the most recent reviews are not accessible to non-subscribers.
Recent Electronic Books, 18 July 2002
* Currey, L.W. Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors: A Bibliography of First Printings of Their Fiction - Revised Edition (RB Publishing 0-9719995-0-3, $99.95, 8+13+464 pdf pp, CD ROM, May 2002)
Updated edition of a book first published in 1979, consisting of bibliographic listings, by author, of first edition books by over 200 major SF and fantasy authors, from Brian Aldiss to Roger Zelazny (and pseudonyms cross-referenced), with specifics about each book including title; place of publication, publisher, and date of publication; binding; publisher's statement of edition where present; and where applicable, printing states, book stock number, price, etc.
The 1979 book has long been available only second-hand from convention book dealers I paid $68.00 for mine, about 5 years ago, and haven't seen another copy for sale since and I've found it indispensable both as a checklist of titles by each author, and as the authority on who published the first edition of each book.
It's important to note, however, that this revised edition does not extend listings past 1979 it's revised only in that the previous listings have been corrected and amplified; for specific examples of how it's been revised, see this page. Currey notes in his new introduction that "The need for an expanded second edition is evident and will be produced if time permits"; (in the meantime, Locus's own Index to SF provides a serviceable supplement). Highly recommended, for book collectors, dealers, librarians, etc.: this is the gold standard.
Mark R. Kelly
Selected Electronic Publications seen, 1 - 12 July 2002
Chiaroscuro (http://chizine.com/) "Treatments of light and shade in words"; horror ezine; president Brett Alexander Savory, editor-in-chief Patricia Lee Macomber. Updated quarterly. Issue 13, July-September 2002 Stories by Tyree Campbell, Daniell Fisher, Pam McNew, Mehitobel Wilson; poetry by Marge Simon, Tom Piccirilli, Ray Hsu, and others; a column, From the Shadeaux, by David Niall Wilson, and an editorial by "Trish" Macomber. Chiaroscuro is one of the very SFFH websites of any sort that have won awards; it won a Bram Stoker in 2001 for "other media".
DarkEcho Horror (http://www.darkecho.com/darkecho/index.html) News, reviews, interviews, and features of the horror field, edited by Paula Guran. Updated regularly. Now featuring a handy What's New page, this website has posted two features in July: an essay on Blood and Horror by Paula Guran, and one on the Théâtre du Grand Guignol by M. Christian.
Electric Story (http://www.electricstory.com/) Publisher of new and reprint e-books Lucius Shepard reviews Insomnia, faulting it for a melodramatic ending in comparison to its Norwegian original.
Fantastica Daily (http://www.mervius.com/) SF and fantasy reviews, news, and commentary. Updated daily. Posts by Mervius the past couple weeks have included regular commentary on the Minority Report debate here at Locus Online; scroll down. Also, a review of Vivian Schilling's Quietus, another of Men in Black 2, and another of H.M. Hoover's Orvis (a reprint in Tor's YA Starscape line).
Fictionwise (http://www.fictionwise.com/) Publisher of eBooks for handheld devices and personal computers. Updated regularly. The site is currently offering for free Hugo-nominated (and Locus Award-winning) novelette by Ted Chiang Hell Is the Absence of God and several other current Hugo nominees: see this page for full list.
Future Orbits (http://www.futureorbits.com/) Bimonthly fiction magazine available in various e-book formats, edited/published by Tom Vander Neut Editor/publisher Tom Vander Neut announces he is suspending this publication, citing lack of response in the eBook market. Meanwhile, Rich Horton's review in the August Locus calls the June/July issue "a fine issue"…
The Infinite Matrix (http://www.infinitematrix.net/) Stories, articles, columns, edited by Eileen Gunn. Updated daily. Recent posts include Michael Swanwick ongoing series of Goya-inspired vignettes, a new nanotale by Richard Kadrey, daily weblog updates from Bruce Sterling, and weekly Ansible updates from David Langford.
Infinity Plus (http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/iplus/) Archive of SFFH fiction, essays, interviews, edited and published by Keith Brooke. Updated regularly. Recent posts include an interview of Richard Bowes conducted by Jeffrey Ford, and a reprint of a Bowes story. An Adam Roberts essay on Edgar Allan Poe's "Hans Pfaall" is latest in a series of essays to introduce readers to obscure but worthwhile books. A short story by Noel K Hannan posted in April is an original, while reprinted fiction includes works by Paul Cornell, Mark Roberts, Douglas Smith, Sarah Singleton, and Charles Stross ("A Colder War").
Quantum Muse (http://www.quantummuse.com/) SF, fantasy, and alternative fiction and art, edited by Michael Gallant, Raymond M. Coulombe, and Jason Scherer. Updated monthly. July 2002 Stories are by Melanie Fletcher, Tim Kelby, Gary Allen, Emily Horner, Sara Quest, and Edward J Pahule. A comic strip by William Morton debuts, and the art gallery features work by Maria William. The editorial by Michael Gallant assesses the site's success over the past 3 years.
Sci Fiction (http://www.scifi.com/scifiction/) Fiction webzine, edited by Ellen Datlow. Updated weekly (Wednesdays). Posted 7.10/02 is original story What I Didn't See by Karen Joy Fowler, plus classic The Animal Fair by Robert Bloch. Michael Swanwick's "Periodic Table of Science Fiction" series of vignettes is up to Tellurium. (The August Locus will have reviews of the Fowler story, and stories by J.R. Dunn, Ray Vukcevich, and Dave Hutchinson scheduled to be posted later this month, by Rich Horton and Nick Gevers.)
Science Fiction Weekly (http://www.scifi.com/sfw/) News and review webzine, edited by Scott Edelman. Updated weekly (late Mondays). Issue 272, July 8, 2002 Michael Cassutt's column recalls the summer he discovered SF via Heinlein's Starship Troopers and reflects on how much sci-fi is available 30 years later. Reviews cover books by China Mieville and Douglas Adams, James Tiptree Jr.'s first "classic" novel, and Men in Black II; other features interview producer/director of TV series Dark Shadows and review figurines based on aliens from the original Outer Limits series. Highlights of the previous week's issue include an interview with Kristine Kathryn Rusch, and Wil McCarthy's Lab Notes column that considers the murky evidence for the various ESP/psi powers that so many media sci-fi productions (like Minority Report) presume to be likely true.
scifidimensions (http://www.scifidimensions.com/) Fiction, commentary, media, science and the paranormal; edited by John C. Snider. Updated monthly. July 2002 Jack McDevitt is interviewed in streaming audio, there's a review of his latest novel Chindi, and there's another review of Robert J. Sawyer's latest novel. Also, a brief chat with John Ringo about military SF, movie and theater reviews, an original story by Ralan Conley, and an essay by Emily A. Almond wondering why there aren't more portrayals of lesbians in popular culture.
SF Crowsnest.com (http://www.computercrowsnest.com/) News, interviews, fiction, and features--"Europe's most visited SF/F web site"--edited by Geoff Willmetts. Updated monthly. July 2002 July features include interviews with Robert Silverberg (sample questions: "Are you currently writing full time..?" and "Do you ever attend SF-cons?") and David Weber, an article by Ben Jeapes about publishing small press books, a look back at Futurama, and reviews of books and episodes of Enterprise.
SF Site (http://www.sfsite.com/) Reviews, interviews, feature, links; published by Rodger Turner. Updated semi-monthly. July 2002 The lead review, by William Thompson, is of China Miéville's The Scar. Other reviews, by Victoria Strauss, Steven H Silver, Lisa DuMond, Cindy Lynn Speer, Rick Norwood, Rich Horton, Alma A. Hromic, Martin Lewis, and others, cover books by Wen Spencer, Robert J. Sawyer, Maxine McArthur, Gene Wolfe & Neil Gaiman, Colin Greenland, the film Minority Report, and more.
Strange Horizons (http://www.strangehorizons.com/) Fiction, art, articles, poetry, and reviews, edited by Mary Anne Mohanraj. Updated weekly (Mondays). July posts include fiction by Timons Esaias and Erika Peterson, poetry by Robert Randolph Medcalf, Jr. and David C. Kopaska-Merkel, reviews (of Neil Gaiman, Mark McLaughlin, and Bruce Boston) by Tim Pratt and Michael Arnzen, and longish articles by Neil P. Baird (on the masculine 'other' in SF) and Rachel Manija Brown (on YA SF novels).
New Links, 12 July 2002
June E-Publications